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1、201802批次网上考试大学英语(1)A 卷大学英语(1)题号 一 二 三 四 五 合计已做/题量 0 / 5 0 / 5 0 / 5 0 / 2 0 / 2 0 / 19得分/分值 0 / 10 0 / 20 0 / 20 0 / 20 0 / 30 0 / 100一 、 语法结构 (共 5 题、0 / 10 分 ) 1、For centuries, the Atlantic Ocean kept the New World from_by the people of Europe.A、being discoveredB、discoveredC、discoveringD、discover 收

2、藏该题 2、He gave up his favorite job_for his family than for money.A、moreB、allC、muchD、rather 收藏该题 3、The traveler was about to sit up_he saw a long, black snake moving slowly across his legs.A、suddenlyB、beforeC、whenD、after 收藏该题 4、When I came in, the matters_heatedly.A、had being discussedB、were being dis

3、cussingC、were discussingD、were being discussed 收藏该题 5、What_to her will probably remain a secret for ever.A、took placeB、happenedC、was taken placeD、was happened 收藏该题 二 、 句子翻译(英译汉) (共 5 题、0 / 20 分 ) 1、After all, each of us has only one childhood. So dont wait until we become adults.毕竟,我们每个人都只有一个童年。所以不要

4、等到我们长大成人. 收藏该题 2、Though the ways of playing music vary, the love of it remains the same everywhere in the world.虽然演奏音乐的方式各不相同,但世界各地的爱情却依然如此。 收藏该题 3、If youre going with us, come and meet us at eight.如果你和我们一起去,八点钟来见我们。 收藏该题 4、Doing homework while listening to music is a habit for many young students.对

5、许多年轻学生来说,听音乐做作业是一种习惯。 收藏该题 5、Now, in accordance with tradition, I declare the Winter Olympic Games open!现在,按照传统,我宣布冬季奥运会开开幕! 收藏该题 三 、 句子翻译(汉译英) (共 5 题、0 / 20 分 ) 1、这是他所写的最有趣的小说。This is the most interesting novel he has written.2、我喜欢在办公室里设百乐餐,邀请志愿者来参加,让他们感到自己是本团队中的一员。I like to set up a happy meal in

6、the office, invite volunteers to participate, and let them feel that they are part of the team.3、等到明年的这个时候,一座现代化的体育馆 (gymnasium) 将在我校建成。By this time next year, a modern gymnasium (gymnasium) will be built in our school.4、好好休息,你很快就会康复。Take a good rest and youll recover soon.5、我们替他在这个旅馆预订一个比较安静的房间吧。Le

7、ts reserve a quiet room for him at this hotel.四 、 阅读理解 (共 2 题、0 / 20 分 ) 1、A moments drilling by the dentist may make us nervous and upset. Many of us cannot stand pain. To avoid the pain of a drilling that may last perhaps a minute or two, we demand the “needle“- a shot of novocaine (奴佛卡因) that dea

8、dens the nerves around the tooth.Now its true that the human body has developed its millions of nerves to be highly aware of what goes on both inside and outside of it. This helps us adjust to the world. Without our nerves - and our brain, which is a bundle of nerves - we wouldnt know whats happenin

9、g. But we pay for our sensitivity. We can feel pain when the slightest thing is wrong with any part of our body. The history of torture is based on the human body being open to pain.But there is a way to handle pain. Look at the Indian fakir (行僧) who sits on a bed of nails. Fakirs can put a needle r

10、ight through an arm, and feel no pain. This ability that some humans have developed to handle pain should give us ideas about how the mind can deal with pain.The big thing in withstanding pain is our attitude toward it. If the dentist says, “This will hurt a little,“ it helps us to accept the pain.

11、By staying relaxed, and by treating the pain as an interesting sensation (感觉), we can handle the pain without falling apart. After all, although pain is an unpleasant sensation, it is still a sensation, and sensations are the stuff of life. 2、 The most important thing to handle pain is_.A、to show an

12、 interest in painB、to accept the pain reluctantlyC、how we look at painD、to feel pain as much as possible3、 The authors attitude towards pain is_.A、pessimisticB、practicalC、optimisticD、radical (极端的)3、 The passage is mainly about_.A、how to stop painB、how to avoid painC、how to handle painD、how to suffer

13、 pain3、 The sentence “But we pay for our sensitivity.“ in the second paragraph implies that_.A、we have to be hurt when we feel somethingB、when we feel pain, we are suffering itC、we should pay a debt for our feelingD、our pain is worth feeling4、 When the author mentions the Indian fakir, he suggests t

14、hat_.A、some people are able to handle painB、people may be senseless of painC、fakirs have magic to put needles right through their armsD、Indians are not at all afraid of pain 收藏该题 2、To open the trade sector wider, China will lower the capital demand for trading companies and offer an easier process f

15、or approval beginning September 1, said an official with the Ministry of Commerce.Registered capital for professional trading firms will be lowered from 5 million yuan (US $604,000) to 1 million yuan (US $120,800); and the amount for manufacturing companies that want to conduct foreign trade will be

16、 dropped from 3 million yuan (US $362,450) to 50,000 yuan (US $6,040). These companies only need to get approval from the provincial-level foreign trade departments or some city-level ones with special authorization from the ministry, the official, who declined to be named, said. Previously, all of

17、the foreign trading rights should be approved by the ministry.The policy change has been made in accordance with Chinas World Trade Organization commitments, the official said. China promised to grant full trading rights to all companies in three years when joining the world body in 2001.The new reg

18、ulation will boost the involvement of private companies in Chinas foreign trade, said an official with the Guangdong foreign economic and trade department. “The lower registered capital makes the trading rights available to the small private companies,“ he said. He expected a great number of private

19、 companies in Guangdong to apply for approval of their rights to conduct foreign trade.But trade experts warned the majority of private businesses are not competitive in the world market, and the proportion of their exports in Chinas total is still small. In Shanghai, 1,980 private firms had gained

20、trading rights by the end of last year, but only 578 of them actually exported to other countries, making up a mere 1.02 per cent of the citys total exports, official statistics indicated.2、 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?_A、The official mentioned in the first par

21、agraph doesnt work for Ministry of Commerce.B、The majority of private businesses in Shanghai exported their products overseas.C、More and more companies especially private ones will be encouraged to apply for approval of foreign trade rights.D、It is Chinas WTOs commitments to change policies.3、 The p

22、assage is mainly about_.A、the rapid growth of private companies in ChinaB、the present and the future of private trading companies in ChinaC、the policy of lowering the capital threshold for trade companiesD、the competitiveness of private trading companies in China3、 From the passage we can learn that

23、_.A、state-owned businesses cannot enjoy this policyB、private companies in Guangdong play a more active role in foreign trade than those in ShanghaiC、the proportion of the exports of state-owned companies in Chinas total is bigger than that of the private companiesD、the new regulation will take effec

24、t in three years3、 According to the passage, if a toy maker wants to sell his products overseas, his registered capital should be_.A、as much as 1 million yuanB、not less than 50,000 yuanC、less than 5 million yuanD、more than 3 million yuan4、 Foreign trading rights used to be granted by_. A、Ministry of

25、 CommerceB、Provincial or city foreign trade departmentC、World Trade OrganizationD、Foreign Economic Trade Department五、英语应用文(共 2 题,30 分)1 You are requiredto write a letter of enquiry according to the information given in Chinesebelow.你叫方兵,是南京师范大学应用数学系 02 级 4 班的学生,你想为班级订购自然与数学。这是美国自然科学协会出版的一本比较受欢迎的学术刊物

26、。由芝加哥一家邮局代办邮订,地址:Fifth Avenue Post, 231 Fifth Avenue, Chicago。你去信询问有关情况。在信中你:1) 对这本杂志感兴趣,想订购2) 想先订半年,希望告知如何办理,能否用人民币代替美元3) 订两年以上是否给予优惠4) 国外邮资已包括在订购的价格中还是额外的(应用数学: applied mathematics;订购(阅):subscribe / subscription;国外邮资: oversea postage;给予优惠:to offer a discount)Dear Sir, 参考答案:2 Suppose you willgradua

27、te soon and you are going to apply for a job. Now fill in the applicationform with necessary information. You can use of the hints given in Chinese. 提示:1. 申请人:陈晨,男, 1982 年 8 月 2 日生于上海,上海工商外国语学院商务系学生。2. 1997 年 7 月 2000 年 6 月在上海七宝中学读书,2000 年 9 月至今在上海工商外国语学院读书,获大学英语六级证书。3. 2003 年 1 月 3 月在 ABC 进出口公司做兼职秘

28、书,欲觅外资企业秘书工作。4. 联系地址:上海市松江路 4 号电话:680274505. 证明人:张华先生 上海工商外国语学院商务系主任Henry Smith 先生 ABC 进出口公司经理 参考答案:After I graduated from the university, I go to a new city to start my new job.But if I can make a choice, I hope I can to work in a big city.Here are some of my reasons.1. applicant: Chen Chen, male,

29、born in August 2, 1982 in Shanghai, Department of business, Shanghai Institute of Commerce and foreign languages.2. From July 1997 to June 2000, I studied at Qibao Middle School in Shanghai, and from September 2000 to the present, I have received a CET-6 certificate from Shanghai Institute of Busine

30、ss and Foreign Languages.3.2003 years from January to March, he worked as a part-time secretary in ABC import and export company.4. contact address: No. 4, Songjiang Road, ShanghaiTelephone: 680274505. witness: Mr. Zhang Hua, director, Department of Commerce, Shanghai Institute of Commerce and foreign languages.Mr. Henry Smith, manager of ABC import and Export Corporation

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