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1、新编基础医学英语答案部分2the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of health. It focuses on educationand responsibility for personal efforts to achieve balance and well being.2. Holistic Health is a total approach to life both in physical and spiritual terms. The goal ofholistic healing is t

2、o achieve maximum body function, where individual body parts arefunctioning the very best that is possible by themselves.3. In mainstream medicine, a holistic approach generally means a more inclusive approach to apersons health, one that includes the patients social and cultural situation as well a

3、s her orhis illness.4. Holistic medicine can involve the use of conventional and alternative therapies but focusesmostly on lifestyle changes.5. Holistic medicine has its roots in several ancient healing traditions that stress healthy livingand being in harmony with nature. Socrates promoted a holis

4、tic approach. Plato was anotheradvocate of holism, advising doctors to respect the relationship between mind and body.Hippocrates, emphasized the bodys ability to heal itself and cautioned doctors not tointerfere with that process. It was not until 1926, however, that Jan Christian Smuts coinedthe t

5、erm “holism“, which has given us the more integrated concept of psychosomaticmedicine now known as holistic medicine. In the 1970s, “holistic“ became a more commonterm.II1. Holistic medicine 2. Holistic health 3. homeostasis4. lifestyle changes 5. Holistic medicineTranslationI1. 整体健康指身体和精神两个方面都健康。它强

6、调的重点不是具体的病种或患病部位,而是作为整体的一个人与其所处环境的相互关系情况。2. 任何人无论目前身体状况如何,只要采用整体健康的方法,其健康水平都会有明显的提高。3. 尽管很多情况下,整体健康和整体医学这两个术语可以交换使用,但整体健康指达到身体、心理、精神和情感的健康,而整体医学指藉整体健康理论治疗疾病。4. 有人宣称在不采用主流医学即常规医学的条件下仅依靠整体医学就可以有效地治疗癌症或其它疾病,但现有的科学证据并不支持这种说法。5. 在主流医学中,整体医疗一般指一种更为全面的治疗方法,它不仅治疗疾病,还要考虑与患者有关的社会和文化情况。II1. Holistic medicine f

7、ocuses on education and responsibility for personal efforts to achievebalance and well being.2. Holistic medicine is based on the very basic law of nature that states that whole is made up ofAnswer Key3interdependent parts.3. Holistic medicine can involve the use of conventional and alternative ther

8、apies but focusesmostly on lifestyle changes.4. Holistic medicine can also include natural supplements that cause the same changes asconventional drugs.Vocabulary Study1. optimal 2. hypnosis 3. holistic 4. modality 5. encompass6. intravenous 7. equilibrium 8. complication 9. rehabilitation 10. hygie

9、neText BComprehension CheckI1-4 FTFT 5-7 FTFII1. It is based on the concept that disease results from disruption in the flow of qi and imbalancein the forces of yin and yang.2. There are three main therapeutic modalities:1) Acupuncture and moxibustionIn traditional Chinese medicine, the use of heat

10、fromburning the herb moxa on or near the skin at an acupuncture point. Intended tostimulate the flow of qi and restore health.2) Chinese Materia Medica3) Massage and manipulation3. Some of the primary Ayurvedic treatments include diet, exercise, meditation, herbs, massage,exposure to sunlight, and c

11、ontrolled breathing.4. The core modalities include diet modification and nutritional supplements, herbal medicine,acupuncture and Chinese medicine, hydrotherapy, massage and joint manipulation (theapplication of controlled force to a joint, moving it beyond the normal range of motion in aneffort to

12、aid in restoring health).5. Its founder, German physician Samuel Christian Hahnemann, hypothesized that one canselect therapies on the basis of how closely symptoms produced by a remedy match thesymptoms of the patients disease. He called this the “principle of similars“.6. These systems are based o

13、n the belief that ones body has the power to heal itself. Healingoften involves marshalling multiple techniques that involve the mind, body, and spirit.Treatment is often individualized and dependent on the presenting symptoms.III1. allopathic 2. traditional Chinese medicine 新编基础医学英语答案部分43. Ayurvedi

14、c medicine 4. homeopathy,Naturopathy5. Acupuncture 6. ones body has the power to heal itselfText C1-6 GDBFACUnit 2Part AIStems /Affixes Meaning Examplesarthr(o)- joint (articulation) arthritischondr(o)- cartilage chondrallumb(o)- loin (lower back) lumbarmyel(o)- marrow, bone marrow myelitisoste(o)-

15、bone osteomyelitisthorac(o)- chest thoracicten(o)- tendon (to stretch) tenodesisvertebr(o)- vertebra vertebral-ia pathological or abnormal condition anoxia-trophy growth hypertrophyII1-5 BFECB 6-10 GAIHJIII1. cervical 2. articular 3. intercostals 4. myalgia 5. leiomyoma6. pelvic 7. osteodynia 8. mye

16、losis 9. scoliosis 10. hypertrophyPart B1. Calcium and vitamin D are fundamental.2. Osteoporosis is actually a childhood disease that manifests itself later in life.3. The bones will become riddled with holes, like the frame of thehouse that has been attacked by termites.Unit 1Part AIPrefix Meaning

17、Examplesbi-tri-poly-twothreemany, muchbilateraltriamyloepolycystichyper-ab-ad-peri-over, above, excessive, fromaway fromto, toward, neararound, surroundinghypertensionabnormaladhesionpericardiummal-ant(i)-hypo-ill, bad, pooragainstdeficientmalnutritionantibacterialhypothyroidII1-6 IFJLAB 7-12 KCDGEH

18、Part B1. The holidays are supposed to be happy, but it is easy to gain weight and feel overstressed.2. Avoid nibbling between meals, choose low-calorie foods, and dont drink too much.3. Indigestion.4. Because drinks are highly caloric.5. Try to avoid doing too much, and get plenty of rest.Aerobic ex

19、ercise, calisthenics and anaerobic exercise.Part CText AComprehension CheckI1. Holistic medicine is a system of alternate medicine. It visualizes the body as a whole andviews body as more than the sum of the parts. It tries to attain a perfect harmony by fosteringa cooperative relationship among all

20、 those involved, leading towards optimal attainment ofAnswer Key54. Yes. The broken bones can cause deformity, chronic pain or disability.5. It strikes about eight million women in the United States and menaces two million men.6. Yes. Calcium, vitamin D and exercise are crucial in preventing osteopo

21、rosis.Part CText AComprehension Check1. osteoblasts osteocytes osteoclasts 2. bone marrow3. Compact Cancellous4. Skeletal muscles striated 5. flexor extensorVocabulary Study1. involuntary 2. automatically 3. Ossification components4. multiplying 5. fracture 6. inflammation 7. inherited8. at risk 9.

22、hereditary 10. relieveTranslationI1. 骨骼由长的纤维性带子韧带连接在一起。 软骨是关节内柔韧的、有弹性的物质 ,能支持骨骼并能减少关节间骨骼摩擦从而保护骨骼。2. 骨骼肌附着在骨骼上,主要分布于上下肢、腹部、胸部、颈部和颜面部。由于显微镜下可见骨骼肌纤维上有横向条纹,所以骨骼肌又称为横纹肌。3. 如果未经充分热身就做剧烈运动或肌肉对运动不习惯(如新运动项目或长期未做的熟悉项目) ,就会发生肌肉拉伤。而扭伤通常是脚踝或膝盖扭曲发生的损伤,4. 身体某个部位承受过度压力会引发 重复性过度劳累损伤,引起炎症(疼痛和肿胀) 、肌肉拉伤或组织破坏。5. 肌营养不良是一

23、组累及肌肉的遗传性疾病,会逐渐使肌肉无力、萎缩。II1. Ossification is when the cartilage is replaced by hard deposits of calcium phosphate andstretchy collagen, the two main components of bone.2. Cardiac muscle is found in the heart. The walls of the hearts chambers are composed almostentirely of muscle fibers.3. Arthritis

24、is the inflammation of a joint, and people who have it experience swelling, warmth,pain, and often have trouble moving.4. Exercising regularly and getting plenty of calcium when youre a kid and teen can preventor delay you from getting osteoporosis later in life.Text BComprehension Check 新编基础医学英语答案部

25、分6I1-5 FTFTFII1. They break down complex proteins into smaller fragments of amino acid chains.2. Osteoarthritis is caused by an abnormal release of enzymes from cartilage cells, which leadto cartilage breakdown and progressive joint destruction, and thus osteoarthritis.3. The activated immune cells

26、of the cartilage enter the synovial membrane, produceproinflammatory cytokines which trigger a local inflammatory response, and ultimatelyresult in pain, swelling and loss of joint movement.4. Because another group of molecules, adhesion molecules, makes the surface of the activatedimmune system sti

27、cky, enabling them to continue moving into the synovia in large number.WritingSystem enzymes can effectively reduce the production of cytokines responsible for triggeringa local inflammatory response by the activated immune cells, and inhibit their invasion ofsynovia. Meanwhile, it has been found ou

28、t that system enzymes can also decrease the number of“docking ports“ which anchor the receptor proteins. More important, they can break down thecell adhesion molecules, blocking the highway of the activated immune cells into the synovia.By their interference with the basic process of the activated i

29、mmune cellss autoimmuity, thenumber of immune complexes is reduced, and they help reduce the pain and regional swellingare reduced andgradually improve the condition of the joints.Text CI1. Mainstream medicine is adopting hypnosis in the medical treatment and doctors ofpsychology learn some hypnosis

30、 as part of their formal training.2. The hypnosis expert will capture the persons attention, narrow it and guide it.3. No. It is because not everyone can be hypnotized and its also not clear how many sessions ittakes to be effective.4. It is because the human psyche is a complicated and sometimes mu

31、ddled thing. Someconflicted unconscious thoughts work against ones best conscious efforts.5. Its a combination of physical relaxation and mental acuity.Answer Key91. No single test can confirm a diagnosis of PD, because the symptoms vary from person toperson.2. The brain is also protected by the blo

32、od-brain barrier that prevents some toxic substances in the blood from reaching the brain.3. Nerve impulses travel much faster in nerves with a myelin sheath than in those without one.4. A loss of blood flow to the brain for more than about 10 seconds can cause loss ofconsciousness.5. There are two

33、major nerve plexuses: the brachial plexus, which sorts and recombines nervefibers traveling to the arms and hands, and the lumbosacral plexus, which sorts andrecombines nerve fibers going to the legs and feet.III1. Sufficient intake of various vitamins is indispensable to health.2. Extensive evaluat

34、ion of the eosinophils reveal them to be normal morphologically andfunctionally.3. Examination of the lung shows fine or medium moist rales over the involved area.4. Distribution of nerves through the body ensures the functional activities of various tissuesand organs.5. The treatment of common cold

35、 remains essentially unchanged.WritingOur nervous system is composed of the central, the peripheral and the autonomic nervoussystems. They are responsible for all the bodily process and reactions and adjustment of the bodyto its environment. Neurons and neuroglia are the basic cell structure of the

36、entire centralnervous system. The cell body, the dendrites and the axon responsible for conducting impulsesand the release of chemical regulators comprise the neurons. Dendrites conduct the impulses tothe cell body, and the axons send the impulses away from the body. The neuroglia is the supportstru

37、cture of the central nervous system.As far as the central nervous system is concerned, it is made up of the brain and the spinal.The central nervous system allows our body to function and remain safe and maintain thehomeostasis of the body.The peripheral nervous system is composed of spinal nerve, c

38、ranial nerves, and certain parts ofthe autonomic nervous system. It is a channel for the relay of sensory and motor impulsesbetween the central nervous system and the body surface, skeletal muscles, and internal organs.The autonomic system is a part of the peripheral nervous system with two major di

39、visions, thesympathetic nervous and the parasympathetic nervous system. It is responsible for regulating thebasic visceral processes necessary for the maintenance of normal bodily functions.Text B 新编基础医学英语答案部分8Part CText AComprehension Check1. The basic unit of the nervous system is the nerve cell (

40、neuron). Nerve cells consist of a largecell body and two types of nerve fibersone elongated axon for sending impulses and usuallymany dendrites for receiving impulses.2. The brain and spinal cord also contain support cells called glial cells. There are several types,including the following: astrocyt

41、es help provide nutrients to nerve cells and control thechemical composition of fluids around nerve cells, enabling them to thrive; oligodendrocytesmake myelin, a fatty substance that insulates nerve axons and speeds the conduction ofimpulses along nerve fibers; microglia help protect the brain agai

42、nst infection and help removedebris from dead cells.3. The thalamus generally organizes sensory messages to and from the highest levels of the brain(cerebral cortex), providing a general awareness of such sensations as pain, touch, andtemperature.5. The brain stem controls levels of consciousness an

43、d alertness and automatically regulatescritical body functions, such as breathing, swallowing, blood pressure, and heartbeat, and ithelps adjust posture. If the entire brain stem becomes severely damaged, consciousness is lost,and these automatic body functions cease. Death soon follows. There are t

44、hree parts that makeup the brain stem: the medulla oblongata, the pons and the midbrain.Vocabulary Study1. degenerate 2. stroke 3. release 4. tone 5. inhibiting 6. cranial7. take over 8. spinal cord 9. resembles 10. triggerTranslationI1. 脑和脊髓很少产生新的神经细胞,但参与记忆形成的海马区是个例外。2. 血氧过低或异常低的血糖水平会降低大脑获取的能量并在几分钟

45、内严重损伤大脑。3. 大脑可以分为左右半球,其中间由神经纤维组成的桥状结构(胼胝体)相连。4. 有些脊神经相互交织构成的网络结构称为神经丛。在一个神经丛中,来自不同脊神经的神经纤维得到分类和重组,这样通往或来自同一身体部位的神经纤维就被归置在一起形成了一个神经。5. 周围神经系统是传递感觉冲动和运动冲动的一个通道。该通道一端连接着中枢神经系统,另一端和体表、骨骼肌以及内部器官相连。II 新编基础医学英语答案部分10Comprehension CheckI1-6 TFTFFTII1. Alzheimers disease (AD) is a progressive, degenerative,

46、neurological disorder that ischaracterized by impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning,planning, language, and perception.2. Memory loss is one of the earliest symptoms, along with a gradual decline of other intellectualand thinking abilities, called cognitive functions, and

47、changes in personality or behavior.1. As the disease progresses, nerve cells in several brain areas shrink and die.2. Environmental factors such as a former serious head injury, lower levels of formal education,and lower socioeconomic status, ones environment and experiences early in life.3. The non

48、-drug treatments focus on helping the individual adjust or control his or her behavioror helping caregivers and other family members change the persons behavior.4. Because cholinesterase inhibitors can increase the amount of acetylcholine in the brain andimprove brain function by stopping the breakd

49、own of this neurotransmitter.III1. mental abilities 2. inherited 3. pathologic changes4. chemical messengers 5. Age and family history 6. slow down the rate of declineText C1-4 ICEA 5-8 JFBHWritingDear Amy:Im sorry to hear you are suffering from tension headaches. I have just read an articleabouthow to deal with them. Here are some suggestions for you.First, take tension headaches seriously. A tension headache is not usually a symptom of aserious medical condition. Many serious conditions can cause head pain similar to a tensionheadache. If headache occurs with other sympt

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