中文英文中文英文英语考试及格pass in English考试及格pass the exam做某事失败fail in doing sth.未能做某事fail to do sth.讨厌做某事hate doing/ to do sth.振作点,别灰心cheer up/ open up在的顶部at the top of挨着我next to me门的钥匙the key to the door听见某人做某事hear sb. do sth.听见某人正在做某事hear sb. doing sth.玩得高兴enjoy oneself玩得高兴have a good time看一些朋友meet/ see some friends回家晚come home late十点半half past ten回家如此之早come home so early十八岁eighteen years old十八岁的女孩an eighteen-year-old gir