无线GPRS、CDMA技术在SCADA系统中的应用Application of Wireless GPRS and CDMA Technologies in the SCADA System摘要:该论文介绍无线GPRS、CDMA通讯技术在SCADA系统中应用,包含了系统网络结构搭建、软/硬件配置方式、应用特点、功能实现等内容。关键词:SCADA系统 、无线GPRS、CDMA、PLC、RTU、通讯接口、通讯软件Abstract: This article introduces the application of wireless GPRS and CDMA technologies (VPN and VPDN) in the SCADA system. It describes the application characteristics and how to establish the SCADA system, configure software and hardware for the system, and implement SCADA funct