中国宴席菜名大全P-RP扒白条 Braised pork slices扒鲍鱼菜心 Braised abalone and vegetable扒海羊 Braised lamb chop suey扒鸡 Braised chicken扒鸡腿 Braised chicken leg扒龙须鲍鱼 Brised abalone with asparagus扒龙须莱心 Braised asparagus with hearts of green vegetable扒龙须香菇 Braised asparagus and mushroom扒牛柳白菌 Braised fillet of beef with white mushroom扒牛柳葱 Braised steak with sliced scallion扒牛柳鸡肝 Braised diced beef and chickens liver扒牛柳配菜 Braised beef with vegetables扒裙边 Braised“skirt