My Hometown :Huaian 制作人:赵煜,陆景 经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用My Hometown History Food Speciality Places of interest Customs Dialect经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用THE History of HUAIAN Jiangsu province Huaian City, in 2001 the original Huaiyin city changed its name to. The ancient name: Huaiyin, Chuzhou, QingJiangpu, Qingjiang, Qinghe, Gu Chu, located in Eastern Jianghuai plain, located in Shanghai as a leader in the Yangtze Rive