平安夜圣诞节主持稿 圣诞活动主持稿 健:亲爱的老师同学们,我们的晚会即将开始,请把你们的手机调为震动或静音状态,谢谢 芳:现在请大家把目光投向我们的大屏幕,让我们通过一段视频来共同回忆英语协会走过的点点滴滴。大家一起倒数 10 秒。 芳: Good evening ladies and gentleman 健: Good evening my dear friends my dear audiences. 芳: Thank u for coming here tonight ,i am your host suifang 健:and I am lijian. 芳:We all know that Christmas is a very important festival in western countries. In order to let us enjoy the western culture amtermesphere thats the reason why we held this party tonight 健:圣诞节是西方国家的一个重要节