本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑关于100字的英语故事阅读 英语小故事听 幼儿英语故事对激发幼儿学习英语爱好,培育幼儿的听、说及交际等诸方面的力量有着不行或缺的作用。我共享关于100字的英语故事,盼望可以关心大家! 关于100字的英语故事:时间很重要 Time is important. Everyone has 24 hours in a day. There are 365 days in a year. Once a day runs out in our life, it will never come back again. If we love our lives, we shouldnt waste time. We must control time. The best way to use time is to plan it well. When making the study plan, we should remember two things. First, be realistic. Don