摘要城市绿化是改善城市生态环境的重要内容,而目前城市绿化最大的难题是城区缺少土地,城市屋顶绿化正好解决了这个问题。在有限的空间提高绿地率,有利于改变空中景观,体现现代大城市的风采,有利于城市各种功能的发挥,从而树立良好的城市形象。 关键词:屋顶绿化、城市空间、 ABSTRACTThe city afforestation is improves the city ecological environment the important content, but the present city afforested the biggest difficult problem is the city lacks the land, the city roof afforests has happen to solved this problem.Enhances the green areas coverage rate in the limited space, is advantageous in t