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1、上海市曙光中学 20172018 学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题.Grammar and vocabularySection AMost of us are used to_1_(see) traffic lights above eye level. Whether we are driving, biking, or walking, traffic signals help us know when to stop and when_2_is safe to proceed.Crossing signs that flash “WALK“ and “DONT WALK“ are_3_(p

2、lace) at intersections to tell pedestrians when it is safe to cross a busy intersection on foot and prevent pedestrians from_4_(strike) by motorists.Pedestrians may become impatient and attempt to cross against the light if they have to wait too long for a WALK sign._5_,some signals do now allow eno

3、ugh time for pedestrians to cross an intersection safely.The prevalence of people talking on cells phones is posing_6_new distraction however. Pedestrians who are talking on the phone or sending text messages are typically staring at their phones rather than looking for traffic signals. They are oft

4、en too_7_(distract),leading to an increase in pedestrian texting accidents.The connection between cellphone use and pedestrian accidents is clear._8_(combat) the problem, two cities in Germany are trying an innovative approach: installing traffic lights in the ground.The German city of Augsburg inst

5、alled traffic lights in the sidewalk_9_face up at pedestrians to create a whole new level of attention.New Jersey lawmakers have even proposed legislation that would ban distracted walking,_10_(fine) those who use their cellphones while walking $50.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage

6、 by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A.desperation B.authorities C.diligently D.confusion H.conclusion I.devoted J.graduation K.healthSeventeen years ago,when I was in military college,I was k

7、nown as “the worrying wreck from Virginia Tech“.I worried so_11_that I often became ill.In_12_,I poured out my troubles to Professor Baird,professor of business administration.The fifteen minutes that I spent with Professor Baird did more for my_13_and happiness than all the rest of the four years I

8、 spent in college.“Jim,“he said,“you ought to sit down and face the facts.If you_14_half as much time and energy to solving your problems as you do to worrying about them,you wouldnt have any worries.“I figured that I had failed physics because I had no interest in the subject.But now I changed my a

9、ttitude.I said to myself,“If the college_15_demand that I pass my physics examination before I obtain a degree,who am I to question their wisdom?“So I_16_for physics again.This time I passed because instead of wasting my time in worrying about how hard it was,I studied_17_.I solved my_18_worries by

10、taking on some additional jobs,such as selling punch at the college dances,and by borrowing money from my father,which I paid back soon after_19_.As I look back at it now,I can see that my problem was one of_20_,a lack of willingness to find the causes of my worry and face them realistically.Reading

11、 ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.A new research suggests that animals have a much higher level of brainpower than once thought.If animals

12、 do have intelligence,how do scientists measure it?Before defining animals intelligence,scientists defined what is not intelligence.Instinct is not intelligence.It is a skill _21_into an animals brain by its genetic heritage(基因遗传) . Tricks can be learned by repetition,but no real thinking is_22_.Cui

13、ng,in which animals learn to do or not to do certain things by following outside signals,does not demonstrate intelligence.Scientists believe that insight,the ability to use tools,and communication using human language are all_23_measures of the mental ability of animals.When judging animal intellig

14、ence,scientists look for insight,which they define as a flash of sudden understanding.When a young gorilla(大猩猩)could not reach fruit from a tree,she noticed crates(木板箱)on the lawn near the tree.She_24_the crates into a pyramid,then climbed on them to reach her_25_.The gorillas insight allowed her to

15、 solve a new problem without trial and error.The ability to use tools is also an important sign of intelligence.Crows(乌鸦)use sticks to pry(撬开)peanuts out of cracks.The crow_26_intelligence by showing it has learned what a stick can do._27_,otter(水獭) use rocks to crack open crab shells in order to ge

16、t at the meat.Many animals have learned to communicate using human language.One chimp can recognize and correctly use more than 220_28_symbols on a keyboard.These symbols_29_human words.An amazing parrot can_30_five objects of two different types.He can understand the difference between the number,c

17、olor,and kind of object.The ability to _31_is a basic thinking skill.In addition,he seems to use language to express his needs and_32_.When ill and taken to the animal hospital for his first overnight stay,this parrot turned to go.“Come here!“he cried to a scientist who works with him.“I love you.Im

18、 sorry.Wanna go back?“The research on animal intelligence raises important questions.If animals are smarter than_33_thought,would that change the way humans interact with them?Would animals still be used for food,clothing,or_34_ experimentation?Finding the answer to these tough questions makes a dif

19、ficult_35_even for a large-brained, problem-solving species like our own. 21.A.developed B. admitted C. programmed D. injected22.A.inherited B. involved C. instructed D. intended23.A.realistic B. unusual C. accurate D. effective24.A.piled B. assembled C. supported D. divided25.A.potential B. reward

20、C. standard D. top26.A.explores B. expands C. explains D. exhibits27.A.Likewise B. Therefore C. However D. Otherwise28.A.magical B. flexible C. abstract D. permanent29.A.substitute for B. stand for C. appeal to D. carry out30.A.foresee B. determine C. combine D. distinguish31.A.classify B .justify C

21、. qualify D. simplify32.A.satisfaction B. emotions C. gratitude D. beliefs33.A.objectively B. professionally C. previously D. scientifically34.A.electrical B. physical C. medical D. logical35.A.decision B. translation C. choice D. puzzleSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each pa

22、ssage is followed by questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)In most peoples opinion,the tiger is not an animal that we would ordinarily think

23、 of as being chicken.However, one tiger,which lives in an English zoo,turned out to be more cowardly(胆小的)than his keepers could ever have imagined.Tanvir,a two-year-old Bengal tiger,got stuck at the top of a new 5m-high activity tower in the zoo,after climbing it for the first time.The wooden tower

24、had been designed to provide mental exercise for Tanvir by testing his ability of dealing with troublesome situations,but after climbing it in just a few seconds,he lost his courage when it came to coming back down.Tanvir went on to spend nearly two days at the top of the tower trying to collect the

25、 courage to attempt to get down.A spokesperson for the zoo said that several days before Tanvir had taken half an hour to get down a lower tower only 1.5m high,and the taller tower had clearly been too much challenging for him.“Every time he got to the edge,he looked out,put a paw over,and thought,n

26、o,I cannot make it!“laughed Samantha Cordrey,Tanvirs keeper.In the end Tanvirs hunger defeated his fear,and after almost 48 hours he made his way down.Burying himself in a big meal just like a hungry pig,Tanvir seemed to forget such a shameful experience for a while.It appears that his experience wo

27、uld not be the worst in Tanvirs life if he continued to act like a chicken.It is not known whether he will take courage to go back up his exercise tower again.The whole episode(插曲)only serves to show the difficulties faced by zoo staff in creating environments that will improve animals living abilit

28、y in enclosed space.36.When speaking of Tanvirs shameful experience,Samantha Cordrey might feel it was .A.funny B.surprising C.exciting D.unbelievable37.What made Tanvir get down the Sm-high activity tower at last?A.The coldness of the weather. B.The direction from his keepers.C.The sufferings of be

29、ing hungry. D.The fear of being alone.38.Why does the author say “this experience would not be the worst in Tanvirs life if.“(Paragraph 6)?A.Because Tanvirs keepers will design more difficult exercise for him.B.Because Tanvir is so cowardly that he has little courage to meet greater challenges.C.Bec

30、ause Tanvirs bad health will bring him much trouble in practice.D.Because Tanvir is always careless and often causes trouble by accident.39.The zoo designed the 5m-high activity tower to .A.make Tanvir become brave B.improve Tanvirs performance skillsC.let tourists watch Tanvir better D.improve Tanv

31、irs living ability(B)It is difficult to give a description of American laws concerning alcohol because they vary from state to state and city to city.The following,though,may be noted.Some towns,even state are totally is sold at all except that they allow the sale of very weak (3.2 percent alcohol)

32、beer,known as “three- two“ beer.Some places do not allow the sale of alcohol on Sundays,even in shopsyou may find a bar locked over the alcohol shelves.You can see it but not buy it! Other places permit alcohol to be sold on Sunday afternoons and evenings,but not on Sunday mornings.(Note that this m

33、eans sales have to stop at midnight on Saturday.)In many parts of America,you are not allowed to drink alcohol in a public place.That is,you may not sit in a parlor walk along a street drinking beer,and you cannot even take a nice bottle of wine on your picnic.In some places,people can be seen takin

34、g drinks in public places from cans wrapped in brown-paper bags.These are not cans of Coca- Cola.And in many states you are not allowed to drink alcohol while driving,or even have an opened alcohol container in the car.Some bars have a license(执照)only for beer and wine.Others are also allowed to sel

35、l spirits(烈性酒)and thus,as Americans say,“mixed drinks“.Many bars have a period known as “happy hour“,often longer than an hour,when they sell drinks at lower-than- usual prices.This is usually around 5 p.m.and may be only on certain days of the week.Legal drinking age varies from place to place but

36、is generally between 18 to 21.Some places permit the consumption(消费) of beer at 18 but spirits only at 21.Others permit the consumption only of “three-two“ beer from 18 to 21.(Young people therefore often drive from one place to another with more liberal drinking laws.)In any case, in some parts of

37、the USA young people are allowed to vote,marry,raise children,keep full-time jobs,be tried in courts as adults,join the army and even buy gunsbut NOT have a glass of beer.In some places people aged between 18 to 21 are allowed to go into bars but not allowed to drink.Another even more interesting as

38、pect of American drinking-age laws is that in some places people below legal drinking age are not even allowed to sell alcohol.40.If people are seen drinking in public from brown-paper bags,it is for sure that they are_.A.very thirsty B.not having sprits C.not having Coca-Cola D.having Coca-Cola41.“

39、happy hour“ in many bars refers to_.A.certain days of the week when people are happyB.a certain time usually around 7 pm in a hour during which people feel happyD.a period of time when some bars sell drinks at lower than usual prices43.Which of the following is a part of American drinking-ag

40、e laws?A.In some parts of the USA,young people can buy guns and have a glass of beer.B.Legal drinking age is 21.C.In some places people below legal drinking age are not allowed to marry.D.Legal drinking age varies from state to state.(C)Thousands of people began pouring into Pennsylvania from other

41、states.They wanted to buy lottery tickets.The tickets cost only $0.9 each.But that small spending could bring them a reward of $90 million.That was the second largest lottery jackpot(积累奖金) in history.More than 87 million tickets were bought for the Pennsylvania lottery drawing.Those who bought ticke

42、ts had to choose seven numbers from 1 to 80.The chance of winning was one in 9.6 million.But that little chance certainly didnt affect ticket sales.In the last few days before the drawing,tickets were selling at the unbelievable rate of 500 per second.Experts say many people buy lottery tickets beca

43、use they just want to have a piece of the action.Others say the lottery is a stock market for poor people.It allows them to dream about wealth theyll probably never have.But many people believe lotteries are no better than legalized gambling.Some critics note that most people who play are poor and m

44、ay not be able to afford the tickets.There are also many addicts who take the game seriously. They may pour their life savings into lottery tickets.Some clubs have been formed to help them kick the habit.Politicians like lotteries because they provide money that would otherwise have to some from new

45、 taxes.The profits from lotteries are usually used to pay for education or programs for senior citizens.But critics say this arrangement just allows states to legalize vice(恶习),under the name of social progress.No matter whether you regard state lotteries right or not,you cannot refuse to accept the

46、ir extreme popularity with many Americans.44.The main idea of the passage is that_. .A.lotteries are of great benefit to everyone who buys themB.playing a lottery is just like investing in the stock marketC.a lot of people buy lottery tickets ,but lotteries cause disagreementD.lotteries are just leg

47、alized vice45.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Politicians like lotteries because they dont have to pay extra tax.B.The popularity of lotteries in America actually is social progress.C.Some critics dont like lotteries because many poor people waste their money on them.D.Peop

48、le love the lottery because it is a stock market.46.In just one hour in the last few days,the Pennsylvania lottery sold tickets totaling_.A.$1.62 million B.$90million C.$9.6million D.$87million47.People who are addicted to playing lotteries should_.A.join a club every cent the Pennsylvania D.kick the habitSection CDirections: Read the passage carefully.Fil

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