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1、Unit 1Text A II. Language points1. How successful youll be in making transitions among careers can at least be partially attributed to the amount of career planning and preparation youve done. (Para. 1) If you are well-prepared in making plans for your future career, the chances are that you might a

2、s well succeed in changing your career because how successfully you change your career may in part result from what preparations youve done in career planning. 2. Think of career planning as building bridges from your current job/career to your next job/career; without the bridge, you may easily stu

3、mble or lose your way, but with the bridge there is safety and directions. (Para. 2) You should regard making plans for your career as building bridges which are the transitions from your current job/career to your next job/career and may help you find the right door to the future.3. And while caree

4、r planning and career decision-making is an important aspect of your life, do not put so much pressure on yourself that it paralyzes you from making any real choices, decisions, or plans. (Para. 5) dont put too much pressure on yourself to make real choices, decisions, or plans.4. To help you with y

5、our career planning, consider using the following exercises to their fullest potential. (Para. 6) consider using the following exercises to their fullest degree/ as much as possible.5. Reflect on the times and situations in which you feel most passionate, most energetic, most engaged and see if you

6、can develop a common profile of these situations. (Para. 9) Consider the times and situations in which you feel most excited, most vigorous, most engrossed and try to generalize the features these situations have in common. 6. Remember those papers you had to write as a kid about what you wanted to

7、be when you grew up? (Para. 13) Do you still remember when you were little you were asked to write about what you would like to be in the future?7. Take the time to revert back to those idyllic times and brainstorm about your current dream job; be sure not to let any negative thoughts cloud your thi

8、nking. (Para. 13) Spend some time in returning back to these simple, peaceful and pleasant times and trying to think more about your current ideal job to make sure that no negative thoughts could make your thinking obscure /unclear.8. Look for ideas internally, but also make the effort to explore/re

9、search other careers/ occupations that interest you. (Para. 13) You should not only look for ideas inside yourself/ at the bottom of your heart, but also explore/research other careers/occupations you are interested in from the outside.9. Pinpoint the qualifications you need to move to the next step

10、 in your career or to make the move to a new career path. (Para. 18) Mark clearly the qualifications that are needed in career changing. 10. If youre not sure, search job postings and job ads, conduct informational interviews, research job descriptions. (Para. 18) If youre not sure about the qualifi

11、cations required in the new career, you should search job postings and job advertisements for those qualifications, take part in interviews in which you know something about the job, and study the list of general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position.11. Develop a timeline and acti

12、on plans for achieving each type, being sure to set specific goals and priories. (Para. 20) Make a timetable and action plans for achieving each type of qualification you need and remember to set concrete goals and decide what should be done first.12. Businesses, careers, and the workplace are rapid

13、ly changing, and the skills that you have or plan for today may not be in demand years from now. (Para. 21) Businesses, careers, and the workplace are rapidly changing, and the skills that you have mastered or you plan to master now may not be required or needed in the future.13. Long-range career p

14、lanning should be more about identifying and developing core skills that employers will always value while developing your personal and career goals in broad strokes. (Para. 21) When planning career for the long Unit 11run, you should focus on pinpointing and developing the essential skills in gener

15、al that will always be valued no matter whom your employers are or how time changes. 14. Heres a collection of the best self-assessment tools, designed to give you a better idea of your attitudes and interests as they relate to possible career choices. (Para. 25) The best collected self-assessment t

16、ools are developed to make you clear about your attitudes and interests related to the careers that you may choose. 15. Some tools and resources especially for established job-seekers contemplating a career change. (Para. 26) In the section of Career Change Resources, there are some tools and resour

17、ces especially for those established job-hunters who consider changing careers.16. Taking the time to use a career journal is a fantastic way to conduct career planning on a regular basis. (Para. 31) It is great to spend some time using a career journal to carry out career planning regularly. 17. Th

18、e concept of transferable skills is a vital job-search technique that all job-seekers should master, though the concept is especially important for career changers and college students. (Para. 33) All job-hunters should master those skills that are needed to make transitions from school to workplace

19、 or from your current job to the next jobIII. Key to the exercises1. Reading Comprehension (1) According to the author, career planning is very essential because it functions as bridges built from ones current job/career to his/her next job/career and with the bridges there is safety and direction.(

20、2) The main idea of the passage:The passage offers some basic guidelines for both short-term and long-term career planning.(3) Short-term career plan and long-term career plan are different. A short-term career plan focuses on a timeframe ranging from the coming year to the next few years. It is cha

21、racterized by developing realistic goals and objectives that can be accomplished in the near future. But long-term career planning usually involves a broader set of guidelines and preparation and focuses on and developing workplace core skills and identifying career trends.(4) In order to hold a pos

22、itive attitude towards short-term career planning, you should free yourself form all career barriers, such as personal barriers, family pressure and peer pressure. And you shouldnt put so much pressure on yourself because it may paralyze you from making any real choices, decisions, or plans.(5) Befo

23、re you develop a picture of yourself and your career, you should analyze your current/future lifestyle, likes/dislikes, passion, definition of success, personality, dream job and current situation.2. VocabularySection A(1) on the move (2) In terms of (3) quintessential (4) perspective (5) priority (

24、6) cloud (7) brainstormed (8) extravert, introvert(9) Reverting (10) timeframe Section B(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) C (5) A (6) D (7) D (8) A (9) C (10) A3. Cloze(1) right (2) not (3) wrong (4) First of all (5) knowledge(6) Only (7) no matter what (8) outperform (9) successful (10) higher(11) who (12) sti

25、ll (13) rather than (14) figure out (15) worst(16) Then (17) However (18) rehearse (19) more (20)instead of 4. TranslationA. Chinese to English 1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1) Although we failed this time, we should not be sunk in apathy, because as we all know, “failure is the

26、 mother of success.” And we are all wedded to the belief that this failure will be the beginning of future success. 全日制 硕士专业学位研究生英语教程教学参考 2(2) The idyllic Indonesian island is a beautiful combination of spirituality, natural beauty and a taste of the exotic.(3) Adolescence, the transition from child

27、hood to adulthood, is always a critical time for everybody. So parents must pay special attention to their childrens growth in this period.(4) Thank you for your really practical advice, but I still need time to reflect on it. (5) Youd better contemplate the related issues before making a final deci

28、sion, and formulate a feasible action plan that can be fulfilled in one year. (6) In this English Speaking Contest, what impresses me most is that contestant 11 is a very fluent speaker of English, but its a pity that he fails to confine himself to the subject.(7) Neither difficulty nor failure frus

29、trates his passion in his research. He was content to go as far as he could.(8) Anthropologists, as far as I know, are still unable to pinpoint just where along the line man and the apes branched into two distant species.2) Translate the following paragraph into English.We all have goals and aspirat

30、ions. Sometimes we have difficulty knowing where to start. We want that new body, or want to be healthy and have more energy, but we just do not know what the first step is. In addition, the road to our goals is sometimes a rocky one. It is difficult to transgress and sometimes we just want to give

31、up. We sometimes forget that our current situation did not occur overnight and so changing it will not happen overnight either. It will take time and hard work. Therefore, I suggest that you should set only one goal at a time. When you try to take on too much at once, you can become overwhelmed quic

32、kly. Create a list and take one goal at a time. Once you achieve that goal, back to your list to mark it off, and move to the next one. The act of achieving goals individually will give you a greater sense of accomplishment. You can even break the one goal into smaller parts. This gives you motivati

33、on and success more often than waiting for days or months to achieve a larger goal.B. English to Chinese1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.每位求职者都需要花点时间远离日常繁忙的工作,仔细思量你的事业,为未来制定计划。无论你喜欢现在的工作和老板或是感到受缚于目前工作,职业规划能够帮助你。职业规划被视作建立连接目前工作/职业和未来工作/ 职业的桥梁,没有这座桥,你会跌跌撞撞或迷失方向;但有了这座桥,就有了安全的保证和明确的方向。2

34、) Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.(1)一位权威科学家警告说,机器人在家庭、工作场所和战争中的兴起必须受到伦理规范的监督和控制,以此限定机器人在一些敏感情境中的运用,比如看小孩、照顾老人以及作战等情境。(2)谢菲尔德大学的人工智能专家诺埃尔夏基教授警告说,机器人正被引入潜在的敏感情境中,这可能会导致(被服务者)与世隔绝的状态,因为人们在给机器人设定指令后,往往很长时间不再问津。(3)第一条规定机器人不得伤害人类;第二条规定机器人必须服从人类的命令,但不得违反第一条定律

35、;第三条规定机器人应尽量保护自己,但不得违反前两条定律。(4)但 是 20 世 纪 末 提 出 的 有 关 具 有 高 度 人 工 智 能 的 机 器 人 将 崛 起 的 预 言 并 未 实 现 , 不 过 机器人科学家已赋予了听命于他们的机器以准智能的特征,比如简单的言语识别、情绪表达以及面部识别等能力。(5)目前机器人的智力水平连愚蠢都算不上。如果我哪怕认为他们会在智力上高出人类一等,我都不会有这些担忧了。Text B Career Path: Acting Your AgeKey to the exercisesGuess the meaning of the word(s)(1) tr

36、oublesome (2) strenuous (3) handicap (4) similar in meaning(5) applies (6) commendable (7) saturated (8) intimidating(9) attracting (10) Whats moreUnit 13True or false(1) T (2) F (3) T (4) F (5) F (6) T (7) T (8) FUnit 2Text A II. Language points1. Even a modest space voyage, Dyson calculated, would

37、 set the average family back 1,500 years in wages. (Para.1) According to Dysons calculation, even a modest and common space voyage would cost the average family wages of about 1,500 years.set back: cost (a person) specific amounte.g. My new car set me back $3 000.2. The difference reflected the rela

38、tive difficulty of space travel, but also the limitations of big government programs to do things on the cheap. (Para.1) The cost difference not only has showed space travel is much more difficult than the Mayflowers voyage in 1620 and the westward journey of the Mormons in 1840s, but also proved th

39、at government needs to reduce its spending on big and expensive programs and turn its attention to the programs that cost less money. 3. Nothing has happened in the past 40 years to suggest that NASA has come any closer to the commercial sweet spot of the Colonial settlers. (Para.2) In the past 40 y

40、ears, nothing has shown that NASAs has found its best solution to which it could start and develop its business just like early colonial settlers who found their place, Massachusetts, to settle down and made their living move on based on their settlement.A sweet spot is a place, often numerical as o

41、pposed to physical, where a combination of factors suggests a particularly suitable solution. In the context of a racquet, bat or similar sporting instrument, sweet spot is often believed to be the same as the center of percussion. In this context, sweet spot means a financially profitable situation

42、. Colonial settlers found this sweet spot while NASA didnt come close.4. The commission headed by Lockheed Martin chairman Norm Augustine that has spent much of the past year deliberating on NASAs human spaceflight program (Para.2)deliberate on: to consider /discuss or negotiate 仔细研究,审议e.g. We had n

43、o time to deliberate on the problem.5. .even though ending this program would send NASAs international partners into apoplexy. (Para.2) even though ending the ISS program would make NASAs international partners feel very angry.The apoplexy is an outdated medical term, which can be used to mean “blee

44、ding”. It can be used non-medically to mean a state of extreme rage or excitement.6. More embarrassing, with NASAs space shuttle due to be mothballed in 2010, and its cheaper replacement, the Orion capsule, not due to fly until 2012, the partners face a two year gap in which they will have to rely o

45、n Russias Soyuz ships to commute to the space station. (Para.2) To NASAs embarrassment, they had to stop using their shuttle in 2010 and its cheaper replacement, the Orion capsule cannot fly until 2012, so there will be a two year gap between 2010 and 2012, in which NASAs international partners have

46、 to depend on Russias ship to come and go to the space station.mothball: to decide not to use or develop something, for a period of time, especially a piece of equipment or a plan 封存;搁置不用If someone in authority mothballs a plan, factory, or piece of equipment, they decide to stop developing or using

47、 it, perhaps temporarily. 7. The shortfall may force NASA to open up its space-exploration program to commercial operators to a degree thats unprecedented in its history. (Para.3) The shortage or lack of money may force NASA to get commercial operators 全日制 硕士专业学位研究生英语教程教学参考 4involved in its space-ex

48、ploration program to a degree that has never happened before.shortfall: n. 缺口;差额;亏空If there is a shortfall in something, there is less of it than you need. 8. The move could create opportunities for the modern equivalents of Young and Bradfordentrepreneurs willing to risk their livelihoods on making

49、 the exploration of space affordable by not only designing and building ships for NASA, but also by providing shuttle services to deliver NASA astronauts or equipment to their targets. (Para.3) The move NASAs opening up its space program to commercial or private sectors could create opportunities for upcoming modern entrepreneurs like Young and Bradford in the early times. They are willing to take a risk in spending much money, effort and even their lives on space exploration in order to get it started a

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