鼓舞自己的英文:鼓舞自己的英文短语 世界各国都有激励人的名言,来看一下鼓舞人的英文吧。下面是为你整理的鼓舞自己的英文,盼望你能喜爱! 鼓舞自己的英文精选 1、假如要挖井,就要挖到水出为止。 If you want to dig Wells, we should dig into the water out. 2、平凡的脚步也可以走完宏大的行程。 Ordinary steps can also through the great trip. 3、欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。 Desire to enhance the enthusiasm, perseverance in order to smooth the mountain. 4、自己选择的路,跪着也要把它走完。 Your choice of road, kneeling also want to finish it. 5、不是境况造就人,而是人造就境况。 Not si