希区柯克(2021)完整中英文对照剧本 -幸好没烧到房amp;hearts;子 -是啊 - Its lucky it didnt reach the house. - Yeah. 艾德盖恩的农舍 威斯康辛州 1944 年 密尔沃基的那个工厂 You know, theres gonna be a lot more jobs 六月份又要招工了 at that factory in Milwaukee come June. 我可以帮你说说情 I could put in a word. 亨利 你不能离开我们 You just cant leave us, Henry. 咱们两个她都离不开 She needs us both. 你能别老像个长不大的孩子吗 Can you stop being a mommas boy for one second? 我不是故意要伤你 Im not trying to hurt you, 但是你总得独amp;hearts;立amp;hearts;生活吧 but Jesus, you got to