本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑爱的教育英文简介:爱的教育66字简介 爱的训练是意大利作家亚米契斯的作品,被认为是意大利人必读的十本小说之一,是世界文学史上经久不衰的名著,下面是我为你整理的爱的训练英文简介,盼望对你有用! 爱的训练作品赏析 Love education is the Italian writer Yami Si Si 10 years to complete the creation. The book uses the form of a diary, tells a story called Anlike fourth grade boys growth story, so the title is also called an Italian fourth grade pupils diary. The content mainly includes a variety of touching stories that take place around Amway, the inspirational essay