本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑英语笑话带翻译两分钟英语笑话带翻译 冷笑话不同于一般笑话,它以其独特的制笑机制,能瞬间制造出一种特别的氛围。我整理了两分钟英语笑话带翻译,欢迎阅读! 两分钟英语笑话带翻译篇一 excuse for speeding 抓紧到达那里 harry and lloyd were speeding down the road. a police car pulled them over. 哈里与劳埃德超速行驶,一辆警车挡住了他们。 why on earth were you driving so fast? the policeman yelled. 你们为什么开那么快?警官喊道。 our brakes are no good, so we wanted to get there before we had an accident! 我们的刹车不好,因此我们想在发生事故前抓紧到达目的地。 两分钟英语笑话带翻译篇二