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1、 1 翻译理论与实践 Chapter One Introduction 教学结构: 1西方翻译时期的划分 2、各个时期的翻译流派及代表人物 3、翻译理论解析 (理论及例证) 4、实践活动 ( 段落翻译) What is translational theory? The research about translational history, school, methods, outlook, principle, the main representatives of each trend and even the relation among the above. What well l

2、earn from the course? No matter youll make translational practice or youll make research on translational theory, or you learn the course just for teaching, if only you touch upon English translation, you should have a rough understanding of (1) the division of translational history, (2) the main cl

3、asses, (3) the main representatives of each period and (4) the core of the important theories about translation. Our course aims at providing you with the simplest knowledge of them. The nature of our course is introducing some translation theory to you, some of you may be interested in this theory,

4、 some may be the other. After one year and half, youll make preparation work for your final paper, then you can choose a certain theory for further study which will be the base of your paper. How to check? Term examination is in English. Our lecture, most of which is taught in Chinese, but the key w

5、ords or interpretation are given in English. The contents are concerning the following: filling blankets which are very general and belong to the common knowledge, and the English learners need to know, so probably you need to remember them, they occupy about 30% of the total; the second is interpre

6、ting some terms based on your understanding, they are about 15%; the third and fourth are practical translation, occupy about 55%. The historical division of translation theory: Peter Newmark: divide the periods according to the important translation activities occurred in history Nida: according to

7、 the development of translation ideology in history 1. philology(语文学 -language and literature) 2. linguistics 3. communication(交际学) 4. semiotics(符号学) -according to ideology of history Miqing Liu: agree with Nida Ours: combine Peter Newmark and Nida 1. ancient period: 300B.C-the end of 18 century A.C

8、 2. modern age: the end of 18 century A.C-the beginning of 20th century A.C 3. temporary period: the beginning of 20th century A.C-now Chapter Two Ancient Period of Translation ( 3 cent. B.C the end of 18 cent. AC ) 第一阶段: 300B.C.-18th century 古典时期 代表作: (前三部为西方翻译史四大杰作之三) 1.七十子希腊文本圣经( The Old Testamen

9、t) 2 最早有文字记录的作品,由 72 名犹太学者 在埃及亚历山大城,对照希伯来语翻译成希腊语版读本。文字翻译总是从宗教翻译开始,中国最早的文字翻译始于唐朝佛经的翻译。 2.通俗拉丁文本圣经( The Vulgate) 公元 405 年哲罗姆( Jerome, born in Yugoslavia) 对照希伯来语翻译成拉丁语,使拉丁语读者有了标准的圣经读本,这是罗马天主教认可的唯一文本。 3.奥德赛( Odysseus) 希腊戏剧作品,罗马文学家安德罗尼柯( Andronicus.L)用拉丁文翻译 4.荷马史诗( The Homer - Greek epics) 由盲人吟唱诗人荷马口头流传,

10、包括 Iliad, Odyssey,泰伦斯 (Terence)等多人先后用拉丁文翻译。 西方翻译史 四大杰作 :1+2+3+ Authorized Version Bible 代表人物: Cicero: (西塞罗 公元前 106-43) the most famous Roman rhetor(修辞学家) and rhetorician (雄辩家) , thinker and gifted transmitter of Greek thought. He was born in a wealthy but not noble family. He had to fight his way in

11、to the ruling class with this tongue rather than with connections. His oratorical talents for the powerful men, won him a succession of increasingly important posts. He threw himself into the turbulent Roman politics of the day. In his lifetime, he experienced rocky life, exile, and finally executio

12、n at the hands of Octavian(罗马帝国首任皇帝奥古斯都) . Cicero is often considered the founder of western translation theory. He is the first to comment on the processes of translation and offer advice on how best to undertake them. 西方翻译理论之父 (Cicero),主要有三条理论: 1、 翻译不能句当字对 他曾说“我不是以解释来 翻译的, 而是以演说家进行翻译的。” I translat

13、e in the way of oratory, not by explaining. 2、 必须照顾译语读者的语言习惯 他认为翻译要传达原文的意义和精神,并非原文的语言形式。 Take readers in mind , sense for sense translation, not word for word 3、文学作品的翻译就是在创作 他认为译者必须具备文学天赋。 Translation is creation; translator must be a literary man. Example 白眼看鸡虫 (翻译 +注释 ): You glare at a snobbish to

14、day without distain. Note: The snobbish today refers to Ho chiChung Fun Ainungs collegue. Chick and insects was used as a metaphor in Tu Fuse poem Binding a chicken (缚鸡行 ) hinting as those who were preying upon. 气功 Qigong, a system of deep and rhythmical breathing exercise. 巧妇难为无米之炊 You cant make br

15、icks without straw. 班门弄斧 teach ones grandmother to suck eggs.或 show off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter. To carry the coal to New castle( a place produce coal, 采煤的地方) 多此一举 一人不及两人智 /三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮 Two heads are better than on head. 说曹操,曹操到。 Speak of the devil, the devil

16、comes. 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。 One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. Horace(贺拉斯 公 元前 65-8) , born of a freed slave in central Italy, became one of the greatest of Roman lyric poets and satirists. Upon Octavians victory, Horace fled back to Rome and was introduced 3 into Octavian

17、s circle of writers. For the remaining two decades of his life, Horace was a virtual poet laureate, given a house and farm and other lavish gifts in return for poetic odes to Augustus and Augustan Rome. Horace has played a role in the history of translation theory and frequently cited in the same br

18、eath as Cicero. In his work Art of Poetry , he disagree word-to-word translation, preferring sense for sense in translation. All the more, he advocates creation of new words or introduction of alien words so that enrich national language and expression. 主要点: 1、 赞成西塞罗的翻译观,主张“意义对意义”,反对逐句硬译 His famous

19、work Imitating in Your Own Words (from Art of Poetry) says, Faithful translator will not translate word for word, which now is often quoted. He preferred sense for sense translation 2、 必要时可以创造新词或引进外来词以丰富民族语言 。 Advocated the creation of new words or introduction of alien words so that enrich national

20、 language and expression Jerome (哲罗姆, 347-420 AC) was born to a wealthy Christian family in Yugoslavia. At the age of twelve, he was sent to Rome to continue his education. His twenties and thirties were spent in travel and further learning, in the course of which he became associated with an asceti

21、c(苦行,修得,禁欲) circle of writers and scholars. Once he was a hermit in desert, but his ere- mitical(隐居的) sojourn (逗留,旅居) only lasted two years, during which time he also learned Hebrew from a Jewish convert(皈依者,转化) and maintained a lively correspondence with other scholars around the world. In 382 he r

22、eturned to Rome as secretary to Pope Damasus, here he took his first steps as a Bible translator. His most famous work from this period, however, is the Vulgate translation of the Bible(391-406). This included his revisions of earlier New Testament translation, which he extended to cover the entire

23、Testament, and a new translation of the Old Testament He was revered throughout the Middle Ages and well into the modern era as the official translator of the Bible. 主要点: 1、 翻译应避免逐字对译,应忠实原文内容 favor sense for sense translation, not word for word; 2、 翻译方法应因文本而异 如圣经翻译应取直译方法,句法结构不得有半点改动; 但文学翻译则主要采取意译, 应

24、“采取易于理解的风格传达原文的意思”, Text decides the translation method. Literary translation is better than free translation, while religious translation must be word translation, even the structure could not be changed. 3、 认为翻译是一种创造,译者完全可以有自己的风格。 Translation is a creative activity. Martin Luther (马丁 路得, 1483-1546

25、) 主要点: 1、 德国宗教改革领袖及翻译家,用德语翻译了圣经新约旧约伊索寓言 ( the leader of the German Reformation and a translator, he translated The Aesops, New Testament, Old Testament.) 2、 主张用通俗、明了的语言进行翻译 Translation with simple words 3、 主张意译,认为意译才能最好地再现原文的意义和精神 meaning translation 4、 译者应尊重原文,但可以增补原文字面上没有但字里行间蕴涵的意思 4 translators a

26、re allowed to add words or reveal the implied meaning. 5、 翻译应依靠集体的智慧 Translation is based on a collective work. 古典译论时期的三个基本特点: 1、 基本上是宗教 翻译 The translated works are mainly religious ones. 2、 翻译理论家、实践家、哲学家、文学家、艺术家常集于一身,所以有学科交叉的鲜明特点(跟现在提倡的交叉学科研究思想一致) multi-subjected feature 3、 属于改写性翻译,宗教 翻译属逐字翻译,没有系统理

27、论 Re-writing translation without systematical theory 课堂练习: 直译与意译和忠实原文 直译:表层结构 一一对应 深层结构 Both the surface structure and deep structure are correspondent Eg: 批发 茶 价 已 几乎 翻了一番。 Wholesale tea price have almost doubled. 我 读到 他的信(时)既惊又喜。 I read his letter with both surprise and excitement. 意译: Either the

28、surface or the deep structure is correspondent, or neither is correspondent; or for a best readability.(最佳可读性 ) Eg. He bent solely upon for profit. 他 曲身 只于 利润之前。(他惟利是图。 (最佳可读性 )) 3 readability levels: the best readability, the so-so readability, no readability. John is tall as I am the Queen of Sheb

29、a. 约翰高得像我是西巴皇后。(要说约翰高,不可能。 (最佳可读 性 )) She was born with a silver spoon in her month. (表层结构空缺 ) 她生在富贵家。(正式) / 她生在有钱人家。(口语) The teenagers dont invite Bob to their parties because he is a wet blanket. 年轻人没有邀请波布,他是一个令人生厌的人。(表层结构空缺) Youve got an iron butt, and thats the secret of becoming a lawyer. 你 生来有

30、一副铁打的身板,正是做律师的诀窍。(表层结构空缺) 你有做律师的条件。(未能翻译出 Iron butt 和 secret 的含义。) 表层结构、深层结构缺失: Clock watcher 不断看钟等着下班的人。 Foot wears 脚上的一系列的东西,如鞋、脚链 . Summer settings 夏天旅行者旅行时所带的东西 气功 旗袍 李清照声声慢 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。乍暖还寒时,最难将息。 直译: seek, seek; search, search; cold, cold; bare, bare; Grief, grief; cruel, cruel, grief; No

31、w warm, then like the autumn cold again, How hard to calm heart! 诗歌翻译:音、形、意。 5 有韵诗可译为无韵诗,如果保持了其形美和意美的话。也可改韵;而无韵诗可以译为有韵诗。(音美、形美、意美) 意译: I look for what I miss, I know not what it is, I feel so sad, so drear, so lonely, without cheer? How hard is it To keep me fit In this lingering cold! (aabbccc)-许渊冲

32、 忠实原文: I am ashamed of myself because of your affection, But since I am ugly, I cannot show my gratitude to your great kindness. Nor can I be unfaithful to Mr. Cheng. Therefore I am unable to gratify your sexual desire.(斜体字翻译很不妥 ) Chapter Three the Modern Period of Translation 近代译论时期 ( 17 cent./18 c

33、ent. the beginning of 20 cent. ) 背景:史学家一般从 17 世纪起视为近代史时期。文艺复兴高潮之后,在法国和俄国出现了翻译高潮。以法国为例,翻译原则和方法之争十分激烈。德 阿伯兰库 ( Parrot d Ablancourt ) 成为“自由翻译派”的总代表,德 梅西里阿克 ( Bachet de Meziriac ) 则认为,“偏离原作的翻译不是翻译,而是对翻译的背叛”,于埃 ( Daniel Huet ) 主张折中主义翻译,这场争论一直持续到十八世纪中叶。 英国近代译论史上的几件大事: 1. Authorized Version Bible (圣经钦定本)由

34、47 位大学者于 17 世纪( 1611 年)集体完成, Lancelot Andrew 主教领导主持,是最完备的英文圣经,文字优美,对后来的问题影响很大。到 20 世纪 80年代,又出版了 The New King James Version Holy Bible (简称 Holy Bible ) . 其中,除了将中世纪用语,改为 (如 thee you), 现代英语,其余完全保持原文,是迄今最新的版本。 圣经钦定本的翻译与出版是西方翻译史上的一件大事,与古希腊 The Old Testament(七十子希腊文本圣经)古罗马安德罗尼柯的 Odyssey (奥德赛 ) 和哲罗姆的 The Vu

35、lgate (通俗拉丁文本圣经 ) 被誉为翻译历史上的四大杰作 2. 德莱顿翻译理论的诞生 John Dryden (德莱顿 ) 1631-1700 AC:集诗人、翻译家和理论家于一身,是西方第一位翻译理论家,( Cicero, transmitter) 翻译观: 1、 Translation is art, translator is an artist 翻译是一门艺术,译者必须具有艺术家的气质 2. translator should keep readers in mind, and the borrowing of words has a limit 译者必须考虑读者和对象,但对借词要

36、适可而止 3、 Translator is subjected to the author 译者是原作者的奴隶 他将翻译分为三类: 1.逐字翻译 ( metaphrase_ word for word ) 2.意译 ( paraphrase_ sense for sense ) 3.拟译 ( imitation _ free translation ) 拟译的提出,既避免随心所欲,又不至于过分呆板,这对古典时期的二分法(直译,意译)是一突破,是一大发展。 6 参见: The Three Types of Translation from Preface to Ovids Epistles (

37、Dryden 1680 西方翻译理论 仲伟合, 55-56 ) All translations, I suppose , may be reduced to these three heads. First, that of metaphrase, or word for word, and line by line , from one language to another. The second way is that of paraphrase, or translation with latitude, where the author is kept in view by the

38、 translator, so as never be lost, but his words are not so strictly followed as his sense. The third way is that of imitation, where the translator assumes the liberty, not only to vary from the words and sense, taking only some general hints from the original to run division on the groundwork, as h

39、e please. 3.泰特勒翻译三原则的发表: ( Alexader Fraser Tytler 1747-1814 ) 1、译者应精通原作语言和题材,再现 (transcript )原作思想 2、译作的风格和表现手法应与原作相同 3、译作应与原作同样通顺 泰特勒提出的忠实、风格一致和通顺的三原则 ,对后来的翻译理产生 了积极影响。 参见: from Essay on the Principles of Translation ( Tytler 1791 西方翻译理论 仲伟合, 77 ) Three principles: 1. That the translation should giv

40、e a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work 2. That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. 3. That the translation should have all the ease of original composition. (与 Dryden 更强调原文 ) 4 阿诺德与纽曼的翻译原则之争 :( Mtthew Arnold, 1822-1888; Franci

41、s W. Newman 1805-1897 ) 阿诺德与纽曼围绕荷马史诗翻译的争论并无正误优劣之分,在于 各自的翻译原则、手法和观察的角度差异,他们的论争对活跃学术气氛,推动翻译理论的研究发挥了积极的作用。阿诺德主张译诗者必须具有诗人的气质,译文必须象诗,必须保留荷马史诗的特征。检验译文忠实与否是学者,而不是读者。 纽曼则针锋相对,认为译作无法与原作相比,要重视读 者而不是学者,要反映古希腊历史文化 5德国的翻译讨论 歌德 ( Goethe 1749-1832 ) 1 把翻译分为: 信息翻译( paraphrase)、近似创作的改译( imitation)和逐行对照翻译 ( metaphras

42、e 其实,歌德的翻译分类与德莱顿的分类法一样 ) 2 诗歌是不可译的,只能用散文体翻译 施莱尔马赫 ( Schleiermacher, 1768-1834) 1 主张从语言学角度和文学角度探讨翻译,因为语言决定思维 2 译者需积极地、创造性地理解文本 洪堡 ( Humboldt, 1767-1835 ) 认为翻译理论建立在语言学基础上,语言是民族精神的外在表现。没有什么是语言不能表达的,因此对翻译的可译和不可译持辨证思维。 施莱尔马赫和洪堡 的翻译观已经很接近当代译论的翻译观。 7 代表人物: John Dryden(德莱顿, 1631-1700) was the predominant En

43、glish literary figure of his day: poet, dramatist, translator and critic. He died in 1700, and was buried in the Poets corner of Westminster Abbey, between Jeoffrey Chaucera and Abraham Cowley. He was born to a reasonably wealthy country gentleman who sided with Parliament against the king in 1642,

44、when the first civil war broke out. In 1668 he was a pointed poet laureate, the premier poet in that table, and over most of the remaining three decades of his life this was the role he played best: a kind of poetic publicity secretary to the king. Drydens reputation today as the first translation t

45、heorist, and as the first systematic theory of translation in the West. His three new terms for translation: metaphrase(直译) , paraphrase(意译) , and imitation(拟译) Alexander Fraser Tytler(泰特勒: 1747-1813) : was a Scottish historian best known for his accessible syntheses (可达到的综合性) of other peoples work.

46、 He displayed an interest-but not much talent in literature; in 1780, he was appointed joint professor ( with John Prigle ) of universal history at Edinburgh, and in 1786 received the full appointment. In addition to the 1791 , he published in the eighties and nineties several volumes of local, lega

47、l, and universal history. In 1802 moved on to a judgeship: that year he was appointed to the bench of the court of session, and in 1811, two years before his death at 67, he was constituted a lord of justiciary(高等法院法官) His Essay on the Principles of Translation is, like all of his work, bland (淡漠) ,

48、 inoffensive( 不讨厌、无害) , unoriginal (非原创) , but extremely accessible(易得到的) , and is often cited as last expression of the Enlightenment spirit in the theory of translation. 近代译论时期特点: 、 出现了西方翻译史上的 第一个翻译理论家 ( Dryden)和第一部翻译理论著作 ( Tytler: Essay on the Principles of Translation ) 、 翻译方法的 两分法(文学翻译:改写;宗教翻译:逐字翻译)进步为三分法(直译、意译、拟译 ) 、 提出了翻译 可译和不可译问题 (诗歌翻译) 、 提出了从语言学角度和文学角度进行翻译研究,这比古典译论时期提出的从语文学角度和文学角度研究又有新的发 展。 5、 翻译的多层次、多视角研究使翻译研究开始了崭新的、逐渐科学化的途径。(阿诺德与纽曼) 课堂练习 ( 新建文件 1) 1

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