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1、1 2016 年英语会考题库 一、 单词连线 第一组 1. reply 2. storm 3. temperature 4. alert 5. dry up 6. local 7. tourist 8. respect 9. department store 10. offer 第二组 1. accounting 2. role 3. hang out 4. major in 5. regular 6. shower 7. level 8. departure 9. support 10. mobile 第三组 1. all walks of life 2. funny 3. honest 4

2、. countryside 5. throat 6. suggest 7. entry 8. confuse 9. all the year round 10. measure A 当地的 B 起风暴,下暴雨 C 预警,警报 D 回答,回复 E 提供 F 游客 G 干涸 H 百货公司 I 尊敬、尊重 J 温度 A 水平线 B 主修 C 外出玩,闲逛 D 有规律的 E 出发 F 阵雨,淋浴 G 支持 H 可移动的 I 作用 J 会计 A 建议 B 滑稽的 C 诚实的 D 各行各业 E 进入,入口 F 全年,终年 G 使困惑 H 测量 I 喉咙 J 乡村 2 第四组 1. in trouble 2

3、. grateful 3. overcast 4. province 5. stadium 6. dull 7. weight 8. illness 9. improve 10. as long as 第五组 1. information 2. patient 3. museum 4. schedule 5. course 6. government 7. take place 8. across from 9. realize 10. cycling 二、单项选择 第一 套 1. Im glad to find you _good health. A on B with C in D for

4、 2. _is one of my hobbies. A Listening to the music B Listening to music C Listened to the music D Listens to music 3. I think there will be_ wild animals, but more zoos. A many B fewer C more D less 4. I want Jim _with his father every day. A to exercise B exercises C exercised D to exercising 5. _

5、a new library_ in our school last year? A Is; built B Was; built C Does; build D Did; build 6. The Great wall _all over the world. A knows B knew C is known D was known 7. I couldnt finish my homework _your help. A with B without C by D for 8. A talk on Chinese history _ in the school hall next week

6、. A is given B has been given C will be given D gives A 体育馆 B 阴天 C 省份 D 处于困境中 E 重量 F 疾病 G 感激的 H 提高 I 只要 J 单调的 A 意识到 B 日程安排表 C 骑自行车 D 博物馆 E 信息 F 课程 G 发 生 H 在。对面 I 耐心的 J 政府 3 9. -Why not_ to the sport center? -Thats a good idea. A go B to go C going D went 10. This summer is so hot that the rivers are

7、_. A using up B drying up C going up D warming up 11. I enjoy_ books in my spare time. A read B reading C to read D reads 12. I _the letter into the mail-box after I finished it. A printed B wrote C dropped D carry 13. Here is a book for you _ . A . to look B . to see C . to read D . to watch 14. Id

8、 like to_ with you. A. make friend B make a friend C make friends D making friends 15. Dont leave your friends when they are _. A in trouble B in return C in public D in need 16. France is _European country. A . an B . / C . a D . the 17. The village is building a school. I hope it _before August th

9、is year. A finishes B will finish C is finished D will be finished 18. - My school is opposite a hotel. -_ the hotel? A. Across from B. In front of C. Behind D. Next to 19. Neither I nor he _ playing football after school . A .doesnt like B . like C. dont like D . likes 20 I keep in touch with my fr

10、iends by _on QQ. A chat B chatting C chats D chating 21 There _ a birthday party this Sunday. A shall be B will be C shall going to be D will going to be 22. I dont agree _ what you said in the meeting. A with B to C on D about 23. Its about _. A 10 minutes drive B 10 minutes drive C 10 minutes driv

11、e D 10 minutes drives 24. -Have you ever _ abroad? -Yes, I went to Paris last summer. A been B gone C be D being 25. I was confused _ the road signs. A to B about C for D on 第二套 1. _great fun it is! A How B What a C How a D What 2. Harry Potter is a very nice film, I _it twice. 4 A will see B have s

12、een C saw D see 3. _has Jim been in the library? A How long B How soon C How far D How often 4. Mr. Smith_ to Tokyo and he will be back in a week. A has been B has visited C has sent D has gone 5. His father_ the party since 1978. A joined B has joined C was in D has been in 6. You should try your b

13、est _late again. A not to B dont be C not to be D not be 7. You cant live for long without_. A eat or drink B eat and drink C eating and drinking D eating or drinking 8. Life _movement. A comes to B lies in C puts in D comes form 9.Table tennis has _a national game in China for years. A become B bee

14、n C became D is 10. How long have you_ this book? A bought B borrowed C had D lent 11. - I have watched the game. -when _ you _ it? A have; watched B do; watch C did; watch D will; watch 12. Youve never seen such a wonderful film before,_? A havent you B have you C do you D dont you 13. -Have you ev

15、er been to shanghai, Lily? -Yes. I_ there for three times with my parents. A have gone B have been C went D was 14. Dont eat too much meat, or you will become_. A more and more fat B fatter and fatter C more fatter and more fatter D fater and fater 15. Running also helps some people_. A. to lost wei

16、ght B. lost weight C. lose weight D. losing their weight 16. Next week ,the couple will _ China _France. A left ;to B left ;for C leave ;to D leave ;for 17. We should be friendly to . A the other B the others C other D others 18. A good friend should not only happiness but also sorrow. A give B shar

17、e C have D spend 19 Im looking forward to you again A see B seeing C will see D sees 20. Look ! Our headmaster is shaking hands _ a foreign guest now . A . at B . to C . with D . in 21. The book is well written. It _ by many students so far. A has read B will be read C has been read D was read 5 22.

18、 The old man was made _all day long though he was very old. A work B to work C working D worked 23. Its to speak loudly in public. A polite B impolite C politely D right 24. I have to do my homework instead of out A go B goes C going D went 25.I heard him _in the next room. A. sings B. singing C. to

19、 sing D. sang 第三套 1. We should get at least _sleep every day. A eight B eight-hours C eight hours of D eight hour 2. - is the nearest hospital from here ? -About seven kilometers. A How long B How far away C How old D How much 3. -Im dead tired! -You should be out playing working in doors all days A

20、 and B but C instead D instead of 4. - _? - Its foggy. A Whats the date today B Whats the weather like today C What day is it today D What would you like 5. The important meeting_ on a cold morning last year. A was hold B was held C held D holds 6. - Do you like watching TV? -Yes, I _. But only afte

21、r I finish my homework. A am B do C does D did 7. Which sport do you like _, swimming ; cycling or hiking? A good B better C well D best 8. My father bought a new computer, but he doesnt know _to use it. A how B what C who D which 9. When the temperature drops to -1 . water will_. A boil B be cold C

22、 freeze D storm 10. -Whats the matter with you? -_. A Thank you B Im sorry C Ill be better D Ive got a toothache 11. The children _play football on road. Its not safe. A. are not allowed to B are allowed C. not allowed D are allowed to 12. If you are in poor health, you may _work or study well. A ar

23、e not able to B be able to C not be able to D not able to 13. _shining day it is! A What a B What C How a D How 6 14. Smoking is a bad habit which may cause lung cancer so you should_. A give up it B give up C give them up D give it up 15. You can see some fish and water grass _the lake. A by B on t

24、he top of C on the bottom of D over 16. The artist _you want to see is in the classroom now. A which B whom C about whom D whose 17. Early in the morning , you can _ people _ along the beaches, through the parks and down the streets. A. saw, run B .see, running C. seen , run D. to see , to run 18 Go

25、 ahead .Its your left. A on B in C to D of 19 Jacks father Chinese twice. A is going to B went to C has gone to D has been to 20 . How about climbing mountains ? -_ . A . I like B . I love C . I d love to D. I d like 21. The CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs_ cancer on Wednesday at the age of 56. A died of B

26、 died C died from D was dead 22 There isnt enough to hold the party. A rooms B places C space D people 23 Never believe those leave you when you are in trouble A people B who C which D whom 24 . _ is easy for him to work it out . youd better ask him to help . A . That B . It C . This D . There 25 I

27、will give you a gift as soon as I to Zhejiang. A will get B gets C get D got 第四套 1. Lucy invited me with her A to play B play C plays D playing 2. _ do you usually go to school, Simon? By bike. A. When B. How C. What D. Where 3. I will come back two days A in B after C since D for 4. Mary to school

28、by bike every day A isnt going B dont go C goes D is going 5. Theres little important news in the newspaper today, _? A. isnt there B. is there C. is it D. are there 6. Its six in the afternoon .The Greens dinner together. A has B are having C have had D had had 7. I d like to take part in activitie

29、s like _ and _ at the camp. A .painting , boating B paint , boat C .paints . boats D .to paint , to boat 8. We arrived at the station too early and had _ to go, so we sat there and 7 chatted with each other. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere 9 . Those who do well in the Olympic Games

30、 win _ . A . prices B . medals C. materials D . poster 10 . -Have a good winter holiday . - _. A .I m afraid I won t B. All right . I will C . Ok , let s D .Thanks , the same to you. 11. I spend an hour _English everyday. A. reading B. to read C. read D. to reading 12. At that moment she _ her heart

31、 _ fast. A felt , beating B. find , beat C. feeling , beat D. finds , to beat 13. Youd better _ him about your school life. A .to tell B. telling C. tell D. told 14.Would you mind _me to carry the box? A. help B. to help C. helps D. helping 15. I met Lucy in the primary school and we have been close

32、 friends _. A. as usual B. again and again C. sooner or later D. ever since 16. You will see _sign with _number 40on it. A a; a B a; the C the; the D the; a 17. A terrible accident _in the small city last Friday. A was taken place B took place C happen D was happened 18. What other subject do you st

33、udy _ English? A except B beside C besides D but 19. Its said that the driver had dunk _before driving. A too much B much too C too many D many too 20.How often do you chat with your friends online? _ Im busy with my study. A. Only one month. B. About twice a month. C. Almost every day. D. Maybe in

34、two weeks. 21.Some middle schools have started classes later,_ teens can sleep more. A because B so C or D for 22. _ I see your ID card, sir? We have to check your information. A. May B. Must C. Should D. Need 23. would you mind my smoking here? -_. A Yes, never mind B Yes, youd better not C Yes, of

35、 course not D Youre unlucky 24. Well meet at the school gate_ 8:00 tomorrow morning, please be on time. A at B on C for D in 25 Study hard,_ you will fall behind others. A and B but C or D though 第五套 8 1. How many trees_ this years? A is planted B are being C have been planted D planted 2. The docto

36、r_ for yet. A isnt sent B hasnt been sent C wont be sent D wasnt sent 3. _ can you finish this English exam? In about one and a half hours. A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How long 4. In China the old_. A are taken good care B are taken good care of C is looked after well D are looked 5. Ther

37、es something wrong with my bike .It needs_ _. A repair B to repair C repairing D repaired 6. The cloth is beautiful and it _soft. A feel B felt C is felt D feels 7. When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you should go to an open area as _ as possible. A. quickly B. quietly C. loudly D. sl

38、owly 8.Not only he but also I _fond of Chinese handwriting. A is B am C are D was 9. David was so excited at the good news that he could _ say a word. A. nearly B. hard C. ever D. hardly 10.I forget to bring my dictionary. Would you lend me _? A this B that C it D one 11.Yesterday a terrible traffic

39、 accident_ in a street A was happened B happened C was happening D was taken place 12. I cant move into my new house now. It _. A is painted B is being painted C paints D will be painted 13. He stopped the car suddenly to avoid _ a cat. A to hit B hit C to be hit D hitting 14. -Its so cold today. -Y

40、es, its_ than it was yesterday. A more cold B more colder C much colder D cold 15.The teacher made the students_ the words for five times. A to copy B copied C to be copied D copy 16.My mother was hurt in the accident. She is in hospital now? -_. A Im glad to heart that B Im sorry to hear that C She is so careless D But how? 17. - Does this road lead to school ,sir? -Yes, just go down this road until you see the red school. You cant _ it A get B find C lose D miss 9 18. My pa

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