试以斐波那契数列为例谈谈中学生数学兴趣的培养姓名 韩璐璐 学号 1 指导老师 荆科摘要 本文以人们熟悉的斐波那契数列为例,通过分析类比,揭示斐波那契数列的性质,并表述如何培养中学生数学兴趣。通过斐波那契数列的几个实例,求出数列的通项公式,讨论斐波那契数列的实际应用,说明如何培养中学生数学兴趣。关键词 斐波那契数列 通项公式 数学兴趣培养Try to talk about the cultivation of students mathematical interest in the Fibonacci seriesAbstract In this paper, the familiar Fibonacci sequence, for example, by analyzing analog, reveal the nature of the Fibonacci sequence, and demonstrate how to train high school students mathematical interest. Fibonacci seque