1、國中英語模擬試題教育測驗與評量期末報告B89102060 崔介眉 B89102029 洪心琪B89102044 王惠亭 B90305242 王珊瑜 內容生活化 :試題內容模擬國中生日常生活情境,稗使學生作答時有身歷情境、切合生活之感,減低對試題的焦躁與陌生,增加作答的意願與興趣。試題創新化 :推翻傳統試題形式,使文法字彙等不再單獨成題,而將隻隨機融入試題中,並避免以記憶性題目為主,增加學生活用知識的能力。能力具體化 :配合九年一貫課程之六大議題、十大能力指標。 (一)六大議題資訊教育:電腦的使用上網查資料。家政教育:了解衣物洗滌方法。生命教育:知道珍惜愛護動物。(二)十大能力指標了解自我與發展
2、潛能生涯規劃與終生學習 表達溝通與分享文化學習與國際了解規劃、組織與實踐運用科技與資訊起床 接聽電話 換衣服 洗衣服 打電話 上網查資料看信 上街購物 參加宴會題目容易強調閱讀能力答案隨機分布重視寫作能力真實生活融入Personal Data:Name: Iris LinResident: Taipei, TaiwanCareer: a junior high school studentHobby: surf on the internetIt was a beautiful sunny day. The sunlight was shining on Iriss face through
3、the window. She was sleeping. Everything was quiet except the clock wasticking. Suddenly, somebody was knocking at the door. “ Iris! Wake up! Its ten now!” her mom yelled. “Time to get up!” Iris opened her eyes slowly. “ Oh no! Ten oclock” as soon as she noticed the time, she jumped out of bedimmediately. After 5 minutes, while she was having brunch, the phone rang.Her mother went to (1) it.( ) 1. (A) connect (B) answer (C) catch (D) receive