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1、 计算机检索实习 作业 第 一 题 请查询有关 针推 职业前景 方面 的文献。 1、数据库查询 数据库 1:中国生物医学文献数据库( CBM Web) 检索表达式: (“针灸 “常用字段 OR (“推拿 “常用字段 OR “推拿“主题词 ) AND (“就业 “常用字段 OR “解雇 “常用字段 OR “就业 “主题词 ) 数据库 2:中国知网( CNKI,要求查询这个平台上的期刊全文库、学位论文全文库和会议论文全文库) 检索表达式: 数据库:学术期刊 检索条件:主题 =针灸 并且 主题 =就业 并且 主题 =推拿 并且 主题 =就业 (精确匹配 ) 数据库:博硕士学位论文 检索条件:主题 =

2、针灸 并且 主题 =就业 并且 主题 =推拿 并且 主题 =就业 (精确匹配 ) 数据库:会议论文 检索条件:主题 =针灸 并且 主题 =就业 并且 主题 =推拿 并且 主题 =就业 (精确匹配 ) 数据库 3:维普科技期刊全文库 检索表达式: 题名或关键词 =针灸 或 题名或关键词 =推拿 与 题名或关键词 =就业 与 范围 =全部期刊 数据库 4: Pubmed 数据库 检索表达式: (“acupuncture“MeSH Terms OR “acupuncture“All Fields OR “acupuncture therapy“MeSH Terms OR (“acupuncture“

3、All Fields AND “therapy“All Fields) OR “acupuncture therapy“All Fields) AND (“moxibustion“MeSH Terms OR “moxibustion“All Fields) OR (“massage“MeSH Terms OR “massage“All Fields) AND (“occupations“MeSH Terms OR “occupations“All Fields OR “occupation“All Fields) 2、典型文献 (选取 5 篇以上最相关 中文 文献 和 5 篇英文文献 ,所有数

4、据库综合的结果,如果两个数据库中的文献有重复,只选取一次) 中文文献 1、 标题: 浅析针灸推拿学专业的就业现状与对策 以浙江中医药大学为例 著者: 邱渊磊 著者单位: 浙江中医药大学 出处: 出国与就业:就业教育 2010 年第 9 期 45-46 页 ,共 2 页 摘要: 本文以浙江中医药大学针灸推拿学专业学生就业现状为例,分析了学生在就业中存在的关系处理失当、 资源利用不足、个人定位不明等现象,提出考研、基层、民营单位、国际舞台的解决思路。 2、标题: 针灸推拿专业学生就业对策的研究 著者: 吴雁 陈竞 陈孟平 姚梅 罗太仙 著者单位: (无)( 基 金: 贵州省教育厅人文社科课题编号:

5、 0605079 ) 出处: 贵阳中医学院学报 2009 年第 31 卷第 4 期 15-17 页 ,共 3 页 摘要: 本项目研究经过两年的实践,已取得较好的效果。研究的对象针灸推拿专业 2003 级学生,一次性就业率达 100。本项目实现预期目标。 3、 标题: 推拿保健行业技师短缺的因素分析及解决对策 著者: 冼丽萍 毛建军 著者单位: 广西中医学院 ,南宁 530001 出处: 中国现代医生 2008 年第 46 卷第 14 期 119-119 页 ,123 页 ,共 2 页 摘要: 本文较全面地分析了目前较为兴 盛的推拿保健行业技师短缺的因素,并提出了若干解决对策,对推拿保健企业技师

6、的招聘及学校的就业问题的解决都有一定的意义。 4、标题: 河南省针灸推拿学校 “粥多僧少 ”的招聘会 著者: 无 著者单位: 无 出处: 职业教育研究 2009 年第 7 期 84-84 页 ,共 1 页 摘要: 在就业压力增大的社会背景下近年来高校招聘会持续呈现 “僧多粥少 ”的场面但这一幕却没有出现在 河南省针灸推拿学校的招聘会现场。 5、标题: 针灸推拿学院全方位开展大学生就业指导的探索 著者: 陈学先 张虹 周海燕 著者单位: 成都中医药大学 ,四川成都 610075 出处: 成都中医药大学学报:教育科学版 2004 年第 6 卷第 2 期 80-81 页 ,共 2 页 摘要: 就业指

7、导是一个系统工程。除了专门的就业指导人员外。专业教师必须介入。才能发挥针对医学院校这部分特殊群体的就业指导的实效性。对医学生的就业指导内容包括国家就业政策的指导、就业信息处理的指导、就业意识的指导、就业技巧的指导、就业观的指导。如果进行分工。就业指导人员来完成政策咨询、就业信息处理、就业 技巧培训。 6、标题: 六安卫校学生就业技能对口培训效果显著 著者: 尹彪 著者单位: 无 出处: 安徽卫生职业技术学院学报 2005 年第 4 卷第 4 期 69-69 页 ,共 1 页 摘要: 近日, 六安卫校举行的 2005 年第一、二期第二职业资格证书培训工作总结大会先后在该校附属医院召开。两期培训由

8、该校与合肥康泰推拿学校联合举办。据悉,安徽六安卫生学校是 “国家级重点 ”学校,合肥康泰推拿学校是培养 “初、中级推拿按按摩师 ”的职业技术学校。 7、标题: 从就业趋势谈针灸推拿学硕士研究生的知识结构 著者: 韦良玉 赵利华 著者单位: 广西中医学院第一附属医院 ,广西南宁 530023 出处: 广西中医学院学报 2011 年第 14 卷第 1 期 108-109 页 ,共 2 页 摘要: 进入二十一世纪 ,随着社会发展 ,人民生活水平的逐步提高 ,平均期望寿命延长 ,人们越来越多地关注自身的健康。同时 ,我国开始进入老龄化社会 ,疾病谱发生了根本上的变化 ,由原来的感染性、传 染性疾病向心

9、脑血管疾病、老年病转化 , 英文文献 ( 1) 、 TI: Association of spa therapy with improvement of psychological symptoms of occupational burnout: a pilot study. AU: Blasche G, Leibetseder V, Marktl W. AD: Department of Environmental Hygiene, Center for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna, Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Aust

10、ria. SO: Forsch Komplementmed. 2010;17(3):132-6. Epub 2010 Jun 16. AB: OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to investigate effects of a 3-week resort-based spa therapy (a combination of balneotherapy, massages, exercise etc., including a respite from work) on

11、psychological symptoms associated with occupational burnout. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a longitudinal design, a group of 65 actively working individuals (45 women, 20 men, mean age 50.4 +/- 6.7 years) of various occupations selected on the basis of their level of burnout and undergoing spa therapy pr

12、imarily for musculoskeletal pain were studied in regard to the change in fatigue, distress, reduced motivation, and quality of sleep. Variables were assessed at the beginning and at the end of spa therapy as well as 4 weeks and 3 months after treatment. Two levels of burnout were distinguished: indi

13、viduals with mild burnout (i.e. increased emotional exhaustion) and individuals with a full burnout syndrome (i.e. increased exhaustion plus social detachment and/or performance dissatisfaction). RESULTS: At the end of the treatment, all four symptoms of burnout showed a significant improvement in b

14、oth groups compared to their pre-treatment level. This improvement was sustained up to 3 months post-treatment for both burnout groups. CONCLUSION: Spa therapy may be a helpful measure for treating the symptoms of occupational burnout. 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel. ( 2)、 TI: Exploring relationships to t

15、hree types of occupation perceptions: forced to stay in occupation, voluntary occupation withdrawal intent, and involuntary occupation withdrawal. AU: Blau G, Pred RS, Daymont T, Hochner A, Koziara K, Portwood J, Edelson SA, Crowne K, Tatum DS. AD: Human Resources Management Department, Fox School o

16、f Business, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA. SO: J Allied Health. 2009 Spring;38(1):31-8. AB: This study explored the relationships of demographic, work perception, work attitude, and limited occupation alternative variables to three distinct types of occupation percep

17、tions: forced to stay in occupation (FTSO), voluntary occupation withdrawal intent (VOWI), and involuntary occupation withdrawal (IOW). An online sample of massage therapists and bodywork practitioners constituted the study sample. Hierarchical regression analyses for each occupation perception util

18、ized slightly different sample sizes (i.e., FTSO, n = 1,982; VOWI, n = 2,039; IOW, n = 2,028) to test the study hypotheses. Regression results suggested some differential correlates for each perception, including the following: education level was negatively related to FTSO whereas occupation identi

19、fication was positively related to FTSO, realistic expectations were negatively related to VOWI, and years in practice was positively related to IOW. Perceived limited occupational alternatives were positively related to FTSO but negatively related to VOWI. There were also common correlates across t

20、hese perceptions. For example, work exhaustion had a positive relationship to FTSO, VOWI, and IOW. Affective occupational commitment was positively related to FTSO but negatively related to VOWI and IOW. Social desirability response bias had a consistently negative but minimal impact on these occupa

21、tion perceptions. Despite acknowledged limitations, this study is unique in comparing such occupation perceptions and hopefully will stimulate additional research using other allied health samples. ( 3)、 TI: Demand for CAM Practice at Hospitals in Japan: A Population Survey in Mie Prefecture. AU: To

22、go T, Urata S, Sawazaki K, Sakuraba H, Ishida T, Yokoyama K. AD: Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Faculty of Health Sciences, Tokyo Ariake University of Medical and Health Sciences, Tokyo, 135-0065, Japan. SO: Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011;2011:591868. Epub 2011 Jun 18. AB: Comp

23、lementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies have been provided at hospitals along with conventional medicine in industrialized nations. Previous studies conducted in Japan revealed high proportion of Japanese had experience of using CAM, but failed to discuss how it should be provided. The pr

24、esent study aims to clarify the demand for CAM practice at hospitals in Japan. A questionnaire consisting of 41 questions was mailed to 10 000 adults randomly selected from the electoral roll of Mie prefecture, Japan in January 2007. The questionnaire asked the subjects about demand for CAM practice

25、 at hospitals, types of CAM therapy to be provided and associated reasons. Sociodemographic characteristics, perceived health status, experience and purpose of CAM use, and information resource for CAM were also surveyed. Completed answers were collected from 2824 (28.6%) respondents. Two thousand a

26、nd nineteen (71.5%) of the respondents demanded CAM practice at hospitals with the most likely reason of “patients can receive treatment under the guidance of a physicians“. The three most popular CAM therapies were Kampo, acupressure/massage/Shiatsu and acupuncture/moxibustion. The demand was posit

27、ively associated with gender, ages of 40-59 years, annual household incomes of 5-7 million yen, occupation of specialist and technical workers and sales workers and poor health status. Higher demand was observed among those who used both CAM and conventional medical therapies for curative purposes.

28、In conclusion, Japanese show a high demand for CAM practice, hoping to use CAM for curative purposes with monitoring by physicians at hospitals. ( 4)、 TI: A descriptive study of the practice patterns of massage new zealand massage therapists. AU: Smith JM, Sullivan SJ, Baxter GD. AD: New Zealand Mas

29、sage Therapy Research Centre, Southern Institute of Technology, and. SO: Int J Ther Massage Bodywork. 2011 Mar 30;4(1):18-27. AB: BACKGROUND: Massage therapy has grown in popularity, yet little is known globally or in New Zealand about massage therapists and their practices. PURPOSE AND SETTING: The

30、 aims of this study were to describe the practice patterns of trained Massage New Zealand massage therapists in New Zealand private practice, with regard to therapist characteristics; practice modes and settings, and therapy characteristics; referral patterns; and massage therapy as an occupation. R

31、ESEARCH DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: A survey questionnaire was mailed to 66 trained massage therapist members of Massage New Zealand who were recruiting massage clients for a concurrent study of massage therapy culture. RESULTS: Most massage therapists were women (83%), NZ European (76%), and holders o

32、f a massage diploma qualification (89%). Massage therapy was both a full- (58%) and part-time (42%) occupation, with the practice of massage therapy being the only source of employment for 70% of therapists. Nearly all therapists (94%) practiced massage for more than 40 weeks in the year, providing

33、a median of 16 - 20 hours of direct client care per week. Most massage therapists worked in a “solo practice“ (58%) and used a wide and active referral network. Almost all therapists treated musculoskeletal symptoms: the most common client issues or conditions treated were back pain/problem (99%), n

34、eck/shoulder pain/problem (99%), headache or migraine (99%), relaxation and stress reduction (96%), and regular recovery or maintenance massage (89%). The most frequent client fee per treatment was NZ$60 per hour in a clinic and NZ$1 per minute at a sports event or in the workplace. Therapeutic mass

35、age, relaxation massage, sports massage, and trigger-point therapy were the most common styles of massage therapy offered. Nearly all massage therapists (99%) undertook client assessment; 95% typically provided self-care recommendations; and 32% combined other complementary and alternative medicine

36、therapies with their massage consultations. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides new information about the practice of massage therapy by trained massage therapists. It will help to inform the massage industry and other health care providers, potential funders, and policymakers about the provision of ma

37、ssage therapy in the NZ health care system. ( 5)、 TI: Massage and cosmetics schools during the Nazi occupation of Warsaw AU: Zabotniak R. AD: 无 SO: Przegl Lek. 1978;35(1):138-40. AB: 无 ( 6)、 TI: World at work: Health hazards among foot massage workers in China AU: X Ye, O Wong, and H Fu AD: School o

38、f Public Health, Fudan University Medical Center, Shanghai, China. Email: SO: Occup Environ Med. 2005 December; 62(12): 902904. doi: 10.1136/oem.2005.020099 AB: 无 3、检索评价分析(主要是介绍一下个人在检索过程中是怎样设计检索和调整检索策略的,包括选择什么途径、选取什么样的检索词,用什么检索技术去联结,怎样放大与缩小检索结果的) “针推职业前景”这个检索目标可以拆分为:针灸 +推拿 +职业前景,直接在检索框输入“针推职业前景”无对应结果,所以把“职业前景”更换为“就业”就可以得到较多的检索结果,之后选取关联程度最大的文献即可。 英文检索时同样可以进行拆解,将“针推职业前景”对应为 4个关键词,即为:

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