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Chapter Two Establishment of Business Relations 建立商业关系.ppt

1、 To establish business relations with prospective dealers is one of the vitally important measures either for a newly established firm or an old one that wishes to enlarge its business scope and turnover. No customers, no business.Chapter TwoEstablishment of Business Relations WHY ? HOW?1. Web2. Ban

2、ks3. Commercial Counsellors Office4. Chambers of Commerce in foreign countries5. Trade Directory6. Advertisements7. Attendance at trade fairs and exhibitions held at home and abroad8. Mutual visits by trade delegations and groupsMerchants may be approached through the following channels:Key Words &

3、Expressionsestablish business relations business scope import export importer exporter commercial counsellors office chamber of commerce credit standing LLetter 1 Self-introduction Language Points1. owe v. 应该把 归功于,(后接介词 to)1) He owes his success to the open-policy.他把他的成功归功于开放政策。2) to owe your name a

4、nd address to承蒙 告知贵公司行名和地址(获悉贵公司行名和地址要感激 )q 类似的表达法还有: to be indebted to for your name and address to come to know the name and address of your firm through through the courtesy of we come to know your name and address to have obtained your name and address from to have noted your name and address to

5、 be recommended to sb. by on the recommendation of We owe your name and address to the Chamber of Commerce in your city. Language Points2. the Commercial Counselors Office 商务参赞处You are informed that the goods under your Order No.616 have been ready for shipment. 得知贵公司行名和地址要感谢您瑞士驻北京大使馆商务参赞处。v Practic

6、eWe owe your name and address to the Commercial Counsellors Office of the Swiss. 3. inform v. 通知 inform sb of sth. 通知某人某事 inform sb. that 通知某人某事 be informed that 兹通知v PracticePlease inform us of the name of steamer and date of shipment.请告知船名和装运期。2) 兹通知你方第 616号订单项下的货物已备妥待运。 Language Points你们应该充分利用图书馆

7、的书籍。We are in market for Groundnuts.4. be in the market for 欲购;想买一位日本客户拟购绿茶。1) One of our clients in Japan is in the market for green tea.2) 我们想要购买花生。5. avail oneself of v. 利用借此机会对你方的密切合作表示感谢。1)We avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our thanks for your close cooperation.2)You should avail

8、 yourselves of the books in the library. a state-operated corporation / a public-owned corporation a private corporation 私有公司 / 企业q 类似的表达方式:7. a government-owned corporation( enterprise) 国有公司 /企业6. in the hope of 希望 (后接动名词) Language Points8. handle v. 经营(某种或某类商品)q 类似的表达法还有: to trade in to deal in be

9、 in line Language PointsWe have been for many years in the chemical line.v Practice我们是国营公司,专门经营棉布的进出口业务。1) We are a state-operated company, handling exclusively the import and export of Cotton Piece Goods.我们经营各种各样的棉布。2) We trade in all kinds of cotton piece goods.3) They are mainly dealing in fertil

10、izers.他们主要经营化肥。我们从事化工产品这一行业已有多年。 Language Points9. acquaint v. 熟悉;了解to acquaint sb. with sth. 使某人了解某事be/get well acquainted with sth. 熟悉(了如指掌)v Practice1) We want to acquaint ourselves with the supply position of crude oil in your country.我们想了解贵国的原油供应情况。2) We are well acquainted with the market condition in your neighboring countries.我们对你们邻国的市场情况了如指掌。

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