液位模糊控制系统设计的应用Application of De ign of Fuzzy Level Control Sy tem丁肇红(上海应用技术学院机电分院,上海)摘要采用S7 - 300 可编程序控制器设计了一个模糊控制器,将控制器的模糊输出反模糊化后作为实际输出控制调节阀的开度,使中位水箱的液位达到给定值,直接利用控制经验知识使得控制品质达到良好要求。关键词模糊反模糊化模糊控制器模糊输入模糊输出Abstract A fuzzy controller is designed by adopting S7 - 300 programmable controller. The fuzzy output of the controller is defuzzied as practical output to controlvalve opening and make the water level in tank to meet the set point. By using control experience and knowledge direc