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1、 Words and Sentences of 1A-5AThe Longman Welcome to English1A 重点单词 1.father 爸爸 2.mother 妈妈 3.classmate 同学 哥哥,弟弟 5.sister 姐姐,妹妹 6.friend 朋友7.doll 洋娃娃8.ball 球9.robot 机器人10.toy 玩具11.teddy bear 玩具熊 12.pencilcase 笔袋13.ruler 尺子 eraser 一块橡皮15.sharpener 卷笔刀 红色 蓝色18.yellow 黄色19.p

2、ink 粉红色20.brown 棕色,咖啡色 绿色22. black 黑色23.white 白色24 skipskipping 跳25. readreading 阅读26.climbclimbing 攀爬27.swimswimming 游泳28.drawdrawing 画画29.writewriting 书写30.ear 耳朵31.eye 眼睛32.nose 鼻子33.mouth 嘴巴34.big 大的35.small 小的36.long 长的37.short 短的,矮的38.fat 胖的39.thin 瘦的 40.tall 高的1A 重点句子1. Good morning!2

3、. Good afternoon!3. Good evening!4. Good night!5.-What is your name ? -My name is .6. Can you spell it, please?7.I am a student.8. Nice to meet you!9. This is my mother.10.-How are you ? -I am fine. Thank you. 11.I have a ball. She has two cars.12.They are pink.13.Can you climb? Yes,I can. / No,I ca

4、nt .14.We can do it.15.Look at me.16.Happy birthday!Happy Teachers Day!17.-How old are you ?-I am eleven years old.1B 重点单词41.bird 鸟 42.rabbit 兔子43.hamster 仓鼠44.turtle 乌龟45.sofa 沙发46.table 桌子,圆桌47.chair 椅子48.cupboard 橱柜49.shelf 架子50.wild animals 野生动物51.panda 熊猫52.penguin 企鹅53.hippo 河马 elephant 一

5、只大象55.lion 狮子56.zebra 斑马57.snake 蛇58.monkey 猴子59.eleven 十一60.twelve 十二61.thirteen 十三62 .eighteen 十八63.nineteen 十九64.twenty 二十65.eateating 吃饭66.sleepsleeping 睡觉 67.hophopping 跳68.swimswimming 游泳 69.runrunning 跑70.cookcooking 做饭71.playplaying football 踢足球72.watchwatching TV 看电视73.makemaking a plane 做飞

6、机74.rideriding a bicycle 骑自行车75.dancedancing 跳舞76.water 水77.shirt 衬衫78.dress 连衣裙79.skirt 短裙80.shorts 短裤81.jeans 牛仔裤82.trousers 长裤83.fourteen 十四 84.fifteen 十五85.sixteen 十六86.seventeen 十七 87.cap 鸭舌帽88.hat 帽子(带帽沿的)89.socks 袜1B 重点句子18.-What is this?-It is a dog.19.-What are these? -They are rabbits.20.-

7、Where is the cat?-It is on the chair.-Where are the hamsters? -One is in the cupboard. One is near the sofa.21. -Is it near the cupboard? -Yes ,it is. -No,it isnt.22.-Are they under the bed? -Yes,they are.-No,they arent.23.-How many hippos are there?-There is one hippo.24.-How many snakes are there?

8、 -There are two snakes.25.-What is the elephant doing? -It is sleeping.-What are the turtles doing? -They are swimming.26. -Here is Mary. Her shorts are purple.-Here is Peter. His T-shirt is green and brown.27.-What colour is her shirt? -It is red.28 There is an animal on the road.2A 重点单词 minib

9、us 乘坐迷你巴士 school bus 乘坐校巴 ferry 乘坐渡船 MTR 乘坐地铁 LRT 乘坐轻轨 tram 乘坐电车 train 乘坐火车97.afraid 害怕,恐怕98.special 特殊的 医生100.nurse 护士101.cook 厨师102.policeman 男警察103.policewoman 女警察104.waiter 男服务员105.waitress 女服务员106.housewife 家庭主妇107.climb the tree 爬树108.walk on the grass 在

10、草地上走109.pick the flowers 摘花110.feed the ducks 喂鸭子111.throw litter 扔垃圾112.make a noise 制造噪音113.playground 操场114.pond 池塘115.snack bar 小吃店 court 网球场118.toilets 厕所117.swimming pool 游泳池118.totilets 厕所2A 重点句子29. -How do you come to school?-I come to school on foot/by bus.30 -Where do you live? -

11、 I live in Wuhan. 31. -Who is your PE teacher?-My PE teacher is Mrs. Lee. She is kind. I like her.32.Try again. You can do it.33. Sorry,I dont understand.34. ItOk. Dont worry! I can help you.35.-Whats your fathers job? -He is a waiter.36.-What does your mother do?-She is a housewife.37-Where do you

12、work? -I work in a fire station.38. Walk on the path please.39. Dont pick the flowers.40.-Do you want some more food? -No, thanks. I am full now.41.-Where is the playground?-Its between the pond and the garden.2B 重点单词119.sour plums 酸梅120.lemon 柠檬121.sweet 甜的,糖果122.raisins 葡萄干123.chocolate 巧克力124.gin

13、ger 生姜片 125.chilli fish 麻辣鱼126.curry beef balls 牛肉干127.potato chips 土豆片128.cheese 奶酪129.juice 果汁130.peanut 花生131.cookie 小饼干132.a grape 一颗葡萄 orange 一个橘子 egg 一个鸡蛋135.sugar 糖136.flour 面粉 137.butter 黄油138.favourite 最喜欢的139.ham 火腿肉140.sand 沙子141.wash my face 洗脸142.brush my teeth 刷牙143.have br

14、eakfast 吃早餐 my homework 写作业145.have a shower 洗澡146.go to bed 去睡觉147.wash the dishes 洗碗148.set the table 摆桌子149.sweep the floor 扫地150.tidy the living room 整理客厅151.make the bed 铺床152.water the plants 浇花 足球 篮球155.volleyball 排球156.badminton 羽毛球157.table tennis 乒乓球158.tenn

15、is 网球159.go hiking 去远足160.go cycling 去骑车161.go dancing 去跳舞162.go ice-skating 去滑冰163.Sunday 星期日164.Monday 星期一165.Tuesday 星期二166.Wednesday 星期三167.go swimming 去游泳168.go jogging 去跑步169.Thursday 星期四170.Friday 星期五171.Saturday 星期六172.activities 活动2B 重点句子42.Tom likes potato chips.43.Billy doesnt like peanut

16、s.44.-Does Bobo like peanuts?-Yes, he does.-No, he doesnt.45.Lets get potato chips and chilly fish.46.Lets make a cake.47.-Is there any butter?-Yes ,there is .-No,there isnt.48 -Are there any eggs?-Yes,there are.-No,there arent.49.There is an apple on the table.50.There arent any oranges in the box.

17、51.Its time to get up and wash your face.52.-Whats the time?/What time is it?-Its seven oclock.53.-How do you help at home? -I sweep the floor.54.-How does your sister help at home?- She washes the dishes.55.-What do you like doing? -I like playing football.56.I dont like swimming but I like running

18、.57-.What do you do on Monday? -I go cycling.58. -I dont do anything on Saturday. Im free.59 -What does Beeno do on Tuesday?- He goes dancing.3A 重点单词 气候174.season 季节175.spring 春天176.summer 夏天177.autumn 秋天178.winter 冬天179.warm 温暖 热 凉爽182.cold 寒冷183.cloudy 多云184.plant flowers

19、 种花185.go to the park 去公园 ice cream 吃冰琪琳 kites 放风筝188.wear a scarf 戴围巾 hotpot 吃火锅190.get lucky money 得红包 moon cakes 吃月饼 chocolate eggs 吃巧克力蛋 fireworks 赏烟花194.give presents 送礼物195.send card 送卡片196.festivals 节日197.January 一月198.February 二月199.March 三月200.Apr

20、il 四月201.May 五月202.June 六月203.July 七月204.August 八月205.September 九月206.October 十月207.November 十一月208.December 十二月209.first 1st210.second 2nd211.third 3rd212.fourth 4th213.fifth 5th214.sixth 6th215.seventh 7th216.eighth 8th217.ninth 9th218.tenth 10th219.eleventh 11th220.twelfth 12th221.thirteenth 13th

21、222.fourteenth 14th222.fifteenth 15th223.sixteenth 16th224.seventeenth 17th225.eighteenth 18th226.nineteenth 19th227.twentieth 20th228.twenty-first 21st229.twenty-second 22nd230.twenty-third 23rd231.twenty-fourth 24th232.twenty-fifth 25th233.twenty-sixth 26th234.twenty-seventh 27th235.twenth-eighth

22、28th236.twenty-ninth 29th237.thirtieth 30th238.thirty-first 31st239.Open day 开学日240.Speech day 演说日 picnic 校外野餐 fair 学校大事 concert 校音乐会 照相机 手表 246.wallet 皮夹 247.purse 钱包 frame 相框249.crayons 蜡笔 鞋子251.soft 柔软的 252.hard 坚硬的,难的253.smooth 光滑的254.rough 粗糙的255.cushion 垫子256.armchair 扶手椅257.marble 珠子

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