(精华版)国家开放大学电大本科高级英语(1)形考网络课网考作业及答案(第一套) (精华版)国家开放大学电大本科高级英语 (1) 形考网络课网考作业及答案(第一套) 课程葛成绩=形成性考核 X100% , 形寿任务 1 (40 分);形考任务 (30 分);形考任务 3 (30 分) 形考任务 题目 1 _ you _ the supporters club* s Internet address? 选择一项: A. Do know 题目 2 He always _ the club* s newsletter. 选择一项: B. writes 题目 3 You _ have seen her at the station - she was at home with me! 选择一项: B. couldnt 题目 4 He _ be hungry - he