本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑英语成语故事短文阅读英语短文阅读 语言是人类最重要的思维和沟通工具,学习和把握外语渐渐成为国民必备的素养之一。而英语作为全球使用面最广的一门语言,具有更重要的意义。我细心收集了英语成语故事短文,供大家观赏学习! 英语成语故事短文:画蛇添足 One day, a man was going to have a drink, He wanted to have a drink with his friends. He took out a bottle of wine, Lets draw a snake, the person who finishes first can drink first. OK. After some time, the man finished drawing his snake. He looked around, everyone was still drawing. He thought he could add some feet to the snake.