1、An Advanced Course in Interpretation高级口译教程(Unit 5)Mouth Warm-up:What is Success ?Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting What is success? Success is completion of a task. Success is attainment of an aim. Success is satisfaction of a desire. Success is realization of a worthy ideal. Success is achieve
2、ment of ones true self. Success is fulfillment of ones potentiality. Success is a favorable result of ones action. Success is acquisition of 3 Ps, i.e., prosperity, position and popularity.Warm-up Activity: Reading and RecitingQuotations from celebrities 成功需要做到:努力、努力、再努力。 哈丁 Success is won by three
3、things: first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort. Harding 我成功,因为我志在成功,从不犹豫。 拿破仑 I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated. Napoleon Bonaparte 意志、工作、等待,是成功金字塔的基石。 巴斯德 Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success. Louis PasteurWarm-up Activity: Reading an
4、d RecitingQuotations from celebrities 成功需要做到:努力、努力、再努力。 哈丁 Success is won by three things: first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort. Harding 我成功,因为我志在成功,从不犹豫。 拿破仑 I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated. Napoleon Bonaparte 意志、工作、等待,是成功金字塔的基石。 巴斯德 Will, work and wait ar
5、e the pyramidal cornerstones for success. Louis PasteurWarm-up Activity: Reading and RecitingQuotations from celebrities 如果 A等于成功,那么成功的公式是 A = X + Y + Z 。 X是工作, Y是娱乐, Z是少说空话。 爱因斯坦If A equals success, then the formula is A = X + Y + Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keeping your mouth shut. Albert Einste
6、in 成功的首要秘诀是自信。 爱默生Self-trust is the first secret of success. Ralph Waldo Emerson 不停地向一个目标前进,这就是成功的秘诀。 巴甫洛夫To follow one aim without halt: that is the secret of success. PavlovaSome up-to-date expressions (24)人口老龄化问题the problem of population aging鼓励兼并 ,规范破产encourage mergers and standardize bankruptcy
7、 procedures刺激内需stimulate domestic demand支柱 (新兴、高技术 )产业pillar (rising, high-tech) industries薄利 (厚利 )narrow (substantial) profit margin名牌 (拳头、创汇 )产品famous-brand (competitive, foreign exchange earning) productsSome up-to-date expressions (25)期货市场(交易)futures market (transactions)牛市(熊市)a bull (bear) mark
8、et商标(无形资产)trademark (invisible asset)非法传销illegal pyramid selling倒爷(中介人)a profiteer / a speculator (an intermediary)展销会the exhibition and fairSome up-to-date expressions (26) 健美运动body-building (fitness) exercise 大龄青年unmarried youth above the normal age for marriage 安乐死euthanasia (mercy-killing) 常住户口r
9、egistered permanent residence 无人售票公共汽车a self-service bus 艾滋病毒携带者a HIV carrierHIV: Human Immunity-deficiency Virus 艾滋病病人an AIDS patientAIDS: Acquired Immunity Deficiency SyndromeSome up-to-date expressions (27) 无土栽培soiless cultivation 全球变暖the global warming 温室效应the greenhouse effect 臭氧层the ozone layer 战略伙伴关系strategic partnership 睦邻友好关系Good-neighborly relations 公共绿地public green space (area) 珍稀濒危物种rare and endangered species 知识产权intellectual property rights 南京大屠杀The Nanjing Massacre 双重标准dual criteria (double standard) 三通direct links of mail, air and shipping service and trade
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