1、我国商业银行操作风险管理对策初探浙江工业大学 下载 摘要:本文首先介绍我国商业银行基本现状和在风险管理上出现的各种问题,通过对各类案件的整理和总结,在此基础上进一步对商业银行操作风险问题进行分析,最后结合我国实际情况,提出完善当前我国商业银行操作风险管理的五点建议。 关键词:商业银行操作风险对策 ?1.Introduction With the increasing trend ofglobal economic integration,less monetary control,the ever-changing financial technology and extending fiel
2、d of product innovations,making commercial banking in a more complicated and rapid change business environment,problems such as operational risk for the commercial banks became appar,has become a risk that commercial banks should face and try to avtop priority in the risk management of commercial ba
3、lowing credit risk that Chinese Banking is fac as illegal trading leading to huge losses even bankrupted like Baring Bank (UK) andSociete Generale SA,the situation and the loss is still quite gcommercial bank in China has stepped into a period of outbreak and high incidel risk cases reported by the
4、media in 2009,the total financial loss is up to RMB2,958,210,000.41 cases are treachery from within,taking up to 57.75% of the operational risk cases and 67.50% of the total loss,that is RMB1,996,774,300;The number of external fraud cases is 15,21.13% of the 71 cases and 31.18% of the total loss,tha
5、t is RMB922,373,000;Cases due to execute,delivery and process management takes up a 9.86% of the total number of cases and,causing a loss of RMB750,900,which is 0.025% of the financial loss;Operational risk because of the miscue of customers,product and business operation is under 5% of the 71 cases
6、 and within 1% of the lal fraud is a main cause of operational risk due to lack of internal control mechan a main source of operational rxternal fraud and enough attention should be drawn to other causes of operational risk so that early prevention is attained and losses can be controlled within the
7、 mini of risk managemeness of risk management is quite the operation of business and take no notice of the importance of risk managems of risk management is rarely carried out effectivgged beh requirement and most banks still remain on the credit risk managemnagement departmgement system,so the duti
8、es are distributed to accountant and au technology of operational risk managems on qualitative analysis with a strong sense of subjectivity based on empirical method leading to an incomplete and inaccurate recognition of operational risk managemquite simple,so left behind compared to the quantity mo
9、de and financial engineering methods used by international advanced bawing the regulations ofcommercial banks,the syntaxes to other departments and detailed operational conditional have not been taken into consideratiders is quite serious in the internal control procrol problems to some extent and t
10、he happening of operational risk in these occupatitruct the awareness of risk managemnd operational risk is throughout the whole process of the busin staff,not the responsibility of the management team of the bhe importance of operational risk,especially for the senior managers,who should have a who
11、le understanding of the risk management and shoulder the responsibility of risk management so that they can set an example for staff at all levemn our country is the linear structure as head office,tier-one branch,sub-branch and local braadually declined and there are possibilities that the informat
12、ion would not mallow the virtuous circle of risk identification,risk assessment,risk transfer or management,risk monitoring and risk report and coordinates with the established risk management environment,risk management strategies and policgement methn methods,do more research on operational risk m
13、anagement model so that theattributes of potential operational risks and the existing ones can be recognized and evaluated by means of quantitatively and objectively assess the risk management level of commercial banknd release the risk while controlling the occurrence and consequences of operationa
14、l ri external monitorhe foundation of recognizing,preventing and controlling operational riisk should be carried out,especially for new businear risk report system and elaborate the standard,frequency,lines and quality of the report to increase the efficiency ofinformation flow and enhance commercia
15、l banks ability of reflect to rnfor better to establish Regulators Certification Sysof the main reasons of operational risk of our commercial banking is the fraud,which is a consequence of the violation of rules of the internal staff,so more management on human resources has a significant effect on
16、the control of the rihe staff temploying and handsome salary should be offered openly to the ones with high competence and honeaff to control the occurrence of the risk,and on the other hand,these highly competence talents would recognize and assess the potential risks and take measures to prevent them in an early st 责任编辑:李孟阳)
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