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1、1高层次思考:定义及重要概念和词汇表Shari Tishman, David Perkins, and Ron Ritchhart什么是高层次思考? 在精神领域,高层次思考指反思、探究、分析和质疑。 高层次思考的通常表现形式有:推理、解决问题、探索假设、决策、思考判断、战略创造性、发现问题和确定立场。 Common forms of high-level thinking include: reasoning, problem solving, assumption-probing, decision making, reflective judgment, strategic creativ

2、ity, problem finding, and perspective-taking. 高层次思考还经常指善于发现内在规律或概念构架,或者说发现事物如何运作的深层内在结构或事物的真正含义。 High-level thinking often has to do with discerning underlying patterns or conceptual structures. In other words, it often involves figuring out the deep structure of how things work or what things mean.

3、 高层次思考不只是技能和能力,其其实质是一种特性它性本质上是有一种倾向性的。,除技能外,它还包括积极地对待思考和学习的态度、愿意准备付出投入努力、以及对触对引起发高层次触发思考的事物情况事物具有的的敏感度性具有灵敏感受。High-level thinking is more than skills and abilities. It is dispositional in nature. Beyond skills it involves positive attitudes toward thinking and learning, a readiness to invest effort;

4、 and alertness to situations that invite or call for high-level thinking. 高层次思考的定式特性常被认为是一般的学习特性,因为它们在很多场景和学科中有助于促进理解的发展。High level thinking dispositions are often considered general learning dispositions because they support the development of understanding in many contexts and disciplines. 什么不是高层次

5、思考? 基本技能发展 Basic skill development 死记硬背,信息的简单重复 Rote learning; rote repetition of information 简单的报告所观察结果到的现象和感受 Simple reporting of observations and impressions 陈述已成型的观点 Stating already-formed opinions 被动地接受观点、感受和信息 Passive reception of perceptions, impressions and information. 回忆以前学过的知识 Recall of p

6、rior knowledge 不许不经思考而做出的判断 Unreflective judgments2是与不是之间的关系是什么?高层次思考并不是在定义上与感受、观察、情感、本能直觉以及和先以前的知识相冲突。,相反,高层次思考以这些为基础,需要用可得的感受和信息来进行积极的思维活动,以已形成新的观点和理解。High-level thinking isnt by definition in tension with perceptions, observations, feelings, intuitions, and prior knowledge. On the contrary; it re

7、lies on them as building blocks. High-level thinking involves actively thinking with the impressions and information that are available in order to form new ideas and understandings. 3词汇表艺术和高层次思考不论在艺术创作还是在艺术欣赏过程中,高层次思考在艺术领域内以多种形式存在。举例来说,艺术家们在创作的时候,往往要挖掘潜在的假设,发现及重建问题,使用策略来激发创造力,设计和探索比喻,反复进行自我反思及批评 所有

8、这些都是高层次思考。当人们欣赏艺术的时候,他们认真推敲作品的含义,提出引发讨论的问题,从多角度探索,并且对自己的反应模式进行思索,这些同样也都是高层次思考。 当然,在对待艺术的某些时候,高层次思考表现得并不突出,例如形成第一印象,发展技艺的某些过程,洞察力和理解力的直觉闪现,以及不假思索却能有品位地对作品进行鉴赏和评价。 创造性思维创造性思维简单地说就是促进产生创造性结果的思维,创造性结果包括对实际问题的巧妙解决方案、新发明、新理论、新事物、新的艺术风格等。创造性思维不仅是创新,而且要用适当的方式进行 有效 地创新,例如更有效的捕鼠器,对观众有吸引力的艺术风格,当然,这些更好的效果也许不是马上

9、反映出来,而需要一段时间的适应。 相应地,创造性思维包括那些愿意超越现状去寻求新的可行方案的态度和思维模式。这样的态度包括冒险精神,能够容忍不确定因素,愿意承担一定的风险。一些基本的创造性思维模式有自由讨论,找出并分析假设,从新的角度看待问题。我们很容易将创造性思维和批判性思维(请参照相关注释)看成是互相对立的,其实它们之间的关系并不那么简单。批判性思维,即使是窄义地理解成论点和论据,也可以包含创造性的见解,比方说通过用新的角度来看待某事物。另外,创造性思维事实上总是含有批判性的,例如从几种设想方案里批判性地选择最佳途径。批判性思维不同的作者和研究人员对批判性思维有或广或狭的定义。广义而言,批

10、判性思维常常被用作高层次思考的同义词,指所有思考性、分析性和策略性的思维。从这个角度来看,批判性思维包括创造性思维的许多方面。而狭义而言,批判性思维与创造性思维处于并列的位置,主要指技术性推理、分析和判断等思考形式。 4无论是广义还是狭义的批判性思维,所有包含在批判性思维里的思维方式都属于高层次思考的范畴。有时,为了避免广义狭义带来的混淆,我们使用“批判性和创造性思维”的说法来表示我们指的所有这些思维。思考的课堂文化 课堂文化往往通过老师给出的、或明确或含蓄的信息传达出来,例如什么重要,什么算数,什么最有价值。这些信息通过我们与学生的互动、对他们的期望、布置的作业、做出的示范,以及建立的常规里

11、传送出来。在思考文化里,被传递的信息是“思考是有价值和重要的”。这样的环境确实是“充满了思考”,因为师生们有规律地从事并表现出深刻、丰富的高层次思考。情感和思考理智与情感之间长久以来的分歧在近几十年里一直从各个方面受到攻击:如今,很难找到有人提倡这样的观点:智力活动完全不包含情感,或是情感完全是非认知的不合理的。现在,更普遍的观点是,情感以各种形式包含在高层次思考里。 例如,情感存在于能激发思考的态度、价值观和责任感里,比如对真理的热切关注或是对不公正的强烈感触。坚持不懈、惊讶和好奇都是影响思路的情感。情感能够提供超认知信息(请在下面查看超认知一项注释),比如惊讶表明察觉出现实与期望之间的差距

12、,而移情、道德想象、爱这些情感使你能够选择立场,它们本身也是人们产生认知的方式。 广而言之,情感支持高层次思考,因为它们提供关于思考过程的信息,丰富思考内容,激发热情,调整及影响思路。除了这些支持作用外,情感状态和过程本身也是高层次思考的例子,因为从某种程度上它们包含了思考过程或有洞察力的判断。 智力特征智力特征的建构,是希望能走出智力的传统概念,抓住我们作为真正思考者和学习者的本质。我们通过固定的行为模式来表现这些特征,有些人一贯表现出有思想,有判断力,爱追根究底,思想开明;而另外一些人则总是冲动,粗枝大叶,思想狭隘。这是对这类思维模式的总结,我们也可以称其为思考习惯或是思维倾向,它们组成了

13、一个人的智力特征。智商和高层次思考 智力包含很多方面,而不仅仅只是智商。就智商而言,高智商就如同汽车有一个更强大的引擎,它给你动力,却不能让你成为一名好司机。相反,就算5只有一个普通的引擎,你也可以成为一名更好的司机。具体来讲,更高的智商能帮你更好地进行解决问题、探索假设等高层次思考活动。 然而,高智商的人很容易对潜在的假设视而不见,不能从他人的角度看问题,死板而不具灵活性和创造性。而且,不论智商高低,只要在正常范围内,人们都能学会更具批判性地、创造性地进行思考。 最后,研究表明智商本身并不是固定的,它事实上可以提高。所以智商不完全像车里的引擎,或者说,这个引擎可以提高效率。思考的语言思考的语

14、言指的是我们用来讨论思想的特殊的一类的字和词。它包括表述思考过程的词,例如分析、沉思、思考和反思;包括对思维过程的结果进行特征描绘的词,例如结论、假设和猜测;还包括确认进行中的某种思维活动以及某思考行为在该思维活动中发挥的作用的词,比如,“证据”这个词指的是推理这项活动正在进行,有一个特定的信息被提供,用来支持某个观点。 为什么思考的语言很重要呢?语言是一种文化动力,无论是在课堂上还是在其他场合里。语言的模式影响着思维的模式,使用丰富的、有微妙差别的思考的语言有助于促进和支持高层次思考。艺术和高层次思考 Art and High-Level ThinkingHigh-level thinkin

15、g is present in art in several ways, in both the process of making art and the process of responding to art. For example, when making art, artists often probe assumptions, find and reframe problems, use strategies to stimulate creativity, create and explore metaphors, and engage in cycles of self-re

16、flection and critique high-level forms of thinking, all of them. When responding to art, viewers often reason thoughtfully about meaning, pose provocative questions, explore multiple perspectives, and think reflectively about their own patterns of response. Again, all forms of high-level thinking. O

17、f course, there are several aspects of art in which high-level thinking doesnt figure prominently, for example in the immediacy of perception, in certain aspects of the development of craft and technique, in intuitive flashes of insight and understanding, and in unreflective but often discerning jud

18、gements of taste and value. 创造性思维 Creative ThinkingCreative thinking is simply thinking that fosters creative outcomesclever solutions to practical problems, inventions, fresh theories, innovations, new artistic styles, and so on. Creative thinking is not just about novelty but novelty that is effec

19、tive in appropriate waysthe better mousetrap, the artistic style that 6proves compelling to viewers, maybe not right away but after a period of getting used to it. Accordingly, creative thinking involves attitudes and patterns of thinking that favor departures from the status quo in quest of new but

20、 viable possibilities. Attitudes along this line include a spirit of adventure, tolerance for ambiguity, and a willingness to take appropriate risks. Some basic patterns of creative thinking include brainstorming, identifying and questioning assumptions, and viewing situations from new perspectives.

21、Although theres a temptation to view creative thinking and critical thinking (see entry on this) as opposites, its more complicated than that. Critical thinking, even in the narrow sense of focusing on arguments and evidence, can involve creative insights, for instance through taking a new perspecti

22、ve on something. Moreover, creative thinking virtually always has critical aspects, for instance choosing critically the best path forward from among several imaginative options.批判性思维 Critical ThinkingDifferent authors and researchers have defined critical thinking in broader and narrower ways. In t

23、he broad sense, critical thinking is often used synonymously with high-level thinking to refer to all types of reflective, analytical or strategic thinking. In this construal, the concept of critical thinking encompasses many aspects of creative thinking as well. In a more narrow construal, critical

24、 thinking is juxtaposed to creative thinking and refers primarily to the forms of thinking involved in technical reasoning, analysis and judgment. Whether critical thinking is defined broadly or narrowly, all forms of thinking included in the concept of critical thinking are also included in the con

25、cept of high-level thinking. Sometimes, to avoid the issue of broad or narrow, we use the phase “critical and creative thinking” to say that we mean it all.课堂中的思考 Classroom Culture of Thinking A classroom culture is conveyed through the implicit and explicit messages teachers send about what matters

26、, what counts, and what has most value. These messages are communicated through our interactions, expectations, assignments, modeling, and established routines. In a culture of thinking, the message being sent is that thinking is worthwhile and important. Such environments are quite literally “thoug

27、ht full” as teachers and students regularly engage in and demonstrate for one another deep, rich high-level thinking.情感和思考 Emotions and ThinkingThe age-old dichotomy between reason and emotion has been attacked from several quarters in recent decades: It is rare, nowadays, to find advocates of the 7

28、view that intellectual activity can be entirely purified of emotion, or that emotions are entirely non-cognitive or irrational. Currently, the more common view is that emotions are involved in high-level thinking in a variety of ways. For example, emotions are present in the attitudes, values and co

29、mmitments that motivate thinking, such as a passionate concern for truth or a keenly-felt sensitivity to injustice. Persistence, wonder, and curiosity are emotions that shape the flow of thought. Emotions can provide metacognitive information (see the entry on metacognition below), such as the emoti

30、on of surprise, which indicates a perceived gap between expectation and reality. And emotions such as empathy, moral imagination, and love enable certain kinds of perspective-taking and can be ways of knowing in themselves. Broadly, emotions support high-level thinking because they provide informati

31、on about the thinking process, contribute to the content of thought, and motivate, regulate and shape the flow of thinking. In addition to their supporting role, emotional states and processes can also themselves be instances of high-level thinking to the extent that they involve reflective processi

32、ng or discerning judgment. Intellectual CharacterThe construct of intellectual character seeks to move outside of traditional notions of intelligence to capture the essence of who we truly are as thinkers and learners. We demonstrate character through our well-established patterns of behavior Some p

33、eople come across as consistently thoughtful, judicious, inquiring, open-minded. Others may come across as impulsive, careless, or narrow-minded. It is the sum of such patterns of thinking, what we might also refer to as our habits of mind or thinking-based dispositions, that make up ones intellectu

34、al character.智商和高层次思考 IQ and High-Level Thinking Intelligence means many different things, not just IQ. In terms of IQ specifically, having a high IQ is like having a more powerful engine in your car - it gives you power but doesnt make you a good driver, and, even with an ordinary engine you can le

35、arn to be a much better driver. Specifically, a higher IQ helps carry out better the activities of high-level thinking-problem solving, assumption probing, and so on. However, people with high IQs can easily be blind to hidden assumptions, fail to take others perspectives, prove rigid rather than fl

36、exible and creative. And, no matter what their IQ within the normal range, people can learn to think more critically and creatively. 8Finally, research shows that IQ itself isnt fixed. It can actually be improved. So its not quite like the engine in your car, its more like having an engine that can

37、actually grow a little bit.思考的语言 Language of ThinkingThe language of thinking refers to the special class of words and phrases we use to talk about thought. It includes words for talking about thinking processes, such as analyze, ponder, ruminate, and reflect. It includes words that characterize the

38、 outcomes of thought processes, such as conclusion, hypothesis, and guess. And it includes words that identify the particular game of thinking afoot and the role a thought plays in the structure of that game. For example, the word evidence indicates that the game of reasoning is being played and tha

39、t a particular piece of information is being offered in support of a claim. Why is the language of thinking important? Language is a cultural force in the classroom, and in other settings. Patterns of language influence patterns of thought. The use of a rich and nuanced language of thinking tends to

40、 cue and support high-level thinking. 超认知对思维或学习过程进行思考,在高层次思考中属于思维的范畴,包括对自身思维和学习过程的认识、调整和评价。很多教育工作者认为超认知是所有领域内达到熟练思考的关键,也是更广泛意义上所说的智力的一个层面。超认知的其他说法有:自我定向、自我调节和自我管理。有些技术文献中使用“自动调节”,这些术语基本上指的都是一个意思。留心留心是一种开放的、创造性的状态,在这种状态下,人们能更灵敏地感知事物的可能性、机会和差别。这种状态使人们倾向于从多种视角看待事物,采用新的方法去认识问题,对自我设定或随机产生的规范更加敏感,从而在思考时有更

41、大的灵活性。 反思 许多教育者认为三种形式的反思可以加强学习,这三种反思都属于高层次思考:(1) 超认知 :对自身思维和学习过程进行批判性的反思;(2) 巩固型反思 :在思考和学习过程进行到某一阶段后对其包含的重要内容及取得的理解进行反思;(3) 积极寻找事物间的联系或转换 :积极寻找新获取的信息与原有知识之间的联系。9思维定式指智力行为中类似态度的模式。它们不仅包括思考技巧,也包括思考动力、情感因素、价值观念和一些常被技能型思维方式排除在外的因素,还包括对引发思考的事物具有的敏感度。这个概念强调高层次思考中关于行为的一面,即行动中的高层次思考(请参考下一个概念)。思维定式可以是积极的、消极的

42、或是中性的,但通常用来形容积极的思维倾向 即有助于产生理性行为、理性信念、洞察力,创造力和理解力的智力行为模式。积极的思维定式的例子包括有思想开明的倾向、推理周全的倾向、从多种视角探索的倾向,以及从现象看本质的倾向。 性情的三位一体论性情的三位一体论是一个技术性定义,指三种逻辑上相互独立的智力行为组成部分: 能力、倾向、敏感度 。 能力 指进行某智力行为的基本能力; 倾向 指参与这种行为的动机或动因; 敏感度 指注意到能进行这种行为的场合的可能性。以思想开明为例,要做到思想开明,必须(1)具备从不同视角看待问题的基本能力;(2)愿意为此付出努力;以及(3)能够识别适于采用不同视角的场合。性情的

43、三位一体论认为,为培养学生的思维能力,必须要综合考虑这三方面的因素,才能达到长久的效果。 思考常规思考常规指以某种特定方式促进思考的简单程序或行为步骤。自由讨论就是大家熟悉的一种用来征求意见或想法的思考常规的例子。认识-想获知-学会是一个促进寻找事物间联系的思考常规。 思考常规易于教学,一般仅包括几个步骤,帮助引导思维活动,个人和小组均可进行,并适于不同的场合。这些步骤在课堂里多次使用后成为惯例,而不仅是教学策略。因此思考常规通过传授如何学习和思考的信息来帮助建立思维习惯。转换学习的转换是一个专业术语,指把在一个场景中的学习转换到另一个场景中。比如,人们学会驾驶轿车后,稍作调整,就能比较容易地

44、把这些技术用到开小型卡车上。不幸的是,研究表明,转换并不是在某人学会某样事物后就会自动产生,尤其是思考,学到的思考策略和态度往往被局限在学习这些策略和态度的场景之中。比如,学生学了在科学领域里要寻找证据,可他们还是会相信报纸上写的东西。 10当学习环境与应用环境相距较远的时候,转换就更难了。想象一下,把你学会的解决数学问题的方法应用到另一个数学问题;或用来解决物理问题,或用来解决日常生活中与数学和物理都无关的问题。学习与应用之间距离越远,要看到它们之间的联系和作调整就越难。因此,好老师常使用不同的例子,要学生在不同的场景(包括校外)中找出事物间的联系。超认知 MetacognitionMeta

45、cognition means thinking about thinking, or thinking about learning. It is part of the reflective dimension of high-level thinking and it includes the awareness, regulation, and evaluation of ones own thinking and learning processes. Many educators believe that metacognition is a key part of expert

46、thinking in all fields, as well as a dimension of intelligence more generally.Some other ways of referring to metacognition include self-direction, self-regulation, and self-management. Some technical literature uses the term autoregulation. These terms all mean more or less the same thing.Mindfulne

47、ssMindfulness is an open and creative state of being in which one becomes more aware of possibilities, options, and distinctions. This state leads to greater flexibility in thinking brought about by a tendency to see things from more than one perspective, to frame problems in new ways, and to become

48、 more sensitive to self-imposed and arbitrary boundaries. 反思 Reflection Many educators believe that learning experiences are often enhanced by three kinds of reflection, each of which is a form of high-level thinking: (1) metacognition, which is critical self-reflection on ones own thinking and lear

49、ning process, (2) consolidative reflection, which involves reflecting on the big messages and understandings from the thinking and learning experience as it has unfolded so far, and (3) active connection-making, or transfer, which involves actively seeking connections between newly learned information and existing knowledge.思维定式 Thinking DispositionsThinking dispositions are broad, attitude-like patterns of intellectual behavior. They include thinking skills but also include motivations, emotions, values, and other elements

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