冰河世纪台词全集中英对照 冰河世纪 Ice Age Ice Age 看电影学英语 Ice Age 1 冰河世纪 - - Animal A: Why not call it the Big Chill or the Nippy era?chill: 寒冷 nippy: 刺骨的,凛冽的 era: 时代为什么不管这叫大寒或者冷冻时代呢? Im just saying, how do we know its an ice age? 我是说我们怎么知道这是冰河世纪? - - Animal B: Because of all the ice. 因为四周全是冰!- - Animal A: Well, things just got a little chillier.chilly: 寒冷的天气的确是变冷了- - Animal C: Help. Help. 救命- - Animal D: Come on, kids, lets go. The traffics mov