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1、英语培训一、基本礼貌接待英语1、称呼语:先生 sir 夫人(女士)madam / maam 小姐 miss 女士们先生们 Ladies and gentlemen2、欢迎光临我们酒店!Welcome to our hotel.3、祝您在我们酒店过得愉快。Please enjoy your stay in our hotel. Have a nice stay. / Enjoy your stay with us.4、愿您如同在家一样舒适。Wish you feel at home.5、早上好/下午好/晚上好。Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good even

2、ing.6、很高兴(再次)见到您。Glad to meet you (again). / Nice to see you (again). Its good to see you (again)7、您来这儿我们很高兴。Glad to have you here.8、祝您玩得愉快。Please have a good time. / Please enjoy yourself.9、祝您生日快乐。Happy birthday to you!10、圣诞节快乐!Merry Christmas!11、新年快乐!Happy New Year!12、新春快乐!Happy Spring Festival!13

3、、祝贺!Congratulations!14、致以良好的祝愿!Best wishes / regards to you.15、请这边走。This way, please.16、您先请。After you, please. / Please you first.17、请便。/用吧。Go a head, please.18、请跟我来。Follow me, please. / Come with me, please.19、您慢走。/请留心走。Please watch your step.20、请在这儿休息。Please take a rest here.21、当心。/请留神。/请注意。Look o

4、ut, please. / Take care, please. / Attention, please. Be careful, please.22、请乘电梯。Please take lift (elevator).23、乘电梯请这边走。Your lift is this way.24、请一直往前走。Straight on, please. / Keeping going, please.25、请向左/右转。Please turn left / right.26、请上/下楼. Please go upstairs / downstairs.27、请稍等.Wait a moment, plea

5、se. / Just a moment, please.28、请进. Come in, please.29、请坐. Sit down, please. / Be seated, please. / Have (Take) a seat, please.30、请看一看.Please have a look at it.31、请给我看一看. Show me, please. Could I see it, please. Please let me have a look at it.32、请问要多久. How long will it take?33、请原谅我. I beg your pardo

6、n, please. / Forgive me, please.34、请再说一遍. Pardon, please. / Please repeat it.35、请不要拘束. Please make yourself at home.36、照顾不周的地方,请多多指教. If we have shortcomings, please point out.37、请提出宝贵意见。Any comments and suggestions are welcome.38、我来给您带路吧。Let me lead the way, please.39、地很滑,请小心走。Its slippery. Please

7、mind your feet.40、您愿意的话,就办吧。Do as you please.41、您过来吧。Come on, please.42、慢慢来,别急。Take your time, please. Take it easy. Dont worry about it. Dont be worried.43、请稍等(别挂) 。 (电话用语)Hold on (the line), please.44、请挂掉。 (电话用语)Hang up, please.45、请放心。Please set your heart at ease.46、请稍等,我马上把它改过来。Please wait a mom

8、ent while I correct it.47、让我来询问此事,我会尽快答复您。Let me inquire about it and Ill let you know as soon as possible.48、需要帮助,请打电话到总台询问。If you need any help, please make a call to the front desk.49、我能帮您的忙吗? May/Can I help you? Let me give you a hand, please. 50、我能为您做点什么?What can I do for you? What would you li

9、ke me to do for you?51、需要我帮忙吗?Anything I can do for you?52、还有别的事情需要我帮忙吗?Anything else I can do for you? Anything else?53、请告诉我您的房间号码,可以吗?May I know your room number, please?54、我可以耽误您一会儿的时间吗?May I take up a few minutes of your time, please?55、请问(您要)多少?How many(much), please?56、请问你们一共多少人?How many of yo

10、u in all, please?57、请问哪个(位)?Which one, please?58、请问什么时候?Whats the time, please? When for, please?59、请问您要怎么办(怎样处理)?How will you do it, please?60、您想要(吃、喝等)什么?What would you like to have?61、我把它放在这儿好吗?May I leave it here?62、我把它拿走好吗?May I take it away?63、我做这件事情您介意吗?Would mind me doing that?64、 (您)有什么事?/

11、出了什么事? / 得了什么病?Whats wrong with you? Whats the matter with you? / Whats up?65、发生了什么事?What has happened?66、还有什么吗?/ 就这些吗? Is that all?67、非常感谢。Thanks very much.68、请问一个问题好吗?May I trouble you with a question?69、满意了吗?Is it satisfactory?70、是您打电话要求服务吗?Did you call for service?71、现在情况怎么样?Hows it going now?72

12、、请您签上您的姓名好吗?Could you sign your name, please?73、希望您不会介意在此等一会儿吧。Would you mind waiting, please?74、这是表格,请您登记好吗?Here is the form,. Will you register, please?75、都准备好了吗?Is everything done ( ready)?76、这是您所有的东西吗?Is this all you have?77、我带您到您的房间好吗?May I show you to your room?78、您有什么问题吗?/ 什么事呢? Whats your tr

13、ouble? / Whats the problem?79、对了吗?Is that correct?80、这样行吗?Is that all right?81、您什么时候需要呢?When do you need it? / What time do you want it?82、您能否说得详细一点?Could you give me some more details?83、这些够了吗?Is that enough?84、我帮您拿,好吗?Shall I get one for you?85、现在可以办了吗?Could I do it now?86、什么时候方便呢?When will it be

14、convenient?87、我们走吧,好吗?Lets go, shall we?88、请等一等,好吗?Would you care to wait?89、这会打扰您吗? Will it disturb you?90、这/那个怎么样? What about this / that?91、您觉得这/那个怎么样? How do you like this / that?92、抱歉(对不起/请原谅) 。 Sorry./ Im sorry.93、对不起,打扰您了。Im sorry to trouble you. Im sorry to disturb you.Im sorry to bother you

15、.94、失礼了。Sorry for my impoliteness. 95、对不起,打扰一下好吗?Excuse me for interrupting you.96、对不起,这是我的错。Im sorry. Its my fault.97、对不起,耽搁了。We are sorry for the delay.98、对不起,让您久等了。Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long.99、您在我们酒店住宿期间一切都满意吗?Is everything satisfaction to you during your stay in our hotel?100、抱歉得

16、很,耽误了您这么多的时间。Im sorry to have taken up so much of your time.101、我妨碍您了吗? Am I in your way.102、请原谅我的粗心。 Please excuse my carelessness.103、希望您能原谅我。 I hope youll pardon me.104、我必须向您道歉。 I must apologize to you.105、费神了。 Im much obliged to you. / Much obliged.106、麻烦您了。 Thanks for the trouble.107、谢谢, 谢谢您了。

17、Thanks , Thank you.108、您太好了。 Its very kind (good / nice) of you109、您想得十分周到。 Its most thoughtful of you.110、我应该非常感谢您。 I should appreciate it very much.111、谢谢您的等候 / 帮助。 Thanks for your waiting / help.112、是的。/ 不,不是。 Yes. / No, not.113、我明白/知道了。 I see. / I understand.114、一点也不麻烦。 No trouble at all. / No b

18、other at all.115、我很高兴为您效劳。 Glad to be of service. / My pleasure.116、我很高兴给您帮了个忙。 Glad to have been of help.117、谢谢您的赞美。 Thank you for your compliments.118、那不要紧。/ 没关系。 Thats quite all right. / It doesnt matter. / Never mind.119、啊,没什么。 Oh, it is nothing.120、别介意。/ 别提了。 Dont bother about that. / Dont ment

19、ion it.121、我保证不会再次发生类似的事情。 I assure it wont happen again.122、我马上调查此事。 Ill look into the matter at once.123、谢谢您告诉我们。 Thank you for telling us.124、这是我的错,向您道歉。 Please accept an apology for my fault.125、我们会记下您的要求。 Well note down your request.126、没问题。 No problem.127、我帮您查一下。 Ill check it for you.128、我们会尽早

20、通知您。 Well inform you as soon as possible.129、这是我的职责(应该做的) 。 Its part of my service. / Its my duty.130、我们会负责此事。 Well see to it.131、我们会派人(来)去取。 Well have someone fetch it.132、我跟您去(走) 。 Ill come after you.133、我们将随时为您效劳(提供服务) 。Ill put myself at your service at any time.134、没关系, 不用谢。 Thats all right. / Y

21、ou are welcome. / At your service.135、这是我应该做的。 Thats what I should do. / Its the least I could do.136、我将按照您的吩咐办。 Ill do what you told me.137、我对此感到抱歉。 I feel sorry about that.138、别担心,我会给您办的。 Dont worry. Leave it to me.139、别担心,我会给您安排的。 Dont worry, We can arrange it for you.140、肯定, 一定。 Certainly. / Sur

22、e.141、当然(不) 。 Of course. Of course not.142、我认为是这样。/ 我认为不是这样。 I think so. / I dont think so.143、能帮助您是我的荣幸。 Its a privilege for me to help you.144、我一会儿就来。 Ill be with you in a moment.145、我来查一下,并会尽快打电话给您。Ill check it, and call you as soon as possible.146、请原谅,我没听明白您说什么。 Pardon. Im afraid I dont follow (

23、catch) you.147、 (我们)到了。 Here we are at your destination.148、打扰您了,请多多包涵。 Please excuse my disturbing you.149、再见。 / 再会。 Goodbye. / See you. / So long. / Farewell.150、晚安,祝您睡个好觉。 Good night. Have a good dream (sleep).151、回头见。 See you later.152、明天见。 See you tomorrow.153、祝您一路顺风。 Good luck. / Have a good j

24、ourney.154、一路平安。 Bon Voyage.155、请多保重。 Take care, please.156、祝您旅途愉快。 Pleasant journey .157、祝您归途愉快。 Pleasant journey home.158、希望再次见到您。 Hope to see you again.159、我们期待您的再次光临。 We look forward to your visit again.160、请再次光临。 Please call again. 二、岗位英语前厅各岗位英语前厅部前台/收银-Reservation / Reception / Information / c

25、ashiers职位名称: 接待员 receptionist 收银员 cashier 行李员 bellman / bellboy ./ porter 5、门僮 doorman 职员 clerk / employee / personnel / staff 话务员 operator 大堂副理 assistant manager词汇:1、预订 reservation / book 2、接待 reception / receive 3、问询 information / inquiry 4、收银 cashier 5、客满 be full up / no vacancy 6、超订 overbooking

26、7、开房/ 入住 checking in 8、退房 checking out 9、房费 room rate (price / charge / rent / tariff)10、免费 free of charge / complimentary 11、昂贵 expensive / dear 12、便宜 cheap 13、( 价格)合理 reasonable 14、折价 discount rate 15、 (预订/登记)表格/ 单 (registration)form /list16、抵达日期/入住日期 arrival date/in date 17、离开日期 departure date /

27、out date 18、开房通知单 accommodation advice 19、拟住天数 length of stay 20、全名 full name 21、姓 family name / last name 22、名 first name / surname 23、 曾用名 former name 24、国籍 nationality25、职业profession / occupation / position26、出生地 place of birth 27、出生日期 date of birth 28、从何处来 where from 29、到何处去 where to 30、 (入境)签证(

28、entry) visa 31、签名 sign (your) name / signature 32、护照 passport 33、身份证 identity card 34、名片 name (visit) card 35、 (各类)证件 voucher 36、价目表 price list 37、延期 postpone / extension 38、保留 keep 39、取消 cancel / cancellation 40、预付定金(押金)advance deposit 41、黑名单 black list 42、预抵日期 expected arrival date 43、预离日期 expecte

29、d departure date 44、提前离店 under stay 45、延期离店 / 延迟离店 over stay / late check-out 46、淡季/ 平季 low season / slack season 47、旺季 high season 48、付款方式 payment method 49、常住客 regular guest 50、长住客 long staying guest 51、统计表 control sheet 52、支票/旅行支票 check / travelers check 53、信用卡 credit card 54、回扣 /佣金 commission 55

30、、挂帐 city ledger 56、平均房价 average room rate 57、预订提前期 booking lead time 58、确认类订房 confirmed reservation 59、停止出售客房的日期 closed date 60、客人已支付费用的住宿凭证 coupon 61、留房截止日期 cut-off-date 62、半天用房 day use 63、零星散客 Family & Individual Tourist (FIT)64、自由销售free sales 65、保证类订房 guaranteed reservation 66、客史档案 guest history

31、record 67、饭店连锁 hotel chain 68、工作日记本 log book 69、订房不到 No-show 70、待修房 out of order 71、包价服务 package service 72、标准房价 rack rate 73、接车服务 pickup service 74、订房预测 room forecast 75、团体分房名单 rooming list 76、客房种类 room type / room category 77、客房状态 room status 78、换房 room change 79、故意逃帐者 skipper 80、外宿 sleep out 81、高

32、价类房按低价出售(升级)upgrade 82、推销更高价格的客房 up-selling 83、等候名单 waiting list 84、叫醒服务 wake-up service 85、留言服务 left message service 86、团队group 87、散客 walk-in 88、钥匙存放处 key drop 89、总钥匙 master key 90、兑换凭证memo 91、买/卖价 buying / selling rate 92、钞票 bank note 93、钱、货币 money / currency 94、汇款 remittance 95、兑换率 exchange rate

33、96、汇票 bank draft 97、银行 bank 98、现金cash 99、零钱 change 100、手续费 service charge / procedure fee 101、信汇、电汇 mail transfer 102、换算率 conversion rate 103、利息 interest 104、帐单 bill / chit 105、贵重物品寄存 valuable (safe) deposit 106、房卡 room card 107、发票/ 收据 invoice / receipt 108、保险箱 safe-box109、单人床 single bed 110、双人床 dou

34、ble-size bed 111、大双人床 Queen-size bed 112、加宽双人床 King-size bed 113、沙发床 studio 114、婴儿床 cot 115、内景房 inside room 116、外景房 outside room 117、连通房 connecting room 118、相邻房 adjoining room 119、钟点房价 hour rate 120、总数 amount 121、更改 amendments122、卡条/单 slip123、统计 statistics124、汇总表 conventional chart 125、密度表 density c

35、hart 126、 (预订)截止表the stop-going chart 127、打时机 time and date stamping machine 128、婉拒(预订)turning down 129、致歉函 Regret Letter 130、记录存档 recordkeeping 131、口头确认/书面确认verbal (written)form 132、抵店前准备 prior to the arrivals 133、结帐 settle account134、人民币 Renminbi (RMB)135、美元 U.S. dollar 136、港元 Hongkong dollar 137、

36、日元 Japanese yen 138、英镑 pound 139、天气预报 weather forecast 140、晴天 sunny 141、阴天(多云)cloudy 142、刮风 windy 143、雾天 foggy 144、雨天 rainy 145、小雨 drizzling 146、亚热带海洋性气候 subtropical & maritime climate 147、无风 calm 148、湿度 humidity 149、温度temperature 150、委托代 extra service151、东 east /东西 west east/东南 southeast/东北northeas

37、t 152、南 south/南北 northsouth153、西 west 西南 southwest/西北 northwest154、北north 155、摄氏度 centigrade 156、一级风 light air 157、二级风 light breeze 158、三级风gentle breeze 159、四级风 moderate breeze 160、五级风 fresh breeze 161、六级风 strong breeze 162、七级风 moderate ( near)gale 163、八级风 fresh gale 164、九级风 strong gale 165、十级风 whol

38、e gale 166、十一级风 storm 167、十二级风 hurricane 168、台风 typhoon 169 、欢迎卡 Key card/ Hotel Passport 170、承诺付款书 Guarantee of Payment 171、客房钥匙准用单 key permit 172、计账 folio storage 173、备用钥匙柜 spare parts用语:1. Good morning, This is Room Reservation / Front Reception, may I help you?2. For how many nights / days, plea

39、se?3. For which date, please? / When for, please?4.How many people are there in your party? / How many of you in all, please?5.What kinds of room would you need?6. Have you made a reservation with us? / Do you have a reservation with us?7. Excuse me, may I have your full name, please? / Excuse me, m

40、ay I know your full name, please?8.How do you spell your name, please?9. What time do you expect to arrive?10. May I have / know your telephone number?11. Who is the reservation for?12. Just a moment, please. Ill check the arrival list / room availability.13. Could I see your passport / identity car

41、d, please/14. How many nights will you be staying? / How long will be staying?15.Would you help me fill out this form, please? / Would you fill out this form, please?16. Could you sign your name, please?17. In whose name was the reservation for?18. Would a double room do?19. Is it just for tonight?2

42、0. What was the date of the reservation?21. When did you make the reservation?22.Who made the reservation, please?23. Its all right / available for the 26th, but not the 27th.24. Please go to the cashier to pay the advanced deposit.25. A single room or a double room/26. Breakfast is included.27. Cou

43、ld I suggest a double room?28. Youll have to pay half of the rate more if you leave after 12:00 at noon.29.Im afraid we are fully booked on that night, is it possible for you to change the date?30. We cant guarantee for the rooms, if without advanced deposit.31. We might have cancellation if the arr

44、ival time passes six p.m. and you might get the deposit.32. Sorry, the rooms are all occupied. May I contact another hotel for you?33. Your room number is 1603 on the 16th floor in the main building, and here is the key.34. Thank you for waiting, sir. Im afraid his name is not on the list.35. Do you

45、 have a letter or telex conforming the reservation.36. Do you know which unit / group is responsible for the reception of your friend?37. Id like to confirm your reservation: Mr. Black from Washington, United States of America , A standard single room at 360 yuan per night for three nights from May

46、6th to 9th, and your telephone number is 63288802, the reservation is with name of John Smith.38. Ill give you the accommodation advice.39. Im afraid he has cancelled the reservation.40. Im afraid he is not occupying that room.41. Im afraid he is out for the day, could you call again later, please?42. Im afraid there is no guest with that name.43. Im sorry, but I have no record of a reservation in your name.44. Im sorry, Im afraid he has already checked out.45. Mr. John Smith from England wants to see you.46. Would you leave a message? Well inform him when he comes.47

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