篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛时间里得分多少来决定胜负的,因此,篮球比赛的计时计分系统是一种得分类型的系统Do you know who is the old men篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛时间里得分多少来决定胜负的,因此,篮球比赛的计时计分系统是一种得分类型的系统He is a great painter in modern china!He created a simple, pure and fresh art world for modern Chinese painting!The flower-and-bird, insect-and-fish, landscapes under his hand looks are so vivid !篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛时间里得分多少来决定胜负的,因此,篮球比赛的计时计分系统是一种得分类型的系统He is Qi Baishi qi baishi was born in 1864 January 1st .he once lived in Yang town LianYuan city, hunan province