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1、研究生英语阅读教程 课后答案 Lesson 2 1. The story about the Brothers Grimm may evoke warm memories of story time in the comforting arms of a parent. A. recall B. create C. release D. collect 2. One of the secrets of successful travel lies in always turning adversity to your advantage. A. unfamiliarity B. explora

2、tion C. pleasure D. difficulties 3. The claws of bears may be used to climb trees, rip open nests and beehives, or catch prey. A. clear B. tear C. throw D. dig 4. The analysts are dissecting intrusions and other attacks that have breached their computer systems. A. intercepting B. fighting C. analyz

3、ing D. discussing 5. He spent whole days in his room, headphones on lest he disturb anyone. A. unless B. when C. so that D. in case 6. As the unemployment lines lengthened and factories closed, there was talk of apocalypse. A. emergency B. uncertainty C. disaster D. reduction 7. The odor of the hosp

4、ital was so unforgiving that every so often she would bring the cloud of white flowers to her nose. A. unexpected B. unique C. impressive D. terrible 8. Critics argue that the lavish park itself is incongruous a country where around half the population lives below the poverty line. A. inappropriate

5、B. creative C. unnecessary D. enjoyable 9. Many believed optimistically the news would soothe markets, but it seems to have had the opposite effect. A. push B. mislead C.calm D. discourage 10. A stoical person tends to show admirable patience and endurance in the face of adversity without getting up

6、set. A. confident B. uncomplaining C. unconventional D. reliable Lesson 4 1. During the lecture all the audience listened to Chinas first astronaut with rapt admiration. A. obscure B. obvious C. obliged D. obsessed 2. Most of her colleagues didnt like her because she was adept at the fine art of irr

7、itating people. A. ambitious B. annoying C. skillful D. scornful 3. In the schools today we need, more than ever, the training of deft hands, quick eyes and ears, and above all the broader, deeper, higher culture of gifted minds and pure hearts. A. skillful B. clever C. delicate D. elegant 4. At las

8、t the judge decided to give the custody of the child to his father. A. supervision B. catering C. raising D. fostering 5. Denver residents continued to dig out from what was called the worst blizzard in nearly a century. A. catastrophe B. disaster C. snowstorm D. landslide 6. After all, the candidat

9、e was endorsed governors board and many of the local party members. A. ignored B. rejected C. sponsored D. supported 7. His expression gave temporary meaning to a set of features but it was nondescript A. unclear B. distinctive C. implied D. ambiguous 8. She came home spouting off about the subjects

10、 she was taught at school and basked in her teachers praise. A. prided B. enjoyed C. criticized D. narrated 9. It was evident that the administrative officials did not believe the excuse that he held forth for the delayed delivery. A. lied B. told C. emphasized D. compiled 10. When Frank heard that

11、the war had started, it didnt sink in for a long time until his father was drafted into the army. A. be understood B. be accepted C. be taken D. be illustrated 1. Plants will lose their when they are heavily trimmed. A. voyage B. vitality C. vogue D. virgin 2. It was generally conceded that the net

12、result of the incident was calculated to make Eisenhower mad enough to force him to re-election A. run for B. compete in C. apply to D. line up with 3. Mick entered the Vocational High School, and in order to get to know her new classmates, she _ a party A. cast B. launched C. flung D. threw 4. Alic

13、e Moore refused to learn what they required. She couldnt see the necessity of _ for those that would only appear in the examinations. A. clapping B. cramming C. clashing D. creeping 5. The listeners were _ by his magic eloquence and ready to stand by him in his boldest flights. A. agonized B. thrill

14、ed C. disturbed D. interfered 6. We remained until our ship was repaired, and after that, we set sail for England, our _ port being London. A. doomed B. denoted C. despaired D. destined 7. Seeds of various types-wheat grains, beans, and nuts-form the bulk of human food. But not all seeds are _ to ei

15、ther humans or insects; many contain toxins. A. palatable B. primitive C. peculiar D. permanent 8. Continuing violence could _ the progress towards reform. A. hold on B .hold up C.hold down D.hold off 9. A bill passed _ by both houses in August requires states to set up systems for withholding child

16、 support payments from the wages and state tax refunds of those persons. A.anonymously B .autonomously C.unanimously D.enormously 10. After about an hour all the participants _ with the regulations and each other. A.warmed up B .made up C.mixed up D.wound up Lesson 6 1. Another common use of the tag

17、 question is in small talk when the speaker is trying to _ conversation: “Sure is hot here, isnt it?“ A.illicit B.elicit C.solicit D. explicit 2. Napster says it is delaying the launch of its subscription service yet again, after running into serious problems in its talks with other firms. So here i

18、s Napsters _: Still not ready. A.refrain B.renown C.restraint D.retention 3. The path from initial lab work on a drug to final approval of the drug by the Food the chanters who sing and _for the puppets; and the players of the three-stringed instrument. A. decline B. reclaim C. declaim D. proclaim 9

19、. This is your daily life; to me it is like a scene from a play, over which one sighs to see the curtain fall-all _, all light, all happiness. A. enchantment B. engagement C. enlargement D. endurance 10. “It was really rural when we moved here,“ says Stanley. “But these newcomers are _ the rural atm

20、osphere.“ A. justifying B. citifying C. ratifying D. simplifying Lesson 11 1. The supporters of GM foods say that it should be possible to make foods that are less likely to trigger allergies. A. prevent B. reduce C. cause D. transfer 2. The relationship between men and their cars would terminate in

21、 the event of irreparable mechanical breakdown (equivalent to the death of a spouse) . A. end B. decline C. fail D. proceed 3. The combination of miscommunication, ignored warnings and general hubris is virtually guaranteed disaster. A. misunderstanding B. misconduct C. anger D. arrogance 4. Despite

22、 an occasional glimmer of hope, this campaign has not produced any results. A. proof B. indication C. release D. consequence 5. These kids had been further insulated by their wealthy families from reality with the privilege that money could buy. A. protected B. awoken C. covered D. isolated 6. I fou

23、nd myself constantly pondering the question: “How could anyone do these things?“ A. arguing B. answering C. repeating D. considering 7. Interactive technology augments traditional methods with new and yet-to-be invented collaboration tools ranging from e-mail to Web109S to digital video to peer-to-p

24、eer systems. A. communication B. entertainment C. cooperation D. improvement 8. For people who feel too intimidated or shy to ask questions during class, the Internet creates a “safe environment“ to speak their mind. Online, nobody knows who you are. A. frightened B. frustrated C. depressed D. disap

25、pointed 9. On this day after September 11, most planes were still grounded; the skies were eerily quiet. A. particularly B. unusually C. mysteriously D. pleasantly 10. Considered by many archaeologists to be the first human civilization, Sumer has yielded many huge stone carvings. Deciphered, they d

26、escribed “gods“ who came from another planet in flying machines. A. Inspired B. Interpreted C. Improved D. Implanted Lesson 13 1. In the Renaissance, fresco painting on walls and ceilings largely gave way to _ painting in oils, but wall painting returned to popularity in the 20th century. A. era B.

27、easel C. earnest D. echo 2. White marble busts of Shakespeare, Dickens, Hawthorne and Irving _ through the trailing ivy from the various comers. A. glistened B. glanced C. glared D. glided 3. As Hank ventured this last remark in a cautious manner, he scraped the _ of the walk with one foot while he

28、slyly noted the reception of his venture by an upward cast of his eye. A. cliff B. curb C. gravel D. glamour 4. They had an air of dignity and independence in their manners, which formed a striking contrast to the _ and servile appearance of the Slave. A. erecting B. straight C. proud D. crouching 5

29、. The sun coming down the heavens was scattering its beams full and fair against the vine clad _and windows. A. hut B. ceiling C. eaves D. beam 6. Drunkenness is temporary suicide; the happiness that it brings is merely negative, a _ cessation of unhappiness. A. momentous B. momentary C. momentum D.

30、 monetary 7. Though he looked thin and weak, he could run _ fast in the 1,000 meters race. A. darned B. diligent C. devious D. dizzy 8. He was seated in the rear lobby, _by cushions in a comfortable rocking-chair. A. took up B. propped up C. brought up D. set up 9. The darkness came very early. Then

31、 the electric lights _. A. turned on B. got on C. took on D. came on 10. All of us were very surprised to find that they had completed the difficult task in _haste. A. fatal B. perished C.deadly D. passed 二、翻译题 Lesson2 1、 It is a cliche,as it is to take of apocalypse and nightmare, but when somethin

32、g is beyond our experience,we reach for the points of reference we have.说到世界末日和噩梦又是老生常谈,但是当事情超出我们的经验时,我们总会寻找现有的东西作为参照。 2、 Lest you should ever forget the smallness of being human, the iconic Mount Fuji, instantly recognizable yet somehow different on every viewing is an extinct volcano.唯恐你会忘记作为人类的渺小

33、,标志性的富士山,一眼即能认出但不知何故每次观看又呈现出不同景象,就是一座死火山。 3、 It surprised me, over the following months that the gas attack seemed to dominate the national media coverage, whereas Kobe, after the initial weeks of horrifying footage, slipped somewhat into the background.在随后的几个月里,让我吃惊的是毒气攻击似乎占据了国家媒体报道的主要内容,而神户大地震经过了最

34、初几周骇人听闻的电视报道后,已经退居次位了。 4、 Rather than immersing ourselves in the language of horror films and the end of the world, when the time is right to try to glimpse this new territory, we might for thought reach for a book by Japans most popular contemporary novelist.我们不能沉浸在恐怖片和世界末日的语言中,在合适的时间,如果想要了解这一新的领域,

35、我们可以考虑看看日本最流行的现代小说家的一本书。 5、 But we should resist the temptation to imagine panicking hordes buying up all the food and fleeing the capital as the next part of our horror narrative.但是,我们不应该总想着成群结对恐慌的人们抢空所有食物,逃离首都,把这些当成是恐怖故事的下一个情节。 Lesson4 1、 Bill Clinton was hard to miss in the autumn of 1970. He arr

36、ived at Yale Law School looking more like a Viking than a Rhodes Scholar returning from two years at Oxford. He was tall and handsome somewhere beneath that reddish brown beard and curly mane of hair. He also had a vitality that seemed to shoot out of his pores. When I first saw him in the law schoo

37、ls student lounge, he was holding forth before a rapt audience of fellow student.1970 年秋天,你想不注意比尔 . 克林顿也不容易。他来到耶鲁大学法学院时,看上去像一个北欧海盗,而不像一个在牛津大学呆了两年后回国的罗兹奖学金获得者。他身材高大,他那棕红色的胡子和卷曲而浓密的头发使他显得很帅气。他浑身充满了活力。当我第一次在法学院的学生休息室里见到他时,他正对着一帮全神贯注的同学滔滔不绝地讲着什么。 2、 The way Bill tells the story, he couldnt remember his

38、own name.在比尔讲述这段事情的版本中,他说他当时都想不起来自己叫什么名字了。 3、 To this day, he can astonish me with the connections he weaves between ideas and words and how he makes it all sound like music.直到现在我还常为他敏捷的思维和恰如其份的用词,以及他如何能够将要表达的思想说得那么动听而感到惊讶不已。 4、 One of the first things I noticed about Bill was the shape of his hands

39、. His wrists are narrow and his fingers tapered and deft, like those of a pianist or a surgeon. When we first met as students, I loved watching him turn the pages of a book. Now his hands are showing signs of age after thousands of handshakes and golf swings and miles of signatures. They are, like t

40、heir owner, weathered but still expressive, attractive and resilient.我首先注意到的是比尔的手的形状。他的手腕不粗,手指修长而灵巧,就像一双钢琴家或外科医生的手。学生时代我们第一次见面时,我就喜欢他用手翻书的样子。如今他的手已因成千上万次的握手、打高尔夫球和无数次的签名而增添了岁月的痕迹。它们和他们的主人一样,虽经历风雨却依然充满表现力、魅力与活力。 5、 I still didnt know where I would live and what I would do because my interests in chil

41、d advocacy and civil rights didnt dictate a particular path.我还不知道自己将来会住在哪里和要做什么,因为我在儿童权益促进和民权方面的兴趣尚未为我指明一条明确的道路。 6、 The prospect of driving from one Southern state to another convincing Democrats both to support McGovern and to oppose Nixons policy in Vietnam excited him.一想到能够驾车穿 梭在南方各州之间来说服民主党人既支持麦

42、克戈文,又反对尼克松的越战政策就使他非常激动。 7、 We both had to work to pay our way through law school, on top of the student loans we had taken out.尽管我们都获得了学生贷款,但是我们俩还是不得不打些工来完成法学院的学习。 Lesson6 1、 John Forbes Nash, Jr.-mathematical genius, inventor of a theory of rational behavior, visionary of the thinking machine-had b

43、een sitting with his visitor, also a mathematician, for nearly half an hour. 小约翰福布斯纳什 数学天才、 |理性行为理论的缔造者、预见思想机器出现的预言家 已经和来访者,也是一位数学家,共坐了将近半个小时。 2、 He had been staring dully at a spot immediately in front of the left foot of Harvard professor George Mackey, hardly moving except to brush his long dark hair away from his forehead in a fitful, repetitive motion. 他一直目光呆滞地盯着哈佛教授乔治麦克恩左脚前方不远的地方,除了一次次重复着将垂在前额的略长的黑发拨开的动作,他几乎一动不动。 3、 Over the next decade, a decade as notable for its supreme faith in human rationality as for its dark anxieties about mankinds survival, Nash proved himself, in t

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