第四章 植物化学物Phytochemicals第一节 植物化学物概述第二节 多酚类化合物第三节 含硫化合物第四节 皂甙类化合物从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较广泛。敞开式盾构之中有挤压式盾构、全部敞开式盾构,但在近些年的城市地下工程施工中已很少使用,在此不再说明。 Phytochemicals: nonnutrient compounds in plant-derived foods that have biological activity in the body(p 8 in Nutrition concepts and conroversies). Phytochemicals: biologically active, naturally existing substances in plants that act as natural defense systems in plants and show potential for reducing risk for cancer and cardiovascular disease(p 303 in Food, Nutrit