LOGO资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随时间变化而变化的,是时间的函数,随时间的推移而增值,其增值的这部分资金就是原有资金的时间价值Name of presentation Company http:/资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随时间变化而变化的,是时间的函数,随时间的推移而增值,其增值的这部分资金就是原有资金的时间价值How To Edit The Logo? If you need to create a logo or design that you would like to include on every page, then you will need to custom tailor your presentation. This task can be easily done in SLIDE MASTER View. To open the SLIDE MASTER, from the VIEW menu, select MASTER and from the sub-menu select SLIDE MASTER. The SLIDE MASTER View