本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑有关于初一英语故事阅读初一英语阅读题及答案 故事对人们来说,有着自然的吸引力。人们创作故事时,就期盼着读者能够与之产生共鸣,得到愉悦的体验、得到心情的释放。我共享有关于初一英语故事,盼望可以关心大家! 有关于初一英语故事:The Cluster Balloonist Cluster balloonists tie a bunch of helium balloons to a lawn chair, sit in the chair, cut the anchor rope, and go flying into the wild blue yonder. To land, they cut some of the cords attaching the balloons to the chair. A small group of daredevils has been enjoying this sport for more than 30 years. They usually t