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1、1Module 1 Unit 1 基础训练(一)第一节 听力理解听下面的对话或独白,选择最佳答案。录音播放两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 12 小题。W: Hey, Bob. You should stop painting and have a rest.M: Im not tired, Sally. I love painting, you know.W: I see. Do you want to be a painter in the future?M: Yes, I would like to be a painter like Leonardo da Vinci.W: Wow, I

2、also like him and I want to be an inventor like him.M: In fact, he is really a great person.听下面一段对话,回答第 34 小题。M: Excuse me, I want to borrow an encyclopaedia.W: Oh, wait a minute. Here you are.M: Thank you. W: Its the last one. Many students borrow this book this week.M: Really? Our teacher asked us

3、 to read the book and write a report about what we learn from it.W: I see. Its a useful book.M: How long can I keep the book for?W: Two weeks.M: OK. Thank you so much.W: Youre welcome.听下面一段对话,回答第 57 小题。M: Dora, shall we go to the Guangdong Museum tomorrow? Its Sunday.W: Sounds great, Tom!M: My teach

4、er told us to visit it and learn something about dinosaurs.W: Wow, Im interested in dinosaurs. M: So am I. My mum bought many dinosaur models for me when I was young.W: So you know a lot about dinosaurs?M: Not exactly. They all died out, but nobody knows why.W: Maybe we can know more about them in t

5、he museum.M: I agree with you. Lets meet at the gate of the museum at 9 oclock, OK?W: No problem.听下面一段独白,回答第 810 小题。Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. There are many ways to exercise. We can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. We should exercise enough but no

6、t too much. Its best to exercise twice every week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. We can try all kinds of things until we find one, two or even three sports that are right for us. In fact, we should like what were doing. Exercise can be fun. We can exercise with our friends when we have time. I

7、t is not only good for our health, but also makes friends closer.第二节 听取信息听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入题号为(A) (E)的空格中。录音播放两遍。2Sara was born in 1980 in the UK. She was very interested in colourful pictures since she was a baby. In 1985, she began to draw pictures. Her first picture was a beautifu

8、l horse. It took the 5-year-old girl about a whole day to finish it. Her father thought Sara would be a successful artist in the future. So he asked a teacher to teach Sara to draw. Sara drew better and better. In 1996, she won her first prize in New York. Later, she worked harder and harder and got

9、 lots of prizes. Now she is a famous artist and teaches Art in a university.Module 1 Unit 2 基础训练(一)第 1 节 听力理解听下面的对话或独白,选择最佳答案。录音播放两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 12 小题。W: Hello, May I speak to Jane please?M: Sorry, she isnt at home. She has gone to the library with her brother.Can I take a message?W: Yes, please. Th

10、is is Lucy, her classmate. I want to ask her if shed like to go to the science museum with me this Saturday afternoon.M: Ok, I will tell her. Would you mind telling me your phone number?W: My phone number is 456-7223.M: 456-7223, is that right?W: Yes, thats right. Thank you.M: You are welcome.听下面一段对

11、话,回答第 34 小题。W: Good afternoon, what can I do for you, sir?M: Can you tell me whats on tonight?W: Kung Fu Panda 2. Its very exciting. Many people come to see it, especially the children.M: Yes, Ive heard about it these days. Its a good idea to enjoy the film with my family tonight. How much is the ti

12、cket?W: 50 yuan for an adult. Half price for children between 8 and 14, and free for children under 8.M: I see. I would like to buy tickets for two adults and a kid aged 4. Here is the money.W: Thank you.听下面一段对话,回答第 57 小题。M: Mary, how many languages do you speak besides English?W: I speak German.M:

13、Ah, do you speak it well?W: Yes, and I can write it too.M: Really? Any other languages?W: I can speak some French. But I cant write it at all.M: Do you want to join our beginners Japanese class?3W: Yes, very much.M: Well, its not going to be easy, you know. Its very different from English, German an

14、d French.W: I know, but I want to learn it. One day, I will go to Japan.听下面一段独白,回答第 810 小题。Today we did a survey about the troubles we students face in our class. The result shows 50 percent of the students think theres too much homework. They have to spend a long time on it every day. They dont hav

15、e much time for fun and sleep. 40 percent of them worry about their exam results and dont want their parents to know the results. 5 percent of the students think their biggest problem is how to get on with their good friends. Sometimes they argue and this makes them sad. 3 percent need more money fo

16、r food, clothing and school things. As for how to get over these troubles, 40 percent of them choose to share with their friends. 30 percent would rather listen to music to relax. 10 percent think talking to parents is quite a good way. 第二节 听取信息听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入题号为(A) (E)的空格中。录音播放两遍

17、。What should I get for everyone for Christmas? I think I will get my father a book about plants from the bookshop. I saw a good one there for only 30 yuan. My mother loves cakes, so I will buy her some from the sweet shop next door. It is 80 yuan each. Two tickets for the next football game is a per

18、fect gift for my brother. It says in the newspaper that it costs 50 yuan each. Ill buy them at the stadium tomorrow. Now what about my sister? Hmm there is a beautiful handbag for only 150 yuan in the department store.My uncle loves watching movies, so for him it will be the newest Jackie Chan DVD.

19、I saw it in the market for 40 yuan. Well, its time for shopping. Module 2 Unit 3 基础训练(一)第一节 听力理解听下面的对话或独白,选择最佳答案。录音播放两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 12 小题。W: Good morning! Do you run around here every day? M: Yes. How about you? W: I try at least 4 times a week. But I wont come if Im too tired. M: Something is bette

20、r than nothing. Running 4 times a week is pretty good exercise.W: I used to go to a health club. But I prefer running outside because I like fresh air. M: Yeah, its good for us to go outside and get close to nature.听下面一段对话,回答第 34 小题。W: How long will it take to repair my watch?M: Hard to tell. Someti

21、mes we can find out the problem right away and sometimes it may take an hour or two.W: Should I wait or come back later?4M: Suit yourself, but its probably better to come back later.W: Can you get it done today?M: Im not sure, but I will try my best. You may come this afternoon, but youd better call

22、 before you come. W: OK. Thanks a lot.听下面一段对话,回答第 57 小题。W: Jack, where are you? Come here and give me a help.M: Wait a moment please.W: Oh, youve played the computer games for nearly three hours!M: OK, Ill stop right away.W: You said that an hour ago! Stop now, or Ill be angry.M: All right.W: What w

23、ould you like for lunch? Sandwiches, noodles or rice?M: Noodles, mum.W: OK, there is little salt left. Go and buy a bag of salt in the supermarket. M: Fine, Ill go right away. 听下面一段独白,回答第 810 小题。Good morning, everyone. Im Tony, a student from Shenzhen International School. Today Im here to talk abou

24、t computers. Computers are very popular now. The Internet is playing an important part in my life. I use the Internet three times a week. I often search the Internet for information. I usually read the latest news, do some shopping, and get all the information from it. I often send and receive e-mai

25、ls and chat with my friends on the Internet. The most important thing is that I am able to study all my lessons on the Internet. The Internet makes my life more interesting and convenient. I like it very much. Thats all. Thank you for listening.第二节 听取信息听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入题号为(A) (E)的空格

26、中。录音播放两遍。Our Earth has a special day. Its much like our birthday. Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd each year. We celebrate Earth Day to remind people to take care of our Earth. We need to keep our rivers and lakes clean so that well have water to drink. We need to clean up the rubbish. We can a

27、ll help to keep our earth clean. Lets start by cleaning up the rubbish at home, in our school and neighbourhoods. Would you like to join our school volunteer project? We are going to clean up the park near our school this Saturday afternoon. Lets meet at 2:30 p.m. on the playground. One more thing:

28、dont forget to bring large plastic bags with you.Module 2 Unit 4 基础训练(一)第一节 听力理解听下面的对话或独白,选择最佳答案。录音播放两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 12 小题。W: Oh, my god! The light is off now. My world is dark!M: Whats wrong?W: I dont know. Maybe there is something wrong with the bulb. I am worried that I 5cant finish my homework to

29、night. M: Dont worry. Let me help you. Err I will change a new one. Thats OK.W: Great! Thank you! Dont you think the bulb is one of the greatest inventions in the world?M: Thats right. Do your homework quickly, my dear! Its nine oclock now.W: OK! I will.听下面一段对话,回答第 34 小题。W: You live far from your pa

30、rents. How do you communicate with them? Do you write to them?M: No, I never write to them. I call them. Its very convenient. The telephone is a useful invention.W: Do you know who invented it? I think he is a clever man. How could he do that!M: It is Bell. He invented the first telephone in 1876. H

31、e helped to make the world become smaller.W: Thats right. I can also keep in touch with my friends easily because of his invention.M: Yes. Some of the inventions can change the world. 听下面一段对话,回答第 57 小题。M: How do you like this house?W: Its fantastic! Some designs are very environmentally friendly. M:

32、 I think you may also be satisfied with the garden downstairs. There are a lot of trees. You can even see the green trees from the dining room. W: Yes, its really a very good view. M: And its far from the road, so its very quiet inside the house. Besides, it is hot today, but you can still feel cool

33、. W: I like it. How much is it? M: One million yuan. If I had the money, I would buy it myself. W: So expensive! I think I have to think about it and discuss with my family. M: OK, I will wait for your call.听下面一段独白,回答第 810 小题。Pay attention, everyone! Im sorry to tell you something that happened yest

34、erday. I think its important for everyone. Yesterday afternoon, when our students were having a P.E class, someone came into our classroom and took away some things. Some students couldnt find their wallets. And Meimei couldnt find her MP3 player, either. How did the thief come into our classroom? B

35、ecause the door was open during our P.E class! I hope everyone can take a lesson from it. Please remember to lock the door when you have your classes outside. And everyone should take care of your own things.第二节 听取信息听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入题号为(A) (E)的空格中。录音播放两遍。Good morning, Im Bill Smith.

36、 Today Id like to tell you something about our 6library. In the first room we visit, there are all kinds of dictionaries and guides. You may use the books only in this room. OK, lets go to the next room. Its a reading room. There are different kinds of newspapers and magazines. You can always get th

37、em by yourselves. But you cant take them out of this room. Now, we are in the third room. Here you can borrow novels, storybooks and science books. When you are looking for a book, you can ask the librarian for help. You must return the book in two weeks. OK, thats all. If you have any further quest

38、ions about using the library, Id be glad to help you. Thank you.Module 3 Unit 5 基础训练(一)第一节 听力理解听下面的对话或独白,选择最佳答案。录音播放两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 12 小题。M: What are you doing, Amy?W: I am writing to my pen friend, Tom.M: Where is your pen friend from?W: England. He studied in our school last year as an exchange stu

39、dent.M: When did you get to know him?W: About one and a half years ago. We are friends now.听下面一段对话,回答第 34 小题。M: Hi, Jane. I heard that you went to Canada this summer holiday.W: Yes. I went there on June 28th to take part in a two-month English course. M: Where did you live?W: I lived with a Canadian

40、 family. They are friendly.M: How about the lessons of the English course?W: Great! I like them because their way of teaching was so interesting. M: Sounds wonderful!听下面一段对话,回答第 57 小题。M: Mary, youve been in our school for a month. How do you like it?W: Er Ive never been to China before and I know li

41、ttle about Chinese. Sometimes I feel lonely.M: I see. We can do homework together. I can help you with your Chinese.W: Good idea. Thank you.M: By the way, how do you like Chinese food?W: Very delicious! I think it is better than English food.M: Great! My family would like to invite you to have dinne

42、r with us. W: Thanks. Id love to. When should I come?M: At 7 oclock the day after tomorrow. W: OK. 听下面一段独白,回答第 810 小题。I went to America from China when I was ten. I knew little English so I went to a language school every day except Sunday to learn English. One day I asked one of my classmates, Alic

43、e, a question. When I thanked her for it, she said, “You are welcome. Its a piece of cake.” I thought she wanted a cake from me for answering 7my question, so I said to her, “I dont have a piece of cake with me today. What about something else?” She looked at me with a big smile and said, “What I me

44、an is, no problem, it is just an easy thing.” From then on, I came to learn that “a piece of cake” not only means a piece of cake but also means something that is very easy. 第二节 听取信息听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入题号为(A) (E)的空格中。录音播放两遍。My name is Jimmy. Ill have a new experience abroad. Im going t

45、o the UK for an educational exchange. Ill go there on June 5th and come back on July 25th. Im sure Ill have a fantastic time there. Ill visit many wonderful places, play sports, learn about the culture there. Ill live with a British family. Im a little worried because I dont know what I should do or

46、 shouldnt do in a British family. But my friend gave me some advice. First, dont be late! Being on time is very important. Second, call first before visiting. Third, bring the host some gifts when visiting. Im sure if I remember these, my life in the UK will be easy.Module 3 Unit 6 基础训练(一)第一节 听力理解听下

47、面的对话或独白,选择最佳答案。录音播放两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 1 2 小题。M: Are you free this afternoon, Jenny?W: Yes. What do you suggest?M: Shall we go to the cinema? I want to see the film The Trojan Horse.W: Good idea! When shall we meet?M: What about 3:50 p.m.? W: OK. Ill wait for you at the gate of the park near your home.听下

48、面一段对话,回答第 3 4 小题。W: Can I help you, sir?M: Yes. Id like to buy some books about Chinese ancient stories. Do you have any?W: Sure. This kind of book is very popular, and we have many books about that.M: Thats great. I want to buy two of them. How much should I pay?W: This one costs 20 dollars and the

49、 other one costs 15 dollars. M: OK. Ill get both. Heres the money.W: And these are your books.听下面一段对话,回答第 5 7 小题。W: Jason, can I look at the photo on your desk?M: Of course you can.W: Who is the man?M: He is my father.W: How old is he?M: Hes 35. He was a history teacher when he was 25. But now he is a writer.W: Wow. Thats great! How many books has your father written?M: Just two. He finished his first book in 2010. Its about Chinese history. There are 8many

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