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1、12018 高一期末复习限时练习一1. The Belt and Road Initiative may become Chinas most significant to the Middle East peace process.A. conclusion B. contribution C. comprehension D. civilization2. The volcano erupted for the next two days. Many people were buried alive, was the city.A. so B. and as C. such D. and

2、so3. It is important to to teenagers the simple fact that life is a journey full of flowers and jungles.A. get across B. get down C. get over D. get through4. Johnnys uncle promises that the boy get a nice present for his birthday.A. should B. must C. can D. shall5. He was of running the red light w

3、hen crossing the road, but he argued with the police.A. cheated B. charged C. accused D. ashamed6. When I get the English novel my parents promised to give me, the difficulty I have is _ Im going to read the book without a dictionary.A. how B. what C. when D. that7. The bike-sharing schemes are aime

4、d to citizens to choose a healthy and green approach to solving the lack of public transportation.A. attempt to B. attach to C. appeal to D. add to 8. pleasant smells do not reduce pain in men is a puzzle for scientists.A. Whether B. What C. That D. Why9. So long as you do what you can, no one will

5、blame you you might fail in the future.A. as though B. even if C. in case D. now that10. The thousand-year-old temples have survived modernization and centuries of wind and rain, and the original buildings now.A. remain B. are remained C. are remaining D. have been remained 11. If we can convince yo

6、ung people not to start to smoke, they may that everyone around them give up smoking too.A. persuade B. urge C. ban D. educate12. One study shows while our sense of sight is used too much, our senses of touch and smell have been ignored.A. whether B. what C. if D. that13. Recently, we have experienc

7、ed problems about the school computers, such as slow speed of the Internet.A. constant B. commercial C. contrary D. chief14. By the 10 century, Old English the official language of English.A. has become B. became C. had become D. would become15. The volunteers kept their hands in hot water they coul

8、d no longer tolerate the pain.A. unless B. until C. when D. after16. Generally speaking, the cost of renting a house near a key school in Taizhou is much higher than _ in any other place of the city.A. one B. it C. that D. the one17. _ headaches, he showed no signs of lasting brain damage.A. Rather

9、than B. Next to C. In addition D. Aside from18. With music on and the audience seated, the little girl stepped onto the stage, _.A. scared and exciting B. scared and excited C. scaring and excitedly D. scaring and exciting19. Mr. Johnson, our teacher and friend, _invited to attend the meeting, _he w

10、ould deliver a speech to the students.A. was; which B. were; that C. were; where D. was; where20. Now that you like the car so much, why not buy one? Well, I cant afford _ expensive a car.A. that B. such C. very D. much21. Doctor Smith, who _in Shanghai for more than ten years, is considering workin

11、g in Taizhou, but he hasnt decided yet.2A. had worked B. has been working C. is working D. works22. _ a great may people like the convenience of using WeChat to communicate with each other, too many junk message on it may make them bored.A. While B. When C. As D. Since23. Jack, what about going to P

12、aris for our coming holidays?Sorry, honey, I _ on the newly discovered dinosaur site in Argentina. There are remains of _is thought to be the largest creature ever to walk on the earth.A. will be working; that B. worked; whatC. will be working; what D. worked; that24. The little boy was so afraid th

13、at we had to _his doubts before he told the truth.A. review B. remove C. recover D. replace25. what a pity? He has missed such a good chance.Yes, he _that job the boss offered to him.A. couldnt have refused B. mustnt have refusedC. shouldnt have refused D. wouldnt have refused26. As Theresa May says

14、, we shouldnt turn a blind eye or cold heart to people around the world, _are helpless and crying out for help.A. where B. as C. which D. who27. I have read the noel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, but I prefer the film _.A. origin B. routine C. version D. comment28. Success seems to be largely

15、a matter of _after others have let go.A. working out B. falling out C. looking back D. hanging on29. The little girl was fortunate because she _escaped being run over by a car.A. nearly B. slightly C. narrowly D. roughly30. If his wife doesnt want to buy the car, _.A. neither will Mr. Smith B. Mr. S

16、mith doesnt tooC. nor wont Mr. Smith D. nor does Mr. Smith31. In order for our goals _in the near future, every one of us should do our bit.A. to achiever B. to be achieved C. being achieved D. achieved32. This is the second time that you _with your classmates. Its high time that you _ yourself.A. f

17、ought; behaved B. have fought; behavedC. have fought; have behaved D. fought; have behaved33. When the news came _the Second World War broke out, he decided to serve in the army.A. since B. which C. that D. because34. When you are faced with challenges, try not to let discouraging thoughts _. Be con

18、fident and trust yourself, and youll make it.A. take on B. take up C. take in D. take over35. Oh, this is so annoying. Where in the world did I put my keys?You never _.A. learn your lesson B. bite your tongue C. eat your words D. cross your fingers36. Before making my decision, your family to find o

19、ut which activities are the most important to you.A.content B.concern C.consult D.combine37.As computers are more and more important nowadays, handwritten letters are gradually _ the way of B.making way for C.showing way for D.taking the way of38.Students are advised to keep the list of

20、books near the desk for easy .A.reference B.preference C.purpose D.function39.Whenever I an interesting article online,I will share it with friends on WeChat.A.figure out B.put forward C.get across D.come across40. King Henry set a standard for people were to speak English,but today can make a decis

21、ion like that is anyones guess!A.why; what; who C.what; which; what32018 高一期末复习限时练习二1.Mr.Li gave us a lecture the other day, of which most _on how the ancient city was discovered.A.was B.were C.had been D.have been2.Just be patient. You count on your English improving significantly in ju

22、st two weeks.A.mustnt B.neednt C.cant D.wont3.Not only his students to know more about modern science,but hard to develop a curiosity about nature among them.A.he wants; also he tries B.does he want; he also triesC.wants he; he also tries D.does he want; does he try4.Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin to

23、 hold extensive talks on Sunday,and they will discuss coordination between the Belt and Road Initiative and Eurasian Economic Union.A.are expected B.would expect C.have expected D.will expect5.Why not try that? Do you think I can beat Mike?A. Are you joking? B. Whats up? C. Its hard to say. D. Dont

24、mention it.6.The Belt and Road is a new force of promoting the development of the world economy, that will further push Chinas opening-up.A.the one C.ones D.the ones7.Alice,have you accepted the job in that company?Oh,yes.Its quite near and the good pay makes their offer even more to me.A.atta

25、ched B.amazing C.appealing D.associated8.Sorry,I am late.My watch is slow! Thats all right.But dont forget to your watch.A.put away B.put forward C.put back D.put off9.Instead of making many excuses you cant reach your goal,just hold to your dream and never give up.A.that B.which C.where D.why10.The

26、 of an area of land is a line in peoples imagination that separates it from other areas.A.boundary B.hurdle C.ceiling D.neighborhood11. piracy,it is necessary that effective measures should be taken right away to stop it.A.Due to B.As to C.Thanks to D.Next to12.A ship in harbor is safe,but thats not

27、 ships are built for.A.which B.where C.what D.why13.Seven days after the terrible earthquake,hopes began to that any of the people still missing might be found alive.A.flash B.fade C.float D.flee14.There is no doubt that Taiwan as well as the mainland one ChinaA.are belonged to B.belongs to C.belong

28、 to belonged to15.Take a taxi, you wont get the airport in time. OK,I will.See you!A.instead B.thus C.otherwise D.meanwhile16.While we are very interested in Realcine,we will still need much more information we can make a decision to use it.A.if B.when D.before17.Phew!Have you been smoking

29、 again?Your breath smells terrible.Well,I a cigarette in the car on the way home.A.had had B.had having D.will have18.Wayne Rooney,a famous football player,regretted being too careless to score the goal, that the same mistake would not be repeated.A.determining B.having determined determin

30、e D.determined19.Johnson is waiting to see you outside. he come in?Of course,please.And Id rather he told me his funny story.A.Shall B.Will C.May D.Should20.Liz,the Indian movie Lets Wrestle,Dad is on tonight!Go to see it with me,OK? ?We need relaxation after working for so many days without any res

31、t.A.Why me B.Why not C.What if D.So what21. _ himself with routine tasks, he had no time to accompany his children.4A.Occupied B.Occupying C.Being occupied D.To be occupied22. -Where did you get to know her?-It was on the farm _ we both once worked in the 1970s.A. that B. which C. when D. where 23.

32、Most restaurants and cafes have _ small no-smoking areas but wont enforce the law A. set aside B. set out C. set off D .set down 24. I had wanted to help you last night but I couldnt spare any time, for I _ a report which I have to hand in this morning. A. wrote B. was writing C. had written D. have

33、 written25. Where is Tom? He is nowhere to be found. Im not sure, but he _ have gone to meet Lucy, because Lucy called him earlier.A. must B. should C. might D. can26. _the sports meeting will be held has not been decided yet.A. When B. If C. Whenever D. That27. - What does the model plane look like

34、?- Well, the wings of the plane are _ its body.A. twice as longer as B. twice longer the length ofC. more than twice the length of D. twice than the length of28. The average Swiss live to 83, and there is evidence _ it is their behavior, not anything else, _ allows them to live longer.A. that; that

35、B. that; which C. that; that D. whether; which29. While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded _ the nurse Florence Nightingale.A. in memory of B. in place of C. in search of D. in charge of 30. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt of much help when it

36、_ shopping and eating.A. refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes to31. Ordinary woman though she is, she had won the award because she tries every means to make people _ of the importance of the environment protection.A. available B. careful C. absent D. aware32. Personally I think the _ Andre

37、w drew from his simple experiment is not scientific.A. conclusion B. decision C. information D. invention.33. It is estimated that the number of the candidates, applying for the position as a civil servant, _ already well over 3,000. A. are B. is C. will be D. were 34. Tom, you are caught late again

38、. Oh, _.A. not at all B. just my luck C. never mind D. thats all right35. To be a promising student is not an easy job .It takes time .I cant agree more . _. There is no short cut .A. All roads lead to Rome . B. Slow but sure wins the race .C. Practice makes perfect . D. Rome is not built in a day .

39、36. All through history, big changes have taken place in _ English language, especially when Henry IV became _ King of England.A. the; the B. the; 不填 C. 不填; the D. an; 不填37. _ Smith, John also went to visit Beijing with me.来源:Zxxk.Com Did you see all the attractions?Most of them_ a few that are too

40、far away.A. Besides; besides B. Except; besides C. Except; except D. Besides; except38. All the electric equipment _ will be fixed in the office _ great importance to us.A. that; are of B. what; is of C. that; is of D. what; are of39. Jack _ from his seat and _ his voice, looking excited.A. rose; ra

41、ised B. raised; raised C. rose; rose D. raised; rose40. is no doubt Tu Yoyo,the 2015 Nobel Prize winner in Medicine,ever did so much on her way to success. A. It;whether B. There;that C. There;whether D. There;if52018 高一期末复习限时练习三1. He is one of my students and always come to see me whenever . A. he

42、is convenient B. he will be convenientC. it is convenient to him D. it will be convenient to him2. Pointing to the house on roof grew lots of bush,the old man told me that was I would stay. A. whose;where B. whose;what C. its;what D. its;where3. The local government expressed their thanks for the ai

43、d they _ these daysA. had received B. are receiving C. have received D. would receive4. He must have worked very hard, _? Otherwise, he wouldnt have made huge achievements.I cant agree more. He is always hardworking.A. didnt he B. mustnt he C. neednt he D. hasnt he5. Tom, what a pity. I almost succeeded yesterday. I told you to be careful before. _A. One false step will make a great difference. B. Where theres life, theres hope.C. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. D. One tree does not make a forest.6. The t

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