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1、中西方饮食文化对比研究 摘要 :本文试图研究中西方饮食文化的差异从而阐明、了解中西方饮食文化差异的重要性 ,同时增进文化交流 ,成功实现跨文化交际。 下载 关键词 :饮食文化 区别 跨文化交际 A contrastive study on Chinese and Western Food Cultures Abstract:This paper attempts to study the differences between Chinese and Western dietary cultures with the purpose of clarifying the significance

2、 of understanding the differences and helping promote successful cross-cultural communicatral communication . The purpose of study Food culture is an important part in non-verbal culture in cross-cultural communicatnd Western food culture can not only increase the understanding of language and cultu

3、re but also increase the possibility of successful cross-cultural communication and avoid the misunderstandings and communication barriers resulted from inappropriate manners or behaviern Food Culture 1. Extravagance vs. simplicity In Chinese culture, people attach great importance to fial position

4、and the prestige that are well recognized by other members in the socispeaking, formal banquets in China have one thing in common that there should be more than enough food on the table, or the host will lose his face in the presence of guests and feel humiliafocus on is simplicity and casualness wh

5、ich is closely related with their thinking patteree cour The main course is a heavy weight in a Western banquet, composed of meat, especially steak, or fish together with vegetabd is not the main poo make friends and strength their relationsross (1951:395) defines a value as a conception, explicit o

6、r implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of actpplied to food culture, a picture of a group of people sitting around a table occ short, from the moment the dinner starts to the time whe

7、n it is over, the “truth of sharing“ reflects almost everywhsm. Broadly speaking, individualism refers to the doctrine: each individual is unique, special, completely different from all other individuculture is characterized by the “separated“ stod cultures is obvious and its influence is self-evide

8、nt etween Chinese and Western food cultures 1. Differences time-orientation: lateness vs. punctuality Since China is a country that falls into the category of P-te at the same t mankind but not merely follow the time scheduwhat is scheduled when participating in some activities, like banqud not inte

9、rpret this kind of laten lives quite differenspecial thioncerned about punctual natultending a formal banquet or meetlittle later, but no more than 10 minare expected to be dominant in the society, but the female was hardly found in any formal banqseating arrangems first“ has been gradually acknowle

10、dged in China, women still prefer to sit together on many occasiLadies first“ is their traditional belief as well as an important social manwas to respect women in Western countries tend to sit separated, from which the equality between men and women is reflected, een Chinese food culture and Wester

11、n food culture in two different aspects: differences on concepts, differences on etiquethat A。 China and western countries have their different food culture with deep roots, and the differences resulted from the aspects of their respective culture, customs, history, value system and so on. B。 Cultur

12、e in every country is eqor inferior to the oteration of international communication, Chinese food culture is gradually integrating with other food cultural Communication -What It Means to Chinese Learners, Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1988. Scollon, Scollon Intercultural Communication: A discourse approach 1995. 贾玉新 跨文化交际学 M.上海 :上海外语教育出版社 ,1997. .胡文仲 跨文化交际学概论 M.北京 :外语教学与研究出版社 ,1999. 作者简介 :郭倩倩 (1986.8-),女 ,汉族 ,山西临汾人 ,山西财经大学经贸外语学院 2009 级研究生 ,主要研究方向 :英语教育。

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