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1、华中科技大学 2015 级本科专业培养计划61城乡规划专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Urban and Rural Planning一、培养目标Program Objectives培养适应社会主义现代化建设需要,德、智、体、美全面发展,具备城乡规划理论知识,掌握城乡规划专业技能,了解城乡规划相关知识,能从事城乡规划设计、管理、研究和教学的高级复合型专门人才。This program is designed to meet the needs of modern construction of socialism, and to c

2、reat highly skilled specialists who are of an all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique and aesthetic, and obtain the theoretical knowledge, professional skills and relating knowledge of urban and rural planning.二、基本规格要求Learning Outcomes本专业毕业生应具备以下几方面的素质、知识和能力:1.具有良好的思想道德素质、文化素质和身心素质

3、;2.具备较坚实的自然科学与人文科学基础; 3.具有扎实的城乡规划专业基础理论、系统掌握专业知识和技能,了解本专业学科的理论前沿和发展方向,拓展城市社会、经济、文化、生态和政策等相关领域知识;4.具有较强的城市规划设计工作能力,并具备参与区域规划、土地利用规划、交通与市政工程规划、风景园林与景观规划以及社会经济发展规划等相关规划工作的能力。5.熟练掌握一门外语,能熟练阅读专业文献资料并具有基本的外语交流能力。The program provides students with the opportunity to:1. Have a good moral, cultural , physica

4、l and mental qualities;2. Obtain substantial knowledge in both natural sciences and humanities 3.Develop competence in the subject, acquire specialized knowledge and skills, and understanding of 华中科技大学 2015 级本科专业培养计划62the frontier and the direction of urban and rural planning development,extend know

5、ledge in the relating fields such as society, economy, culture, ecological and policies of the city;4. Develop a career in urban planning, design, management and research and capabilities to carry out regional planning, land use planning, traffic and municipal engineering planning, landscape plannin

6、g and socio-economic development planning .5. Proficiency in a foreign language.三、培养特色Program Features1.坚持 “宽口径、厚基础 ”的人才培养模式,形成开放性、创新性、实践性的人才培养特色。2.在建构完善课程体系的前提下,建立全过程、灵活、开放的教学体系,将专业理论、相关知识、课程设计、工程实践四个教学环节相互穿插,有机组合,由浅入深,逐渐推进。3.面向社会经济发展和城乡建设需要,结合工程实践强化实践教育环节,加强学生动手能力、社会适应能力与创新能力培养。1. We try to develo

7、p a specialty education model of wide scope and solid foundation, and form a talent training feature with openness, innovation, practical2.In order to establish a reasonable course structure, we make an integration of the courses of urban and rural planning theory, knowledge, design and practice. We

8、 arrange the courses From easy to difficult. Furthermore, we organize them reasonably and advance the cultivation program gradually.3.According to the requirement of the development of society, economy and urban and rural construction, we combine some design courses with engineering projects to stre

9、ngthen the practicing training, to strengthen the studentsability in practice and their adaptability to further jobs and competence comprehensively四、主干学科Main Disciplines城乡规划学Urban and Rural Planning五、学制与学位Program Length and Degree学制:五年华中科技大学 2015 级本科专业培养计划63Duration: 5 years授予学位:工学学士Degrees Conferre

10、d: Bachelor of Engineering六、学时与学分Credits Hours and Units完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环节)要求:218 学分Minimum Credits of Curricular (Comprising course system and intensified internship practical training): 218 credits其中,专业基础课程、专业核心课程学分不允许用其他课程学分进行学分冲抵和替代。Major-related basic courses and core courses cannot be

11、covered using credits from other courses in the program.完成学业最低课外学分要求:5 学分。Minimum Extracurricular Credits: 5 credits.1. 课程体系学时与学分Hours/Credits of Course System课程类别 课程性质 学时/学分 占课程体系学分比例()必修 576/32 15.8通识教育基础课程选修 160/10 4.9学科大类基础课程 必修 976/61 30.1学科基础课程 学科专业基础课程 必修 392/24.5 12.1专业核心课程 必修 960/60 29.7专业课

12、程专业方向课程 选修 240/15 7.4合计 3304/202.5 100Course Classified Required /Elective Hrs/Crs Percentage()Required 576/32 15.8General Education Core CurriculumElective 160/10 4.9Discipline-related General Courses Required 976/61 30.1Discipline-related Courses Basic Sub-disciplinary Courses Required 392/24.5 12

13、.1continueCourse Classified Required /Elective Hrs/Crs Percentage()Core Required 960/60 29.7Major-specific Courses Electives Elective 240/15 7.4Total 3304/202.5 1002. 集中性实践教学环节周数与学分Weeks/Credits of Intensified Internship and Practical Training实践教学环节名称 课程性质 周数/学分 占实践教学环节学分比例()华中科技大学 2015 级本科专业培养计划64军

14、事训练 必修 2/1 6.5专业实习 必修 11/5.5 35.5生产实习(社会实践) 必修 6/3 19.3毕业设计(论文) 必修 12/6 38.7合计 31/15.5 100Internship Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province2CET-6 Students whose Band-6 exam scores accord our requirements 2T

15、OEFL 90 Points or Higher 3IELTS 6.5 Points or Higher 3GRE 1350 Points or Higher 3National Computer Rank Examination Win certificate of Band-2 or higher 2Win certificate of programmer 2Win certificate of Advanced Programmer 32Examination in English and ComputerNational Computer Software Qualification

16、Win certificate of System Analyst 4Win first prize 3Win second prize 2University LevelWin third prize 1Win first prize 4Win second prize 3Provincial LevelWin third prize 2Win first prize 6Win second prize 43 CompetitionsNational LevelWin third prize 34 Thesis Those whose thesis appears in national p

17、ublications Per piece 2-35 Scientific ResearchDepending on both the time spent in and ability demonstrated in scientific research projectEach item 1-36 Experiments Depending on innovative extent Each item 1-3Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize,

18、and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level。七、主要课程Main Courses城市住区规划原理 Principles of Urban Residential Area Planning、城市总规原理 Principles of Urban Master Planning、城市控规原理 Principles of Urban Regular Detailed Pl

19、anning、城乡生态与环境华中科技大学 2015 级本科专业培养计划66规划 Urban Environment and Urban Ecology、3S 技术与应用 Technology and Application of 3S、中外城市规划与建设史 History of Urban planning and City Construction、城乡工程系统规划 Urban and Rural Engineering System Planning、城市道路与交通规划 Urban Road and Traffic Planning、城市居住区规划设计 Urban Residential

20、Area Planning、城市总规设计 Urban Master Planning、城市控规设计Urban Regulatory Planning、城市设计 Urban Design、乡村规划设计 Country Planning、 社会调查研究方法 Methods of Social Investigate and Research、城乡规划管理与法规 Urban and Rural Planning Management and Regulation。八、主要实践教学环节(含专业实验)Practicum Module (experiments included)军事训练 Military

21、 Training、城市住区认识实习 Cognitive Practice of Urban Residential Area、色彩/城乡认识实习 Water Color Practice /Cognitive Practice of Urban and Rural、社会调查实践 Social Investigation Practice、总规设计实习 Master Plan Practice、乡村认知实习 Cognitive Practice of Rural、城乡规划业务实践 Professional Practice of Specialty in Urban and Rural Pla

22、nning、毕业实习Undergraduate Practice、毕业设计(论文)Undergraduate Design(Thesis)九、教学进程计划表Courses Schedule院(系):建筑与城市规划学院 专业:城乡规划School (Department): School of Architecture and Urban Planning Specialty: Urban and Rural Planning其中Including课程类别course type课程性质required/elective课程代码course code课程名称course name学时hrs学分cr

23、s 课外extra-cur.实验exp.上机operation设置学期semester必 修Required 0301902思想道德修养与法律基础Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law 40 2.5 8 1必 修Required 0100721中国近现代史纲要Survey of Modern Chinese History 32 2 8 2必 修Required 0100932思政课社会实践 Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theories Course 24 1.5 20 2通识教育基础课程Gene

24、ralEducationCoreCurriculum必 修Required 0100733马克思主义基本原理Basic Theory of Marxism 40 2.5 8 3华中科技大学 2015 级本科专业培养计划67必 修Required 0100322毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 General Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics56 3.5 4必 修Required 0100741形势与政策Situation and Policy 32 2

25、 14 1-6必 修Required 0508453综合英语(一)Comprehensive English() 56 3.5 1必 修Required 0508463综合英语(二)Comprehensive English() 56 3.5 2必 修Required 0400111大学体育(一)Physical Education() 32 1 1必 修Required 0400121大学体育(二)Physical Education() 32 1 2必 修Required 0400131大学体育(三)Physical Education() 32 1 3必 修Required 040014

26、1大学体育(四)Physical Education() 32 1 4必 修Required 070001a微积分(三)Calculus () 64 4 1续表其中Including课程类别course type课程性质required/elective课程代码course code课程名称course name学时hrs学分crs 课外extra-cur.实验exp.上机operation设置学期semester必 修Required 1100011军事理论Military Theory 16 1 1必 修Required 0510071中国语文Chinese 32 2 10 2人文社科类选

27、修课程Electives in the Humanities and Social Sciences160 10 必 修Required 0828841画法几何与阴影透视Descriptive geometry and perspective shadow 32 2 1必 修Required 0815452建筑初步(一)Architectural Design Rudiment( ) 96 6 1必 修Required 0815463建筑初步(二)Architectural Design Rudiment( ) 128 8 2必 修Required 0815282设计素描(一)Sketch o

28、f Design() 56 3.5 1必 修Required 0815292设计素描(二)Sketch of Design() 56 3.5 2学科大类基础课程Discipline-relatedGeneralCourses必 修Required 0815312设计色彩(一)Colors of Design() 56 3.5 3华中科技大学 2015 级本科专业培养计划68必 修Required 0815322设计色彩(二)Colors of Design() 56 3.5 4必 修Required 0813942建筑设计(一)Architecture Design() 96 6 28 3必

29、修Required 0813952建筑设计(二)Architecture Design() 96 6 28 4必 修Required 0833623建筑设计(三)Architecture Design () 56 3.5 15 5必 修Required 0842641建筑设计(四)Architecture Design () 56 3.5 15 6必 修Required 0833881人居环境科学概论Introduction to sciences of human settlements24 1.5 1必 修Required 0833011建筑历史概论Introduction to Arch

30、itectural History 24 1.5 2必 修Required 0833891测量与地图学Measurement and cartography 32 2 3必 修Required 0833781城乡规划概论Introduction to Urban and Rural Planning 32 2 3必 修Required 0813311计算机辅助设计CADComputer Aid Drawing 32 2 3必 修Required 0805552环境保护与可持续发展Environment Protection and Sustainable Development 24 1.5

31、3续表其中Including课程类别course type课程性质required/elective课程代码course code课程名称course name学时hrs学分crs 课外extra-cur.实验exp.上机operation设置学期semester必 修Required 0200512工程经济学Economic of Engineering 24 1.5 8必 修Required 0833811城市住房与社区规划Urban house and Community Planning 24 1.5 3必 修Required 0813162中外城市规划与建设史History of U

32、rban planning and City Construction 40 2.5 4必 修Required 0803702城市规划系统工程学System Engineering of Urban Planning 32 2 4必 修Required 0803661城市地理学Urban Geography 32 2 5必 修Required 0200551城市经济学Urban Economics 32 2 5学科专业基础课程 BasicSub-disciplinaryCourses必 修Required 0842631城乡生态与环境规划Urban and Rural Ecology and

33、Environment planning40 2.5 5华中科技大学 2015 级本科专业培养计划69必 修Required 0825671社会调查研究方法Methods of Social Investigate and Research 24 1.5 5必 修Required 08156223S 技术与应用Technology and Application of 3S 40 2.5 5必 修Required 0815642景观设计概论Introduction to Landscape Design 24 1.5 5必 修Required 0828791社会调查实践Social Inves

34、tigation Practice 24 1.5 6必 修Required 0300672城市社会学Urban Sociology 32 2 6必 修Required 0843101城乡信息及其分析Urban and Rural Information and Its Analysis 24 1.5 7必 修Required 0500026专业英语Professional English 24 1.5 8必 修Required 0828801城市住区规划原理 Principles of Urban Residential Area Planning 32 2 4必 修Required 0825

35、681城市居住区规划设计Urban Residential Area Planning 96 6 20 5必 修Required 0828811区域规划Regional Planning 40 2.5 6必 修Required 0803711城市总规原理Principles of Urban Master Planning 48 3 6必 修Required 0825691城市公园设计City Park Design 64 4 20 6专业核心课程Major-specificCoreCourses必 修Required 0825701城市公共空间设计Design of Urban Open S

36、pace 48 3 6续表其中Including课程类别course type课程性质required/elective课程代码course code课程名称course name学时hrs学分crs 课外extra-cur.实验exp.上机operation设置学期semester必 修Required 0833791城市道路与交通规划(一)Urban Road and Traffic Planning() 48 3 6必 修Required 0833801城市道路与交通规划(二)Urban Road and Traffic Planning() 24 1.5 7必 修Required 08

37、03722城市总规设计Urban Master Planning 96 6 30 7必 修Required 0842621城乡绿地系统规划原理Principles of Urban and Rural Green Space System Planning32 2 7必 修Required 0833821城乡历史文化保护与城市更新Conservation of Historic Sites and Urban Regeneration24 1.5 7必 修Required 0842901城乡工程系统规划Urban and Rural Engineering System Planning 48

38、 3 7专业核心课程 Major-specificCoreCourses必 修Required 0803551城市设计概论Introduction to Urban Design 32 2 7华中科技大学 2015 级本科专业培养计划70必 修Required 0815611城市控规原理Principles of Urban Regular Detailed Planning 32 2 7必 修Required 0803544城市设计Urban Design 64 4 30 8必 修Required 0813221城市控规设计Urban Regulatory Planning 64 4 30

39、8必 修Required 0842571城乡规划管理与法规Urban and Rural Planning Management and Regulation32 2 8必 修Required 0833831乡镇规划原理Principles of Town and Rural Planning 24 1.5 8必 修Required 0842601城乡规划专题讲座Special Topic of Urban and Rural Planning 24 1.5 8必 修Required 0803861城市防灾学Urban Disaster Protection 24 1.5 9必 修Requir

40、ed 0841782乡村规划设计 Rural Planning 64 4 9专业方向选修课程Specialty-Oriented Courses 240 15 选 修Elective 0506761西方古代建筑史History of Western Ancient Architecture 32 2 2选 修Elective 0505421钢笔徒手设计表现技巧 Presentation Techniques of Freehand Design with Pen16 1 3专业方向课程 Major-specificElectives选 修Elective 0813301环境行为学Environ

41、ment and Behavior 24 1.5 3续表其中Including课程类别course type课程性质required/elective课程代码course code课程名称course name学时hrs学分crs 课外extra-cur.实验exp.上机operation设置学期semester选 修Elective 0506821西方近现代建筑史History of Western Contemporary Architecture32 2 3选 修Elective 0506752中国古代建筑史History of Chinese Architecture 32 2 4选

42、修Elective 0825862营造十讲Topics of Construction 24 1.5 4选 修Elective 0833841创新实践课程(一)Innovative Practice Course() 24 1.5 5选 修Elective 0833851创新实践课程(二)Innovative Practice Course() 24 1.5 7选 修Elective 0828821计算机图形与表达 Computer Graphics and Expression 24 1.5 4专业方向课程Major-specificElectives选 修Elective 0701721园林植物学Botany in Landscape 24 1.5 5

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