基于顾客感知分析我国网络营销现状张敏 摘要:随着互联网的迅猛发展,网络营销如雨后春笋般大有蔓延之势,直接冲击着各种传统营销方式,网上购物的数字也在逐年不断的上升,充分显示了网上业务生机无限。同时,网络本身的特点和消费者个性化需求也促成了网络营销的发展。本文在对顾客感知价值理论研究成果回顾和分析的基础上,对我国购物网站的建立和营销提出一些启示。Abstract: With the swift and violent development of the internet, network marketing is increasingly active, which has a direct impact on the traditional sales mode. The number of the Internet shopping is mounting year by year as well, that shows the limitless life and enchantment. At the same time, the characteristics of