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1、1The Sad Young Men 习题答案/answer .1.The younger generation of the 1920s were thought to be wild because 1hey visited speakeasies, denouced Puritan morality, etc. (See para. 1).2. “Yes“ and “no Yes“ because the business of growing up is always accompanied by a Younger Generation Problem, “no“ because a

2、ll their actions can now be seen in perspective as being something considerably less sensational than the degeneration of jazz mad youth.3. Yes. Youth was faced with the challenge of changing the standards of social behavior, of rejecting Victorian gentility. But in America the young people tried to

3、 escape their responsibilities and retreat behind and air of naughty alco-holic sophistication and a pose of Bohemian immorality.4. The revolt was logical and inevitable because of the conditions in the age. First of all, the rebellion affected the entire Western world. Second, people in the United

4、States realized their country was no longer isolated in either politics or tradition and that they could no longer take refuge in isolationism.5. All the activities mentioned above were means to help the young people to escape their more serious responsibilities of changing society and most young pe

5、ople went in for these activities. It became a general pattern of behavior. 6. The war whipped up their energies but destroyed their naivette. It made them cynical. They could not fit themselves into postwar society so they rebelled and tried to overthrow completely the gentel standards of behavior.

6、7. Intellectuals and non-intellectuals began to imitate the pattern of life set by those living in Greenwich Village. These people lived a Bohemian and eccentric life. They defied the law and flouted all social conventions. They attacked the war, Babbittry, and “Puritanical“ gentility.8. These young

7、 intellectuals wanted America to become more sensitive to art and culture, less avid for material gain, and less susceptible to standardization.9. They emigrated to Europe because there “they do things better“ than in the United States where people only care for money and wealth. Only in Europe will

8、 they be able to find remedy for their sensitive minds.10. They were called the “lost generation“ by Gertrude Stein because they were troubled and worried and had emigrated to Europe. But they were never really lost for they finally returned to America and produced the liveliest, freshest, most stim

9、ulating works in Americas literay experience. .1. The structural organization of this essay is clear and simple. The essay divides logically into paragraphs with particular functions: to introduce the subject (introduction) in paragraph 1, to support and develop the thesis (the body or the middle) i

10、n paragraphs 2 through 9, to bring the discussion to an end (conclusion)in 2paragraphs 10 and 11. 2. Horton and Edwards state their thesis in the last paragraph of the essay: “The intellectuals of the Twenties, the “sad young men“, as F. Scott Fitzgerald called them, cursed their luck but didnt die;

11、 escaped but voluntarily returned; flayed the Babbits but loved their country, and in so doing gave the nation the liveliest, freshest, most stimulating writing in its literary experience. “ 3. They support their thesis by providing historical material concerning the revolt of the younger generation

12、 of the twenties in a series of paragraphs and paragraph units between the introduction and conclusion. 4. Yes. Each paragraph or paragaph unit develops a new but related aspect of the thought stated in the thesis. Frequently the first sentence of these middle paragraphs states clearly the main idea

13、 of the material that follows and indi- cates a new but related stage of the developing thought. For example : The rejection of Victorian gentility was, in any case, inevitable. (paragraph 3). The rebellion started with World War I . (paragraph 5) Greenwich Village set the pattern. (paragraph 7) Mea

14、nwhile the true intellectuals were far from flattered. (parageraph 9).5. The two paragraphs form a single unit. The writers begin .with a clearly stated main idea - Greenwich Village set the pattern and use paragraph 1 to explain Green- wich Village to the reader, following in paragraph2 with sup-po

15、rting material showing how the rest of the country imitated life in the “Village“. 6.Student s choice.7.Students choice.1.At the very mention of this post-war period, middle-aged people begin to think about it longingly.2.In any case, an American could not avoid casting aside its middle-class respec

16、tability and affected refinement.3.The war only helped to speed up the breakdown of the Victorian social structure.4.In America at least, the young people were strongly inclined to shirk their responsibilities. They pretended to be worldly-wise, drinking and behaving naughtily.5.The young people fou

17、nd greater pleasure in their drinking because Prohibition, by making drinking unlawful added a sense of adventure.6.Our young men joined the armies of foreign countries to fight in the war.7.The young people wanted to take part in the glorious ad-venture before the whole war ended.8.These young peop

18、le could no longer adapt themselves to lives in their home towns or their families. 9. The returning veteran also had to face Prohibition which the lawmakers hypocritically assumed would do good to the people. 10. (Under all this force and pressure) something in the youth of America, who were alread

19、y very tense, had to break down.11. It was only natural that hopeful young Writers whose minds and writings were 3filled with violent anger against war, Babbitry, and “Puritanical“ gentility, should come in great numbers to live in Greenwich Village, the traditional artistic centre. 12. Each town wa

20、s proud that it had a group of wild, reckless people, who lived unconventional lives. . See the translation of the text.1. flapper: (Americanism) (in the 1920s) a young woman considered bold and unconventional in action and dress2. provincial: narrow, limited like that of rural provinces3. code: any

21、 set of principles or rules of conduct; a moral code 4. Prohibition: the forbidding by law of the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes specifically in the U. S., the period (1920-1933) of prohibition by Federal law 5. agent : an active force or substance p

22、roducing an effect , e.g. , a chemical agent 6. orgy: any wild, riotous, licentious merrymaking; debauchery7. Greenwich Village : section of New York City, on the lower west side of Manhattan: noted as a center for artists, writers, etc.8. draft : the choosing or taking of an individual or individua

23、ls from a group for some special purpose, especially for compulsory military service9. distinction: the quality that makes one seem superior or worthy of special recognition10. action: military combat in general11. whip up: rouse; excite12. give: bend, sink, move, break down, yield, etc. from force

24、or pressure13burden:repeated,central idea;theme14keep up with the Joneses:strive to get all the material things ones neighbors or associates have15write off :drop from consideration1speakeasy :a place where alcoholic drinks are sold illegally,espsuch a place in the US during Prohibition 2sheik:a mas

25、terful man to Whom women are supposed to be irresistably attracted3drugstore cowboy:A western movie extra who loafs infront of drugstores between pictures4soap opera:a daytime radio or television serial drama of a highly melodramatic,sentimental natureIt has been so called since many original sponso

26、rs were soap companies5Babbittry:(after George Babbit,title character of a satirical novel(1 922)by 4Sinclair Iewis)a smugly conventional person interested chiefly in business and social success and indifferent to cultural values:Philistine6fast:(adjectlve)living in a reckless,wild,dissipated way 7b

27、oobery:same as Babbittry,smug,self satisfied,conformist in cultural matters1.flourish 意为向很理想的状况发展或正处于该状况,即发展的鼎盛时期。boom 意为突然迅速地蓬勃发展。aggressiveness 在这里指大胆积极的开拓进取。aggression 指无故地攻击别人或喜欢争吵。2.obsolete 指废旧的,不再时兴,不再使用的。obsolescent 指向废旧转变的,过渡的。3.warfare 泛指打仗或武装冲突。war 一方面使用范围较广,可指任何敌对的争斗,如 the war against di

28、sease,另一方面可用于具体的、个别的作战,如 he fought in this war(不能用 warfare)。4.preparedness 指有所准备的状态,而 preparations 则指作准备的行动或过程。5r 三 cession 和 depression 同为婉转语,指资本主义国家经常出现的经济危机。recession 比 depression 委婉些,而 depression 又比 crisis 委婉些。6naive 指真正的单纯或没有人为的痕迹,但有时又含有愚蠢、缺乏社会知识的意思。innocent 指无罪,不会耍花样,或不做、不想不道德的事。7ignore 意为故意视而

29、不见,有时表现为拒不接受事实。disregard 意为不注意或疏忽,常常是有意的。8migrate 意为从一地区、一国家迁移到另一地区、另一国家。指人时,意为迁往外地定居,指动物时,意为出于气候原因 和食物供给等进行季节性迁移。emigrate 和 immigrate 仅用 于人,emigrate 具体指人离开一个国家到另一个国家定居。1We have become a world power so we can no longer in our action just follow the principles of right and wrong as accepted in out ow

30、n country。nor can we remain isolated geographically protected by the Atlantic and Pacific oceansIn other wordst he United States can no longer pursue a policy of isolationism2The war only helped to speed up the breakdown of the Victorian social structure3The Great Economic Depression which started i

31、n the United States in 1 929 brought the young escapists back to their senses and stopped the wild,riotous lives they were living4These young people could no longer adapt themselves to lives in their home towns or their families51t was only natural that hopeful young writers whose minds and writings

32、 were filled with violent anger against warBabbittry and “Puritanical” gentility,should come in great numbers to live in Greenwich Village,t he traditional artistic centre6Many other young people began to intensify and spread this revolt of the young 5by their own misdeedsbreaking the law and living

33、 unconventional lives. The young intellectuals living in Greenwich Village helped to keep the revolt alive and to spread it throughout the country.7. These young brothers and sisters did not take part in the war, so they had no feeling of real disillusionment or loss. Nevertheless they began to imit

34、ate the manners of their elders and live the unconventional and nonconforming lives of those who were rebelling against society.8. America could see and hear nothing except the shining gleam and the ringing sound of the doller. /The American people are not moved or stirred by anything. They are only

35、 conscious of money and wealth.informal formal informal formal a love affair amour rich affluent questions inquiries easily influenced susceptible throw headlong precipitate exile expatriation a public declaration manifesto a bitter criticism diatribe brawl fracas dwelling place residence dispel bre

36、ak up dissipate tear down demolish a big fire conflagration .1. irresistible 4. unsafe 2. immaterial 5. insecure 3. incomparable 6. illiterate 7. imprecise12. unalterable 8. impure 13. illogical 9. imprudent 14. unpopular 10, unpleasant 15. insensitive 11. illegitimate 16. incomprehensible. Introduc

37、tory paragraphs serve to gain reader interest and present background material or other kinds of explanatory information necessary for a better understanding of what will follow. Some introductory paragraphs include the thesis statement - a single sentence expressing the central thought of the piece

38、of writing. Others include along with the thesis statement, a clear indication of the direction of the writers flow of thought.In “The Sad Young Men“ the function of the first paragraph is introductory. The thesis statement is placed in the last paragraph. Horton and Edwards begin by mentioning the

39、interest in the Twenties by young people today. In addition, they discuss the questions that present-day students are asking their parents and teachers. Was there really a Younger Generation problem.9 Were young people really so wild? Their answers are yes and no. The Younger Generation in ChinaIn t

40、he last twenty years or so, China has undergone great changes thanks to the 6policy of opening up to the outside world. The younger generation is the Number One beneficiary. Strolling along the street, you may see young men ride by with small earphones and a pocket tape recorder. Most probably they

41、are enjoying music. Attending a computer training course, you will find so many counterparts there. Nowadays, the younger generation benefits a lot from sophisticated scientific and technological products. Omitted.This is a piece of expository writing by two American writers explaining a certain per

42、iod in American literary and social history. It focuses especially on the attitudes and revolt of the young people who returned from World War I , disappointed and disillussioned. In this revolt the young intellectuals, writers and artists, stood in the van and was the most vocal group. Many of thes

43、e intellectuals lived abroad, especially in Paris, as expatriates, but most of them later re-turned to the United States voluntarily. These intellectuals were called “Sad Young Men“, or “The Lost Generation“, because they were critical and rebellious. However, they were never lost because they were

44、also very creative and productive and as this essay says “gave the nation the liveliest, freshest, most stimulating writing in its literary experience“. The structural organization of this essay is clear and simple. The essay divides logically into paragraphs with particular functions: to introduce

45、the subject (introduction) in paragraph 1, to support and develop the thesis (the body or the middle)in paragraphs 2 through 9, to bring the discussion to an end (conclusion) in paragraphs 10 and 11. In “The Sad Young Men“, Horton and Edwards state their thesis in the last paragraph of the essay: “T

46、he intellectuals of the Twenties, the sad young men, as F. Scott Fitzgeraid called them, cursed their luck but didnt die; escaped butvoluntarily returned; flayed the Babbits but loved their country, and in so doing gave the nation the liveliest, freishest, most stimulating writing in its literary ex

47、perience. 悲哀的青年一代二十年代社会生活的各个方面中,被人们评论得最多、渲染得最厉害的,莫过于青年一代的叛逆之行了。只要有只言片语提到那个时期,就会勾起中年人怀旧的回忆和青年人好奇的提问。中年人会回忆起第一次光顾非法酒店时的那种既高兴又不安的违法犯罪的刺激感,回忆起对清教徒式的道德 规 范 的 勇 猛抨 击 , 回 忆 起 停 在 乡 间 小 路 上 的 小 轿 车 里 颠 鸾 倒 凤 的 时 髦 爱 情 试 验 方 式 ; 青 年人 则 会 问起有关那时的一些纵情狂欢的爵士舞会,问起那成天背着酒葫芦、勾引得女人团团转的“美男子”,问起那些“时髦少女”和“闲荡牛仔”的奇装异服和古怪行

48、为等等的情况。“那时的青年果真这样狂放不羁吗?”今天的青年学生们不禁好奇地向他们的师长问起这样的问题。“那时真的有过青年一代的7问题吗?”对这类问题的回答必然只能是既“对”又“不对”说“对,是因为人的成长过程中一贯就存在着所 谓 青 年 一 代 的 问 题 ; 说 “不对”是 因 为 在 当 时的 社 会 看 来 似 乎 是 那 么 狂 野 。 那 么 不 负 责 任 , 那 么 不 讲道德的行为,若是用今天的正确眼光去看的话,却远远没有今天的一些迷恋爵士乐的狂荡青年的堕落行为那么耸人听闻。 实际上,青年一代的叛逆行为是当时的时代条件的必然结果。首先,值得记住的是,这种叛逆行为并不局限于美国,

49、而是作为百年之中第一次惨烈的战争的后遗症影响到整个西方世界。其次,在美国,有一些人已经很不情愿地认识到如果不是明明白白地认识到,至少是下意识地认识到无论在政治方面还是在传统方面,我们的国家已不再是与世隔绝的了;我们所取得的国际地位使 我 们 永 远 也 不 能 再 退 缩 到 狭 隘 道 德 规 范 的 人 造 围 墙 之 后 , 或 是 躲 在 相 邻的 两 大 洋 的 地 理 保 护 之 中 了。 在当时的美国,摒弃维多利亚式的温文尔雅无论如何都已经是无可避免的了。美国工业的飞速发展及其所带来的庞大的、机器轰鸣的工厂的出现,社会化大生产的非人格性,以及争强好胜意识的空前高涨,使得在较为平静而少竞争的年代里所形成的温文尔雅的礼貌行为和谦谦忍让的道德风范完全没有半点栖身之地。不论是否发生战争,随着时代的变化要我们的年轻一代接受与他们必须在其中拼搏求胜的这个喧嚣的商业化社会格格不入的行为准则已经变得越来越难了。战争只不过起 了 一 种 催 化 剂 的 作 用 , 加 速 了 维 多 利 亚 式 社 会 结 构的 崩 溃 。 战 争 把 年 轻 一 代 一 下 子 推 向

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