超乎想象(2021)完整中英文对照剧本 谢谢你 Thank you. 我找到了一首歌amp;hearts;在过去一段时间拯救了我 I found a song that saved me through a time. 你知道音乐是怎么拯救我的吗 You know how music does that? 那段时间我正深陷于迷失和痛苦之中 I was dealing with loss, with pain, 然后我听到了这首歌amp;hearts; and I heard this song, 它叩开了我的心灵 and it blew my soul wide open. 成为了我的圣歌amp;hearts; 它拯救了我 It became my anthem. It rescued me. 后来我就一直在想 什么样的人才能写出来 And I just kept wondering, who could write this? 他们经历了什么 What did they have to go through 才能将这礼物带给我 to be able t