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四 川 大 学 教 案Teaching Plan.doc

1、四 川 大 学 教 案 Teaching Plan【首页】 【Home Page】课程名称Course Name循环系统疾病Circulation System Disease课程编号Course Number502314070授课专业Major临床医学(八年制)Clinical Medicine(Eight-year Program)班级Class2010级临床八年制2. Following above, introducing the cardiological device, procedure, making students form sensitive cognition;3. I

2、ntroducing recent therapeutic advances in AMI4. Looking forward to development of cardiology from material and methods;5. Dreaming of the feature of cardiology in the future;6. Introducing the current social burden of cardiovascular disease and, putting forward prevention briefly and introducing the

3、rapeutic method of cardiovascular disease.备注remarks教学重点与难点Emphases and Difficulties引起学生对心血管科学的重视,为后续学习提供思想动力.Making students care cardiology and supplying spiritual energy.启发提问 In-class and take-home questions for students有人认为其实肾和肺也可以纳入循环系统,你对此观点有什么看法?Someone thinks that lung and kidneys can also be

4、 put into circulation system. How do you think of it?英语要求 Useful Vocabulary Cardiology, angiography教学方法Instruction methods多媒体教学Multi-media teaching参考文献References同上The same四川大学教案 Teaching Plan【医 科】 【Medicine】周次Week 第 1 周,第 2 次课备注remarks章节名称 Chapters熟悉:体循环中重要动静脉解剖特征。Familial to: main blood vessels in

5、systemic circulation;四大心腔的解剖学特征。Anatomical characteristics of four chambers;了解:心脏的电生理。Know: electrophysiology of heart.教 学 主 要 内 容Teaching2. Briefly introducing pericardium, sinuses of pericardium, valves and anatomy of chambers.3. Briefly introducing electrophysiology of heart;4. Giving lecture on

6、the anatomical features of coronary artery;5. Respectively introducing main arteries of head, neck, chest, abdomen and four limbs.6. Introducing hepatic portal vein. 备注remarks教学重点与难点Emphases and Difficulties1 心纤维骨架的形成;Formation of heart skeleton;2 冠脉的分枝及供血区域。Branches of coronary artery and supplying

7、 area.启发提问 In-calss and take-home questions for students心脏从单心腔进化为四心腔有什么好处?Whats the benefit of uni-chamber evoluting into quadri-chamber? 英语要求 Useful VocabularyCoronary artery, thoracic aorta, celiac trunk, pulmonary embolism, porta-systematic anastomosis教学方法Instruction methods多媒体教学Multi-media teach

8、ing参考文献References同上The same四川大学教案 Teaching Plan【医 科】 【Medicine】周次Week 第 1 周,第 3 次课备注remarks章节名称 Chapters2 熟悉:心脏的胚胎发生;Familial to: embryological development of heart;3 了解:常见的先天性心脏病。Know: common congenital heart diseases.教 学 主 要 内 容Teaching2. Classification of arteries;3. Classification of capillaries

9、; 4. Histological features of heart; 5. Embryological development of heart;6. Mechanism of congenital heart diseases. 备注remarks教学重点与难点Emphases and Difficulties1 心脏发育过程中的形状改变;Shape changing of heart during embryological development;2 心腔隔的形成;Formation of cardioseptum启发提问 In-calss and take-home questio

10、ns for students结合各种类血管的生理功能,解释其在组织结构上的区别。Considering the physiological functions of heart, explain the differences in histological structure among different kinds of blood vessels.英语要求 Useful VocabularyContinuous capillary, fenestrated capillary, sinuses, cardiogenic area, bulbus cordis, atrioventri

11、cular canal, bulboventricular loop, endocardial cushion, foremen ovale, ASD,VSD,TOF教学方法Instruction methods多媒体教学Multi-media teaching参考文献References同上The same四川大学教案 Teaching Plan【医 科】 【Medicine】周次Week 第 1 周,第 4 次课备注remarks章节名称 ChaptersPhysiological properties of cardiac myocytes including excitability,

12、 autorhythmicity, conductivity and contractility.掌握:心室肌细胞和窦房结起搏细胞的跨膜电位及其产生原理;心肌细胞的生理特性,即兴奋性,自律性,传导性和收缩性。Be familiar with: Changes of excitability of cardiac muscle during excitation; Premature systole and compensatory pause; Factors affecting excitability, autorhythmicity, conductivity and contractility.熟悉:心肌细胞在兴奋过程中其兴奋性的变化,期前收缩与代偿间隙,影响兴奋性、自律性、传导性和收缩性的因素。Understand: Working cells and autorhythmic cells, and fast response cells and slow response cells of cardiac muscles; Electrocardiogram.了解:心肌工作细胞与自律性细胞,快反应细胞与慢反应细胞;心电图。教 学 主 要 内 容Teaching& Learning Contents 时 间分 配Time assignments

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