1、I硕士学位论文(20 届)完善我国劳务派遣制度的法律思考姓 名学 科 、 专 业 法 律 硕 士 ( 非 全 日 制 法 律 硕 士 )研 究 方 向 经 济 法 学指 导 教 师论文提交日期II完善我国劳务派遣制度的法律思考(硕士论文摘要)在市场竞争加剧、用工形式日趋多样、就业观念也呈现多元化需求的背景下,劳务派遣作为极具弹性而且灵活的人力资源配置方式,成为传统就业模式的重要补充。劳务派遣与标准的劳动法律关系不一样,涉及到派遣单位、用工单位和派遣劳动者三方当事人, “雇佣”和“使用”相分离是劳务派遣的最大特征。由于法律的缺失等一系列原因,我国派遣劳动者权益保护方面存在诸多问题。因此,理论界与
2、实务界对其合理性一直存在广泛的争议。本文通过对劳务派遣介绍及立法背景回顾,尝试对中华人民共和国劳动合同法 (以下简称劳动合同法 )中劳务派遣的条款进行探讨性阐述,建议我国在借鉴国外劳务派遣立法的同时,立足我国的具体情况,进一步完善立法,从而有效地保护派遣劳动者的合法权利,充分发挥劳务派遣的积极作用。全文共分四章:第一章对劳务派遣的基本含义、特征及其与相似概念的区别进行了分析,阐明其最显著的法律特征是劳动力的“雇佣”和“使用”相分离;同时从劳务派遣产生的背景,原因及历史发展对劳务派遣的合理性进行分析,以便全面、正确地认识劳务派遣。第二章主要关注的是劳务派遣的法律关系分析及其构成。劳务派遣是一种有
4、务派遣制度的积极意义,并分析其存在的不足。这一部分主要对我国的劳务派遣发展现状及法制状态有个清晰的认识,为完善劳务派遣立法提供国情依据。III第四章主要通过借鉴国际劳务派遣的立法经验,对完善我国劳务派遣制度提出合理建议。通过对德国、日本、韩国及美国等关于劳务派遣立法的介绍,并结合第三部分分析的我国现实状况,对我国立法在劳务派遣范围、劳务派遣期限、劳务派遣中的雇主责任分配、对劳务派遣机构进行行政监管等方面提出可行性建议,以确保促进我国劳务派遣业的健康发展。关键词 劳务派遣 “雇佣”与“使用”相分离 雇主责任分配 ILaw Thinking to Improve Labor Dispatching
5、 System of Our Country(Abstract )Under the background that the market competition becomes more and more fierce, employment forms become diverse and employment concept becomes more complex,labor dispatching, as an elastic and flexible human resource disposition means, becomes an important supplementa
6、tion of traditional employment mode. Labor dispatching is different from the traditional employment relationship, which involves three parties, the dispatching entity, the recruitment entity and the employee. The most distinguish characteristic of labor dispatching is the separation of “employment”
7、and “duty performance”. Because of the gap in the legislation and other related issues, there are lots of problems in the protection of employees rights and interests in China. Therefore, the arguments over the rationality of labor dispatching are comprehensive both in theory and practice fields. Th
8、is thesis is aiming to interpret the regulations on labor dispatching in Law of Labor Contract by the introduction of labor dispatching and its legislative background review. It is suggested that China should improve the legislations by studying the lessons of foreign legislatives on labor dispatchi
9、ng as well as combining the practical situation of our country so as to protect the legal right of dispatched employees effectively and utilize the positive role of the labor dispatching fully.This thesis is consists of 4 chapters:Chapter 1 analyzes the basic concept, characteristics of labor dispat
10、ching as well as the distinction between labor dispatching and other similar terms to show that the essential feature of the labor dispatching is the separation of “employment” and “duty performance”. In addition, Chapter 1 will analyze the rationality of labor dispatching through the background, th
11、e causes and the historical development of labor dispatching in order to fully understand labor dispatching.Chapter 2 focuses on the legal relationship and structure analysis of labor dispatching. Labor dispatching is a kind of non-standard employment relationship, IIwhich has a more complex frame.
12、There are two main current academic theories: single layer employment relationship theory and dual layer employment relationship theory. Through the explanations and the analysis of the two theories, a comprehensive and profound understanding of labor dispatching is formed. Therefore, we can make a
13、choice of labor dispatching to definite the rights and obligations allocation between the dispatching entity and the recruitment entity in labor dispatching. This part will found the theoretical basis for the analysis and recommendation of the legislation mentioned in this thesis later.Chapter 3 mai
14、nly elaborates the present situation in practice and the flaw analysis to the legal adjustment of labor dispatching in our country. The current situation of labor dispatching in practice has the following features: rapid development, great potential, disordered competition, and lack of regulations.
15、All these cause the protection of employees legal rights and interests less than effective. Meanwhile, this chapter will explore the related regulations on labor dispatching in Law of Labor Contract, analyze the effects of the legislation, and acknowledge the positive significance of labor dispatchi
16、ng system in Law of Labor Contract and its shortcomings. This Chapter makes a clear understanding of the current development and the legal system to labor dispatching of our country, which constitutes the foundation of legislation improvement on labor dispatching of our country.Chapter 4 provides co
17、nstructive proposals to improve the legal system through drawing on international experience of labor dispatching legislation. By introducing the legislations regarding labor dispatching in German, Japan, Korea, the United States and other countries, and combining the practical situation of our coun
18、try analyzed in chapter 3, feasible recommendations are made, including the determination of labor dispatching scope and term, the allocation of employers liability, and the administrative supervision to ensure the healthy development of labor dispatching in our country.IIIKey Word: labor dispatchin
19、g, the separation of “employment” and “duty performance”,employer liability allocationI目 录引 言 .1第一章 劳务派遣的概述 .2第一节 劳务派遣的基本含义 .2第二节 劳务派遣的法律特征 .3第三节 劳务派遣与相关概念的区别 .4一、劳务派遣与职业介绍的主要区别 .4二、劳务派遣与承揽的主要区别 .5三、劳务派遣与企业借调的主要区别 .5第四节 劳务派遣的历史发展 .5第五节 劳务派遣的成因及合理性分析 .5本章小结 .5第二章 劳务派遣的法律关系分析 .5第一节 一重劳动关系学说 .5一、劳务给付请求
20、权让与说 .5二、真正利他契约说 .5三、双层运行说 .5第二节 双重劳动关系学说 .5第三节 对劳务派遣法律关系的选择 .5本章小结 .5第三章 我国劳务派遣发展现状及立法解读 .5第一节 我国劳务派遣的发展现状 .5第二节 劳动合同法对劳务派遣的规定 .5第三节 劳动合同法之劳务派遣规定的积极意义 .5第四节 劳动合同法之劳务派遣规定的不足 .5一、对劳务派遣机构的主体资格及经营范围限制不够 .5二、促进直接劳动关系建立的机制缺失 .5II三、劳务派遣机构和用工单位的责任分配不合理 .5本章小结 .5第四章 完善劳务派遣立法的建议 .5第一节 国外劳务派遣立法借鉴 .5一、劳务派遣许可制度 .5二、劳务派遣业务适用对象与范围 .5三、劳务派遣的期限限定及促进直接雇佣 .5四、雇主的责任分配 .5五、劳务派遣监察制度 .5六、刑事处罚制度 .5第二节 我国劳务派遣的立法建议 .5一、应对劳务派遣机构的设立条件做出更多限定和要求 .5二、建议明确劳务派遣的范围和期限,推动直接劳动关系的建立 .5三、平衡劳务派遣机构与要派单位的雇主责任分配 .5四、加强劳动监察,建立定期检查与劳动年检制度相结合的监管机制 .5结 语 .5参考文献 .5在读期间发表的学术论文与研究成果 .5后 记 .5
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