Rubblization by Resonant BreakerRubblization by Resonant Breaker共振碎石化共振碎石化What is Rubblization What is Rubblization ?何谓碎裂技术?何谓碎裂技术? Process of fracturing PCC pavement into Angular Interlocked pieces. Highway pieces shall be from sand size on top up to 8 inches (20 cm) on the bottom. Airport sizes shall be up to 1.25 times the thickness of the slab. The steel shall be debonded from all the pieces of broken pavement. 碎裂技术是指将旧的水泥混凝土路面一次碎化为紧密嵌锁的砾石;其中公路的砾石尺寸从顶部的沙粒大小至底部的8英寸(20厘米)砾径;机场的尺寸则高至路面厚度的1.25倍;