5-7你无需主动寻找动力和能量,当你感觉良好的时候,你就拥有了充足的动力和充沛的精力!Because you see, also motivation and energy- you dont need research for that, you know that when you are feeling good, you have more motivation, you have more energy.那些情绪管理能力较强的专业人员收获了更多的积极情绪!借此从狭隘压抑的思维中逃脱出来!转向积极富有建设性的思维。从长期看,这更为有效!people who are able to manage their emotions better and lead to positive emotions, get out of this narrow and constrict to the broaden and build are in the long term more successful. 并非他们没有负面情绪,我们说过,只有死人才那样!只是在他们经历了