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1、About Christmas The translation of “Christ mass”. A mass is a kind of church service. Every year December 25th, Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ celebrate the day, on Christmas day, most of the Catholic church will first on December 24, Christmas Eve, that is, the date, December 25, he

2、ld at midnight mass, and some of the Christian church will hold good tidings, and then celebrate Christmas on December 25, And another big branch, orthodox Christian Christmas celebration in every year on January 7th. Because regard it as the birthday of Jesus to celebrate, so also known as Christma

3、s. On this day, the world are special Christmas services in Christian churches all over. Christmas is also a public holiday and many other areas in the western world.Origin of the festival The sun gods birth On December 25, was in 274 the Roman emperor good ole specified to celebrate the official Ro

4、man empire to celebrate the sun god in Syria and Iran helios mitra festival Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (meaning “invincible sun“ birthday), the festival lasted until the banned after Christianity were identified as the state religion. Syria baalism ancient Rome was the first king Anthony yunus (Marc

5、us Antoninus) into the Roman empire also replaced the Lord god Jupiter, and become a national holiday in good ole king periods. This day is to celebrate the rebirth or return of the sun, because that day was the date of the shortest day of the year, expressed in the concept of China is refers to the

6、 winter festival of the Roman calendar.Festival customs Westerners with red, green, white tricolor as the Christmas color, Christmas comes every household is decorated with Christmas colors. Red with Christmas flowers and Christmas candles. Green is the Christmas tree. It is the main Christmas decor

7、ations, with cut down to Chinese fir, lipper category is the evergreen tree of tower decoration. Hanging above the colorful lights, gifts and paper flowers, also lit Christmas candles. Christmas ball of red and white set each other off becomes an interest is Santa Claus, he is the most popular figur

8、e in Christmas activities. Before going to sleep on Christmas Eve, the children want to be in front of the fireplace or put a sock beside a pillow, waiting for Santa Claus to fill it in the gift is put in the socks. In the west, playing Santa Claus is also a kind of custom. The Christmas tree is one

9、 of the most famous traditional Christmas celebrations. Usually people before and after Christmas tree evergreen plants such as pine trees get into the house or in the outdoor, with Christmas lights and color decoration decoration. And put an angel or stars on the top of the tree. Christmas CARDS is

10、 very popular in the United States and Europe, is also one of the ways in which to maintain distance relatives and friends relationship. Many families with CARDS take annual family photo or family news, news generally includes family members in the past year the advantages of the specialty, etc. The

11、 first is before the big one pair of red socks, size, informality. Because Christmas is used socks loaded gifts, so is childrens favorite things, evening they would hang their socks in the bed and wait for the next morning gifts received. That is a red hat, it is said that evening wear the sleeping

12、in addition to have to sleep well and a little warm outside, the second day you will find in the hat too much beloved gift. It rave nights in the leading role, whether you went to which corner can see all kinds of Christmas hats. Christmas dinner As the Chinese Spring Festival to eat the meal, europ

13、eans and americans celebrate Christmas is also pay attention to the whole family gather around the tree, in the holiday meal. The custom of the Christmas dinner eat Turkey began in 1620. This custom is filled in the United States. The British Christmas dinner is roast goose, rather than Turkey. Australians love on Christmas night, the whole family last-borns on about friends and relatives in droves to the restaurant to eat a Christmas dinner, among them, Turkey, la chicken, roast cowboy meat and pig leg is essential, at the same time accompanied by wine, eat all happy.

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