Lesson 71A famous clock单词学习 parliament erect accurate official Greenwich observatory check microphone towern. 议会,国会v. 建起adj. 准确的官员,行政人员n. 格林尼治n. 天文台v. 检查n. 扩音器,麦克风n. 塔 parliament 国会 the Houses of Parliament (英国的) 国会大厦 Member of Parliament 国会议员 Parliament today approved the policy, but it has not yet become law. 现在国会通过政策,但是政策还没有变成法律。 Erect v. 建造,树立,建起 此建筑是在1900年到1901年间建造的。 The building was erected in 1900-1901. 示威者在去往国会大楼的路上竖起了路障。 Demonstrators have erected barricades in roads leading to the parl