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1、华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划18工业设计专业本科培养计划(艺术类)Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Industrial Design一、培养目标. Educational Objectives 培养适应 21 世纪社会主义现代化建设需要的德、智、体全面发展的高素质的设计人才。主要从事工业产品设计、视觉艺术传达 设计和环境艺术设计。This program is designed to nurture talents in design of industrial products, visual images and environmental

2、 art.二、基本规格要求.Skills Profile毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1. 具有较扎实的自然科学和 艺术学科的基本知识,具有较好的人文社会科学、市场经济、管理、环保等基础知识,具有正确的运用本国 语言、文字的表达能力;2. 较 系 统地掌握本 专业必需的设计理念、设计方法等知识和视觉艺术传达知识;3. 具有较强的表 现技能、动手能力、美学 鉴赏与创造能力及 计算机应用能力;4. 熟悉本专业领 域内的专业方向,了解其学科前沿及发展趋势;5. 具有较强的自学能力和 创新意思,具有初步的科学研究、科技开发及组织管理能力。Students of this program will

3、 acquire:1. Solid grounding in both natural sciences and humanities Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province2CET-6 2TOEFL 90 Points or Higher 3IELTS 6.5 Points or Higher 3GRE 1350 Points or Higher 3National C

4、omputer RankExamination Win certificate of Band-2 or higher 2Win certificate of programmer 2Win certificate of Advanced Programmer 32Examinations in English and ComputerNational Computer Software Qualification Win certificate of System Analyst 4Win first prize 1.5Win second prize 1University LevelWi

5、n third prize 0.5Win first prize 2Win second prize 1.5Provincial LevelWin third prize 1Win first prize 3Win second prize 23 CompetitionsNational LevelWin third prize 1.54 Thesis Those whose thesis appears in national publications Per piece 235 Scientific ResearchDepending on both the time spent in a

6、nd ability demonstrated in scientific research project Each item 136 Experiments Depending on innovative extent Each item 13Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the

7、 second prize and the third prize of university level.七、主要课程. Main Courses美术 Art、设计初步 Decoration of design、机械设计基础 The Fundamental of Machine Design、人机工程学 Human Factors Engineering、产品设计方法与程序 Program & method of products design、快题设计 Rapid Project Design、产品设计 Product Design、展示设计 Exhibition Design、室内 设计

8、 Interior Design、视觉传 达基础 The Fundamental of Visual Expression。八、主要实践教学环节(含专业实验) Main internship and practical training(including experiments)专业社会实践 Professional Social Practice、写生 实习 Sketch Practice、生 产实习 Engineering Internship、人机工学实验 Exp. of Human Factors Engineering、模型 实验 Exp. of Modeling、毕业设计(论文)

9、Undergraduate Thesis华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划22九、教学进程计划表. Table of Teaching Schedule院(系):机械科学与工程学院 专业:工业设计(艺术类)School (Department):School of Mechanical Science & Engineering Specialty:Industrial Design其中Including各学期学时Hour Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course

10、Name课程类别CourseClassi-fied课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0301901思想道德修养与法律基础Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law 48/3 12 36必 修Required 0100721中国近现代史纲要Survey of Modern Chinese History 32/2 8 24必 修Required 0100881马克思主义基本原理Basic Theory of Marxism 48/3 12 36必 修R

11、equired 0100931思政课社会实践Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theories Course32/2 28 4必 修Required 0100321毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论General Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics64/4 64必 修Required 0100741形势与政策Current Affairs and Policy 32/2 14 3 3 3 3 3 3必

12、 修Required 0510071中国语文Chinese 32/2 10 22必 修Required 0512351基础英语(一)Fundamental English () 64/4 64必 修Required 0512361基础英语(二)Fundamental English () 64/4 64选 修Elective 0512371基础英语(三)Fundamental English () 32/2 32选 修Elective 0512381基础英语(四)Fundamental English () 32/2 32必 修Required 0400111大学体育(一)Physical E

13、ducation() 32/1 32必 修Required 0400121大学体育(二)Physical Education() 32/1 32必 修Required 0400131大学体育(三)Physical Education() 32/1 32必 修Required 0400141大学体育(四)Physical Education() 32/1 32通识教育基础课程 GeneralEducationCourses必 修Required 1200011军事理论Military Theory 16/1 16华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划23续表其中Including各学期学时Hour D

14、istributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name课程类别CourseClassi-fied课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0800171大学计算机基础Fundamentals of computer technology 32/2 12 32必 修Required 0810041多媒体技术与应用Multi-Media Technology & App

15、lication 40/2.5 16 40自然科学类选修课程Electives in Natural Science 96/6人文社科类选修课程Electives in Humanities and Social Science 64/4学科基础课程Basic Courses of Disciplines 1168/73必 修Required 0501141设计概论Instruction to Design 24/1.5 24必 修Required 0815284设计素描(一)Design Sketch() 48/3 48必 修Required 0815295设计素描(二)Design Ske

16、tch() 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0833552设计基础(一)Foundation of Design() 64/4 64必 修Required 0833561设计基础(二)Foundation of Design() 64/4 64必 修Required 0815313设计色彩(一)Design Painting( ) 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0815323设计色彩(二)Design Painting( ) 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0833571设计速写Quick Sketch of Design 40/2.5 40必 修Require

17、d 0801663工程制图(一)Engineering Graphics () 40/2.5 8 40必 修Required 0511911设计初步(一)Basic of Design() 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0511921设计初步(二)Basic of Design() 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0803333阴影与透视(一)Perspective and Shadow() 48/3 4 48必 修Required 0501151表现技法Visualization Skills 56/3.5 56学科基础课程BasicCoursesofDisciplin

18、es必 修Required 0840242产品形态设计Product form Design 56/3.5 8 48华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划24续表其中Including各学期学时Hour Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name课程类别CourseClassi-fied课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0501201工业设计简史Br

19、ief History of ID 32/2 32必 修Required 0833591计算机辅助工业设计(一)CAD() 24/1.5 8 24必 修Required 0501192模型Product Modeling 40/2.5 20 40必 修Required 0502121人机工程学Human Factors Engineering 48/3 4 8 44必 修Required 0833601设计技术基础Introduction to Technology of Design 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0801102计算机辅助工业设计(二)CAD() 40/2.5 1

20、6 40必 修Required 0507222视觉传达基础The Fundamental of Visual Expression 56/3.5 8 48必 修Required 0507252室内设计(一)Interior Design() 56/3.5 8 48必 修Required 0507241快题设计(一)Rapid Project design() 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0821291造型材料与工艺Material Technology for Form 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0819871交互设计Interaction Design 24/1

21、.5 24学科基础课程BasicCoursesofDisciplines必 修Required 0501265广告设计Advertising Design 56/3.5 8 48专 业 核 心 课 程 Specialized Courses 112/7必 修Required 0501247产品设计(一)Product Design() 56/3.5 8 48专 业 核 心课程 SpecializedCourses必 修Required 0507232展示设计(一)Exhibition Design I 56/3.5 8 48专业方向选修课程(基础+课程组 A 或基础+课程组 B)Restric

22、ted Electives in the Specialty424/26.5专业方向选修课程(基础)Restricted Electives in the Specialty 256/16选 修Elective 0501321雕塑与陶艺Sculpture 40/2.5 40选 修Elective 0819831建筑与室内设计史论(一)History of Architecture & Interior Design()32/2 32华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划25续表其中Including各学期学时Hour Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi

23、-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name课程类别CourseClassi-fied课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th选 修Elective 1100461市场学基础The Foundation of Marketing 32/2 32选 修Elective 0500541摄影Photographing 40/2.5 40选 修Elective 0500023专业英语Professional English 32/2 32选 修Elective 0

24、512391网络艺术设计Web Arts Design 56/3.5 8 12 48选 修Elective 0510731快题设计(二)Rapid Project design() 40/2.5 40选 修Elective 0801106计算机辅助工业设计(三)CAD() 32/2 12 32选 修Elective 0501283包装设计Packaging Design 56/3.5 8 48选 修Elective 0501361工业设计管理Management of Industrial Design 24/1.5 24选 修Elective 0506091创新设计Innovation De

25、sign 32/2 32选 修Elective 0501301中外美术欣赏Appreciation of Chinese and Foreign Arts 32/2 32选 修Elective 0511942专题设计Design with Subjects 56/3.5 8 48选 修Elective 0512401设计创意与知识产权战略Design innovation and intellectual property strategy24/1.5 24选 修Elective 0512411信息建构Information Architecture 32/2 32选 修Elective 05

26、12421用户研究user research 24/1.5 24专业方向选修课程组 ARestricted Electives in the Specialty A168/10.5选 修Elective 0501249产品设计(二)Product Design() 56/3.5 8 8 48选 修Elective 0501244产品设计(三)Product Design() 56/3.5 8 48选 修Elective 0511952产品开发设计Product Innovation Design 56/3.5 8 48专业课程专业方向Specialty-OrientedCourses选 修El

27、ective 0512431策略性设计strategic design 56/3.5 8 48华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划26续表其中Including各学期学时Hour Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name课程类别CourseClassi-fied课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th专业方向选修课程组 BRestricted Electives in the

28、 Specialty B168/10.5选 修Elective 0501373景观设计Urban Landscape Design 56/3.5 8 48选 修Elective 0507272室内设计(二)Interior Design() 56/3.5 8 48选 修Elective 0507262展示设计(二)Exhibition Design() 56/3.5 8 48选 修Elective 0511972展示设计(三)Exhibition Design() 56/3.5 12 44必 修Required 1300012军事训练Military Training 2w/2 2w必 修Re

29、quired 1300021公益劳动Labouring for Public Benefit 1w/1 1w必 修Required 1300072金工实习Industrial Practice 2w/2 2w 2w必 修Required 1300481专业社会实践Professional Social Practice 1w/1 1w 1w必 修Required 1300084生产实习Engineering Internship 4w/4 4w 4w必 修Required 1300424课程设计Course Project 8w/8 4w 4w必 修Required 1300522写生实习Sk

30、etch Practice 2w/2 2w实践环节InternshipandPracticalTraining必 修Required 1300044毕业设计(论文)Undergraduate Thesis 14w/1414w华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划27工业设计第二主修专业培养计划Undergraduate Program for the Second Specialty in Industrial Design一、培养目标Educational Objectives培养适应 21 世纪社会主义现代化建设需要的德、智、体全面发展的高素质的设计人才。主要从事工业产品设计、视觉艺术传达 设计

31、和环境艺术设计。This program is designed to nurture talents in design of industrial products, visual images and environmental arts.二、学位Degree Conferred工学学士Bachelor of Engineering三、学分Credits完成学业最低学分要求:50Minimum Course Credits:50其中:Including:学科大类基础课程: 12 学分Basic Courses in General Discipline:12学科专业基础课程:9 学分Ba

32、sic Courses in Discipline:9专业核心课程:10.5 学分Specialty-Oriented Courses:10.5专业方向课程: 7 学分Specialty-Oriented Courses:7实践环节(含毕业设计):11 学分Undergraduate Thesis:11四、教学进程计划表. Table of Teaching Schedule其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0501201工业设计简史Brief History of ID 24/1.5 24必 修Required 0501152表现技法Visualization Skills 56/3.5 56

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