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1、If you think you can,YOU CAN !2014 年 2 月小升初英语易错一百题附答案详解1前 言Hello!你们还记得我吗?嗯,我想你们肯定记得,我就是上次收集整编了一本关于“小学英语固定搭配和词组手册”的那个小女孩,想起来了木有啊?生活嘛,总有许多挫折。俗话说得好,没有挫折的人生不精彩。我们取得成功,必须经历这样或那样的挫折。学习这件事,也会遇见不少挫折,但我们可以吸取教训总结规律。加油!You can do it!学习这件事,呵呵,You know it最后,祝每一位读到这本“易错一百题”的同学能考上心仪的中学编者:陈彦佳(kelly)指导老师:邹雯霞(Zoe)111

2、. Helen married after she guaduated from college.A.soon B.quickly C.early D.fast2. They all looked at the matter and felt quite .A. sad,sad B. sadly,sadlyC. sad,sadly D.sadly,sad3. He drinks orange juice that he always goes to the toilet.A. too much much C.too many many4. You will know the

3、 importance of English in the future.A.some time B.some times C.sometimes D.sometime5. He used to be quite unsuccessful, and not so confident of himself .A. too B. also C.either D.neither6. Dont worry,sir. I am sure I can run to catch up with them.A. slowly enough B.enough enough D.enou

4、gh fast7. John is my friend of all the classmates.A.good B.better D.the best8. Which do you like , coffee, tea or milk?A、the worst B.worse C.the worse D.worst9. The line is than that one.A.more longer B.not longerC.much more longer D.many more longer10. The earth is the moon.A. as 49 times bi

5、g as B. 49 times as bigger asC. 49 times as big as D. as big as 49 times11. Tht cake smells . Please throw it away.A. good B.badly C.bad D.well12. She doesnt speak her friends, but her written work is 2excellent.A. as well as B. as often as much as D. as good as13. She was sick yesterday, but s

6、he is to go to school today.A. enough good B.good enoughC. enough well D. well enough14. This town has bridge.A. a stone old fine B. an old atone fineC. an old fine stone D. a fine old stone15. There are many apples the tree.A. on B. in C. at D. to16. Reading the sun isnt good you.A. under, for B. i

7、n, for C. in, to D: with, for17. The tables in the restaurant are so close together that theres hardly any room to move them.A. among B. betweenC. in the middle of D. at the centre of18. There is nothing tomorrow afternoon, is there?-No. We can have a game of table tennis.A.on B. in C.out D. up19. W

8、hy did you get up so early this morning.A.on B./ D. in20. of the students in our class money to the disabled people these days.A.Two third, have raised B.Two thirds, has raisedC. Two three, have raised D.Two thirds, have raised21. Americans eat vegetables today as they did in 1910.A.more than t

9、wice twice as manyC.twice as many as D.more than twice as many322. It took me to find out the key to the drawer.A. one and half hours B. one and a half hoursC. one and a half hour D. one and half hour23. Paper produced(生产) by this factory is that factory.A. the three times weight of B. three ti

10、mes the weight ofC. as three times heavy as D. three times as heavier as24. Jenny was born .A. on July 10th, 1987 B. in July 10th, 1987C. in 1987, July 10th D. on 198725. He wrote a composition.A. two-thousand-words B. two-thousand-wordC. two-thousands-word D. two-thousands-words26. Both of the two

11、rulers are broken. I want to buy a one.A. three B. third C.forth27. The film star is going to spend dollars on a new dress for the coming party.A. three thousands B. thousands ofC. thousand of D. three thousands of28. Im going to learn second language in second grade.A. a, a B.the,/ C. a, the D. /,t

12、he29. long the bridge is! Let me drive you over it.A.What B.What a C. How D. How a30. is he? He is a teacher.A. who B. which C. that D. what31. John, there is Mr Wilson on the phone for you.-Im in bath.A. a; the B. the; a C. a;不填 D. the;不填432. useful book it is!A. What an B. How a C.What a D. What33

13、. like by air.A. Greens, traveling B. The Green, travelingC. The Greens, travel D. The Greens, traveling34. Does Jim have ruler?Yes, he has .A. an; some B. a; one C.a;/ D.any.one35. He bought .A.two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoeC.two pairs of shoe D. two pair of shoes36. There many in the river

14、.A. is;fish B. are;fishes C. is;fishes D. are;fish37. Look! These eating on the hill.A. sheep is B. sheeps are C. sheep are D.sheeps are38. We had a good time during our holiday.A. two-weeks B. two weeks C. two-weeks D.two weeks39. mothers couldnt go to the meeting.A. Li Lei and Lucys B.Li Leis and

15、LucysC. Li Lei and Lucy D.Li Leis and Lucy40. Miss Green is a friend of .A. Marys mothers B. Marys motherC. Mary mothers D. mothers of Mary41. has traveled to BeiJing.A. A friend of her B. A friend of hersC. A her friend D. Hers one friend42. When I came in, I saw there were people there.A. much peo

16、ple B. a lot of peoplesC. many peoples D.lots of people543. How will you celebrate Day?A. Mothers B.Mothers C.Mothers D. Mother44. I feel wery hot, whats the ?A. tempreture of room B. rooms tempretureC. room tempreture D. tempreture of rooms45. March 8th is Day.A.Womans B. Womans C.Woman of D. Women

17、s46. The boss will give me a .A. two months time B. two-month timeC. two month time D. two-months time.47. Whos singing over there? is Sandys sister.A That B. It C. She D. This48. Dont you let help you?A. I and my friend friend and IC. my friend and me D. my friend and I. to49. Vnole asked Davi

18、d, brothers and to help him do some work., I B. my, me C. myself, I D.myself,me50. Can you speak Chinese? Yes, but only A. few B. a few C. little D.a little51. Some of them like skipping, Some of them like ball game.A. The other B.Others C. The others D.Other52. I have two pears, of them are on table.A.all B. neither C.both D.either53. There are many trees on side of street.A. either B. both C.every D.all

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